The brainСтр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒
Глоссарий: a network – сеть to transmit – передавать brain – мозг spinal cord – спиной мозг ganglia – нервные узлы the brain stem – кора мозга the cerebrum – головной мозг the cerebellum – мозжечок the diencephalon – промежуточный мозг approximately – приблизительно glia – глия nerve fibers – нервное волокно axon – аксон, осевой цилиндр Medulla oblongata – костный мозг the pons – варолиев мост (часть заднего мозга) the bulk – объем hemisphere – полушарие frontal lobe – лобная доля temporal lobe – височная доля parietal lobe – теменная доля occipital lobe – затылочная доля fore – передний thalamus – таламус, зрительный бугор coalesce – срастаться 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст, используя Глоссарий. The nervous system is a biological system containing a network of specialized cells called neurons that coordinate the actions and transmit signals between different parts of its body. The nervous system consists of two parts, central and peripheral. The central nervous system is divided into two major parts: the brain and the spinal cord. The peripheral nervous system consists of sensory neurons, clusters of neurons called ganglia, and nerves connecting them to each other and to the central nervous system. The brain The brain lies within the skull and is shaped like a mushroom. The brain consists of four principal parts: 1) the brain stem; 2) the cerebrum; 3) the cerebellum; 4) the diencephalon. The brain weighs approximately 1.3 to 1.4 kg. It has nerve cells called the neurons and supporting cells called the glia. There are two types of matter in the brain: grey matter and white matter. Grey matter receives and stores impulses. Cell bodies of neurons and neuroglia are in the grey matter. White matter in the brain carries impulses to and from grey matter. It consists of the nerve fibers (axons).