Контрольная работа по теме What are you going to be? ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 Контрольная работа по теме What are you going to be?
1.Match the words from lists A and B and translate them into Russian. A B 1) a pilot a) hospital 2) a cook b) workshop 3) a nanny c) a restaurant 4) a doctor d) kids 5) a mechanic e) plane 6) a librarian f) hospital 7) a manager g) a factory 8) a engineer h) a school library 9) a dentist i) a vet clinic 10) a vet j) an office 2. Choose the right variant and translate the sentences into Russian. 1 Unit 11 is about….a) profession b) education 2 Policemen and rescue team are…..professions. a) modern b) important 3 …….are popular professions a) actors and singers b) pilot and drives
4 School leavers enter…. a) institute b) offices
3. Put the following sentences into the Past Perfect tense and translate the sentences into Russian. to have dinner, to do homework, to come , to read the book, to clean the room, to go shopping, to return from Australia, to finish work 1. I went to see my friend after... 2. I watched TV after... 3. They went home after... 4. He phoned me after... 5. She went to dance after... 6. We wrote a composition after... 7. They rebuilt the house after... 8. We went for a walk after... 4. Put into the following sentences has to , have to, had to and translate them into Russian.
1. Laura is a secretary, so she often_____________ 2. Mr. Bixby is a lawyer, so he_______________ 3. Mrs. Lee had a part –time job, she____________at weekend. 4. They’ll work tomorrow, so they_________________early. 5. Joel wants to be a computer operator, he ____________well. 6. Mr. Green ____________because he was a construction worker
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