Семинар 2 Роль словаря в переводеСеминар 2 Роль словаря в переводе
1. Типы и виды словарей. 2. Электронные словари и программы-переводчики. 3. Типы словарных соответствий. 4. Контекст (узкий и широкий), внеязыковая ситуация; их роль в уточнении значения слова в тексте и выборе соответствия при переводе. 5. Контекстуальное значение. 6. Словарная статья. 7. Ложные друзья переводчика ЗАДАНИЯ (контекст и ложные друзья переводчика) Задание № 1 Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык. Обратите внимание на слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом, которые требуют описательного перевода: 1. «Rain» is the name-story of the recently published collection of Somerset Maugham's stories. 2. Some people think that drug-taking is a form of escapism. 3. Apart from being tough by nature, Senator Jackson was а hardliner in politics. The very idea of a compromise was foreign to him. 4. We were running short of petrol. The filling station was a couple of miles away from where we were. So Peter coasting along downhill to save petrol. 5. One of the first acts of Parliament to save the environment was the Clean Air Act.
Задание № 2 Переведите следующие предложения, стараясь найти контекстуальные соответствия для слов, выделенных жирным шрифтом: 1. I recall no writer, no sociologist, historian or journalist who captured so memorably the condition of his time as Charlie Chaplin did in his film "Modern Times"... This film portrays a time of unemployment and simultaneously the march of machines. 2. Nowadays some catastrophic weather changes are an example of the environment striking back at people. 3. In Britain, though most immigrants have citizenship rights, private resentment is on the increase. 4. It was a friendly and comfortable room and, ordinarily, Scarlett liked the quiet hours which the family spent there after supper. 5. In France most foreign workers hold down unskilled, menial jobs that French workers usually scorn– on assembly lines and cleaning streets.
Задание № 3 Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на имена собственные и географические названия:
1. Еlton College was founded by King Henry VI in 1440, when he was only eighteen. 2. Henry James is still read, discussed, admired. 3. Now Ceasar's position grew critical, as he was vulnerable to attack from the rear. 4. The silver Snake River cuts through hilly western Idaho. 5. А hundred paces from this fountainhead of the Danube lies the water-head of the Rhine, which ends its 820-mile course in the North Sea. 6. The Duke of Buckingham failed to induce Louis ХIII and Richelieu to adopt his grandiose scheme to attack the Spanish Netherlands. Задание № 4 Прочтите английское толкование приводимых ниже слов — «ложных друзей переводчика». Переведите иллюстрирующие их при меры: Примечание. Английское слово толкуется лишь в тех своих значениях, которые расходится со значениями его русского аналога. 1. pilot, n. 1. a person with a special knowledge of a particular stretch of water, esp. the entrance to a harbour, and is trained and specially employed to go on board and guide ships; 2. a person who directs, advises or guides through difficulties. a) No ship is allowed to enter a port without a pilot. b) He was my pilot through many expeditions.
2. academic, adj. too much concerned with theory and logic not sufficiently practical, of no practical consequence. The argument supplied by the opposition was purely academic and failed to convince anyone with a practical mind.
3. extravagant, adj, 1. (of people) wasteful, esp. of money; 2. (of habits and behaviour) too costly, We mustn't buy roses — it is too extravagant in winter. The young woman was a very extravagant person — she never cared to look at the price when she bought things.
4. extravagance, n. an example of being extravagant. His extravagance explains why he is always in debt.
5. actual, adj. existing in fact, real. It is an actual fact, I haven't invented it. What is the actual state of affairs?
6. alternative, adj. (of 2 things) that may be used, had, done etc. instead of another, other. We returned by the alternative road.
7. attack, n. a sudden or unexpected period of suffering illness, esp. one which tends to return. The members of the expedition were totally exhausted bi regular attacks of malaria.
8. resident, n. a person who lives (in a place) and is not just a visitor. The name of the man you are looking for may be familiar to the permanent residents of the village.
9, residence, n. the state of residing. Residence abroad is very important in studying a foreign language.
10. scandal, n. true or false talk which brings harm, shame, or disrespect to another, or damages smb's reputation. a) It's no good repeating scandal about your close friend. b) Society people usually enjoy a bit of scandal.
11. sensation, n. a general feeling in the mind or body that one cannot describe exactly. I knew the train had stopped but t had the sensation that it was moving backwards.
12. intelligent, adj. having or showing power of reasoning and understanding, having a good mental capacity. It takes a great deal of imagination to take these strange radio signals for a message from intelligent beings inhabiting distant planets.
13. intelligence, n. the power of seeing, learning, understanding and knowing; mental ability. When the water-pipe burst, she had the intelligence to turn the water off at the main.
14. interest, n. 1. money paid for the use of money; payment, or a sum paid for the use of money borrowed; 2. a share in a company, business, etc. a) He received a loan at the bank at 6% interest, b) Cowperwood had an interest in this business and hoped to reap good profit.
15. officer, n. a person with a position of authority or trust, engaged in active duties; a person who holds a position of some importance, esp. in government, a business, or a group. a) Manson tried to contact the medical officer to report about the outbreak of a typhoid epidemic in his district and to ask for instructions. b) Old Mrs. Bridge was so incompetent in legal matters that the very thought of dealing with officers of the court made her shudder.
16. control, v. 1, to have power over someone or something; rule; 2. to have directing influence over someone or something; direct; fix the time, amount degree, rate of (an activity); 3. regulate.
a) Not only does the Sun control the motion of the Earth and other planets, but all forms of life owe their very existence to the energy it radiates. b) The pressure of steam in the engine is controlled by this button. c) I wish he could control his excessive pride. d) At that time Rome controlled a vast empire. e) If the Conservative Government fails to control price the country's economy may soon find itself in a mess.
17. control, n. 1. power or authority to direct, order or restrain; 2. management, guidance; 3. means of regulating, restraining, keeping order.
a) Remote control from the Earth makes it possible to opera the most sophisticated equipment on any unmanned space vehicle. b) Control of epidemics involves mass vaccination. c) Which party has control of the Congress?
18. pamphlet, n. a small paper-covered book, esp. on a question of public interest. The report was issued in pamphlet form and occupied 30 pages.
19. student, n. (of smth.) a person with a stated interest; anyone who is devoted to the acquisition of knowledge. The recently published work of the world-known ornithologist will be interesting to any student of bird-life.
20. fraction, n. a very small piece or amount. Mrs. Oats was rather a close-fisted lady and usually spent only a small fraction of her earnings.
21. catholic, adj. (esp. of likings and interests) general, widespread, broad-minded; liberal, including many or most things. This artist had not only a true appreciation of the old masters, but a good understanding of the moderns. In fact, he was a man of catholic views.
22. decade, n. a period of 10 years. Prices have risen steadily during the past decade.
Задание № 5 Переведите следующие предложения, обращая особое внимание на слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом. Среди них вам могут встретиться и «ложные друзья переводчика»: 1. Caroline was a dedicated athlete. Her elder sister nicknamed her "Miss Wimbledon". 2. Eddie was convinced that body-building exercises could turn any weakling into an athlete. 3. The recent governmental crisis has brought about a reshuffle of the Cabinet. 4. Mrs. Leary was proud of her collection of fine china which was displayed in two walnut cabinets in her parlour. 5. It was obvious that the collapse of the bridge which was heavily guarded by the German troops was definitely not a mere accident but an act of sabotage. 6. The deliberate disregard for the administration's instructions on the part of the staff was nothing but sabotage. 7. He was a young man of about eighteen, tall and wellbuilt, but with a sallow complexion which suggested poor health. 8. By the time the expedition was reached by the rescue party the men had run out of food and had been living for several days on biscuits and water. 9. In the highly unsanitary conditions of the little African village every minor disease may prove fatal. 10. Among Shakespeare's characters Hamlet is the one that allows of dozens of interpretations. 11. The rich collection of Egyptian parchments treasured at the Cairo museum keeps a record of the ancient civilization. 12. Peter kept practicing for months because he was set on breaking his own last year's recordin the high jump. Задание № 6 Переведите на русский язык, обращая особое внимание на слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом: 1. Не went to the telephone and placed a person-to-person call, collect, to Mrs. Evelyn Hollenbach. 2. "Peace and prosperity" remains the GOP's best theme. 3. A radio was playing country music. 4. He became a public relations agent for General Electric, New York. 5. In the U.S. Labor Day is always celebrated on the first Monday in September. 6. On Saturday night Slim took the young man to a beer hall for a few drinks and a game of darts. 7. The customs officer asked me to step into the office. I entered the room where the Stars and Stripes stood shoulder to shoulder with the Union Jack. 8. "By the way, that is your green Ford at a parking meter outside, isn't it?" "Yes, why?" "There's a traffic warden putting a parking ticket on it." 9. The 180-ton ship «Mayflower,» carrying the Pilgrim Fathers to their new life across the Atlantic, left England on September 6th, 1620. 10. About 4,600 years ago — or may be more — the Stone Age inhabitants of Britain started building an enormous stone structure. This structure is now called Stonehenge, and it is near Salisbury, in the South of England.
Задание № 7 Переведите на русский язык: JAPAN: YOU CAN GO HOME AGAIN Seven hundred miles north of smog-choked Tokyo, an emeraldgreen island rises from the sea. At this time of the year, the air is fresh with the scent of honeysuckle and pine. The waters that wash the island's volcanic benches are unpolluted, and the deep pools that form among the rocks offshore are rich in abalone. The Japanese families who live in small fishing villages nestled at the foot of the island's craggy basalt cliffs make a good living from the sea. Most own comfortable homes, and many even have color television sets. But for all its beauty and economic vigor, a dark cloud hangs over the isle today. For like many of Japan's rural areas, the island of Rebun seems to be dying. The last ten years of economic boom have produced a severe labour shortage in Japan, leading millions of young people to forsake the villages of their ancestors and flock to the bright lights and fat salaries of the big cities. More than 500 Japanese villages have dropped off the map completely. Others have lost almost all their young people. More than 10,000 persons lived on Rebun in 1956; about 6,000 remain today. This year, 148 of the island's 166 15-year-olds moved away. Rebun has now launched a vigorous new program to stem (lie tide. The island is investing $380,000 in a new sports center to help young people while away the long harsh winters. And Mayor Kanzaburo Mukose is talking of opening up the Inland s lush interior to beef-and dairy-cattle ranching. What the leaders of Rebun really want, though, is for more of the island's young men to recognize the traditional values of the fishing life. As an incentive, the local government this year is civing a free fishing boat to any boy who opts for the sea. So far there have been fourteen takers. One who decided to remain on Rebun is Shinichi Sasaki, 15. "We have been here for three generations," his father, also a fisherman, proudly told our correspondent. In addition to tempting teenagers like Shinichi to stay, Rebun is trying to persuade those who have left to come back. This year, teams of fishermen visited Tokyo, Osaka and Sapporo to seek out the island's youngsters. 'First of all,' said the Mayor, 'we wanted to make sure they were leading good clean lives. Cities tend to corrupt simple island people. And then we began asking them to come home.' The teams persuaded a dozen to return. Other small Japanese towns report up to 40 per cent of their high-school graduates returning disillusioned after two or three years of employment in urban industry. But Rebun has another, potentially even more important weapon in the battle for survival. This summer hundreds of teenagers from Japan's cities have flocked to the island. They have come clutching their guitars and wearing their backpacks, lured by the outdoor life and the people's gentle ways. Most have left, but some 30 youngsters have prefered to stay. A few have even shown an interest in learning the fishing trade and staying on. For the fishermen of Rebun, the notion that young outsiders may choose to adopt their way of life is both fascinating and perplexing. 'After all,' said Mukose, 'isn't it rather strange that we have to fight to keep our youngsters here while more and more kids from the city come here every year?' But for the first time, an increasing number of young Japanese are rebelling against their materialistic, career-oriented society and like their brethren in Europe and US, looking for alternative life-styles.
Комментарии к тексту 1. volcanic beaches — вулканические берега Существительное beach (пляж, отлогий морской берег, взморье; отмель; берег моря между линиями прилива и отлива) следует перевести более общим словом берег. Определение вулканический, т. е. образованный стекающей вулканической лавой, достаточно полно передает характер берега (отлогий). 2. abalone — морское ушко, разновидность съедобных моллюсков 3. but for, if not for... — если бы не... В данном контексте более приемлем уступительный предлог несмотря на. 4. economic vigor (Brit, vigour) — экономическое благополучие Данная контекстуальная замена объясняется тем, что существительное vigour среди многих своих синонимов имеет health well-being. Сказать «экономическое процветание» Выло бы преувеличением, если принять во внимание контекст всей статьи, и поэтому такой перевод неточен. 5. seems to be dying — по-видимому, умирает Глагол to seem здесь переводится одним из русских модальных слов, выражающих предположение. 6. and flock to... — и толпами устремляются (отправляются и т. п.)... Глагол to flock (стекаться, скапливаться, собираться толпой толпиться, держаться вместе) принадлежит к категории так называемых «адвербиальных» глаголов, которые переводятся с помощью двух слов — глагола и наречия или же обстоятельства образа действия, выраженного сочетанием различных частей речи. Поскольку глагол to flock образован I помощью конверсии от существительного flock (стая, стадо, толпа), то он всегда выражает идею «множества». 7. fat salaries — хорошие заработки Словарный эквивалент слова salary — жалование, оклад служащего). Однако вряд ли можно предположить, что юноши, приехавшие в город из деревни, могут рассчитывать на гарантированный оклад. Им скорее всего доступна временная работа, либо тяжелая, физическая. Поэтому лучше будет воспользоваться наиболее широким по значению и нейтральным словом заработки. Прилагательное fat в том своем значении, которое могло бы относиться к заработкам (обильный, богатый), требует контекстуальной замены, т. к. сочетание обильные (богатые) заработки является нарушением норм русского языка. 8. to stem the tide — приостановить этот процесс Контекстуальная замена подсказана широким контекстом все статьи. 9. Rebun has now launched... — администрация острова разработала... Rebun is trying... — администрация острова старается... В английском языке довольно часто употребляются существительные, означающие неодушевленные предметы и понятия в роли деятеля. Поскольку русскому языку эта особенность не свойственна в такой мере, как английскому, то при переводе следует пользоваться контекстуальными заменами. 10. what the leaders of Rebun really want, though... — однако, в первую очередь, местные власти хотят... Одно из традиционных средств выражения эмфазы в английском языке — при помощи синтаксической конструкции с относительным местоимением what. Такие конструкции, как правило, выполняют функцию придаточного предложения подлежащего или дополнения. Эмфаза диктуется желанием автора выделить в предложении определенный элемент высказывания. 11. the leaders of Rebun — местные власти (контекстуальная замена) 12. to recognize the traditional values... — оценить традиционные преимущества... Глагол to recognize {признавать, осознавать, сознавать) удобнее будет перевести с помощью его контекстуального синонима оценить, когда речь идет о признании какого-либо положительного факта или явления. 13. traditional values — традиционные преимущества. Буквальный перевод традиционные ценности здесь неприемлем, т.к . у русского существительного ценности сочетаемость довольно ограничена (нравственные, вечные, куль 14. fourteen takers — четырнадцать желающих (контекстуальная замена) 15. we have been here for three generations — здесь живет уже третье поколение моей семьи Существительное generation примечательно тем, что оно может означать период времени, равный приблизительно 25-.40 годам. A generation ago — лет тридцать назад. Именно это значение имеем мы в комментируемой фразе. Об этом говорит предлог for, который во временном значении указывает на длительность. Поэтому данную фразу можно было бы перевести иначе: наша семья живет здесь почти 90 лет. 16. good clean lives — достойный образ жизни 17. cities tend to corrupt — городам свойственно развращать (контекстуальная замена) 18. people's gentle ways — доброта людей 19. isn't it rather strange... — разве это не странно... В английском языке вопросительно-отрицательные предложения могут выражать большое удивление, недоумение и проч. и при переводе, как правило, начинаются частицами нужели и разве. 20. career-oriented — честолюбивый 21. brethren — сверстники (контекстуальная замена) Существительное brethren (уст. собратья, братия) употреблено с легким шутливым оттенком, который в переводе, к сожалению, сохранить нельзя.