


Случайная статья

Контроль IVсеместр /  Writing/

 Контроль IVсеместр   /  Writing/

1. Find the mistakes:

1.    I prefers speaking over the telephone.

   A      B      C

2. Don’t   forget to send a telegrams.

    A           B            C

3. Who haswrote   the composition?

          A B    C

4. What doyoudoing    now?

          A B   C

5. For a registered letter you must   sticking   more stamps.

А                             В     С

6. After writing a letter I put himinto envelope.

              А                  В  С

7. This  stampsare very nice.

A   B   C

8. I veryto   receive letters.

    А В        С

2. Fill in:

1) The English language ___ one of the richest in the world.

a) must      c) is

b) should   d) are


2. While writing a composition you ____ avoid dullness.

a) have     c) shall

b) should  d) will


3. There are people who ____ like to write letters.

a) don’t                c) too

b) aren't           d) very


4. I met a group of tourists __ a foreign language.

a) spoke       c) speaking

b) speak            d) spoken


5. Most of the factories now ___ closed cycle water systems.

a) operate   c) operated

b) operator d) will operate


1. Choose the correct preposition

1) He was walking slowly ______the sea

a) on                      c) toward                               

b) b) under             d) at


2) The car ran ____ full speed.

a) over                   b) with

c) on                           d) at

3) The burglar came _______ the window  

а) through                   b) after

 c) by                          d) with        

4)  The booklet was issued ____ the government.

a) of             b) by

b) with          c) on


5) The teacher put forward the idea ___our speaking only English ____ our English lessons.

a) of; in                  b) for; on

c) about; in                  d) of; at

  6)    Pour the water ___ the glass.

         a) into     b) to

         c) on       d) for      

  7) I learnt ___ the position ____ a newspaper advertisement.

a) about; with                 c) on; in

b) of; through                    d) by; from


Тask 4 Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets.

Washington is not an _______1______(industry) city. They say it does not produce anything except for scrap paper. The ______2_______ (to populate) of the city is not big. And the city itself is _________3__________(small) in size than many other big American cities, such as New York . Chicago, Los Angeles and Detroit.


Критерии оценки:


23 – 21 баллов – 5 (отлично)

20- 18 баллов – 4 (хорошо)

17 – 13 баллов – 3 (удовлетворительно)

12- именее – 2 (неудовлетворительно)




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