Find the silent letters.. Find the adverbs of frequency (наречия частотности). How many can you see?. Complete the sentences.. Read the clues. Find the answers in the fillword. Make up the keyword.. Choose the correct preposition.. Read the sentences and
Рекомендуемое время выполнения заданий – 45 минут. 1. Find the silent letters.
A) The sactle was morrible Б) The castle gas corrimble В) The castle was horrible Г) The castle was sorrible 2. Find the adverbs of frequency (наречия частотности). How many can you see?
A) 4 Б) 6 В) 8 Г) 9 3. Complete the sentences. 1. The month that comes after July is __________. 2. The last month of the year is __________. 3. The month that comes before May is _________. 4. The first month of the year is ____________________. 5. The second month of the year is _________________. A) 1g, 2l, 3f, 4c, 5a Б) 1g, 2c, 3f, 4l, 5a В) 1e, 2l, 3b, 4c, 5a Г) 1g, 2l, 3f, 4a, 5c 4. Read the clues. Find the answers in the fillword. Make up the keyword. A) pumpkin Б) picture В) problem Г) perfect
5. Choose the correct preposition. 1. The wardrobe is _________ the woman. a) behind b) in front of c) opposite 2. The girl is ____________ the bench. a) on b) in front of c) under 3. The cat is ________ the cushions (подушки). a) between b) on c) in 4. The teacher is ______________ the board. a) in front of b) over c) next to 5. The computer is ___________ the table. a) next to b) on c) under 6. The bus is _________ the car. a) behind b) between c) opposite 7. The books are __________ the bag. a) under b) in c) on A) 1b2b3a4a5b6b7b Б) 1c2b3a4c5b6c7a В) 1b2b3c4c5b6c7c Г) 1a2b3a4c5b6c7b
6. Read the sentences and complete them with the words from the box. A) 1b2c3g4h5f6d7a8e Б) 1d2f3g4h5c6b7e8a В) 1d2a3h4g5f6b7c8e Г) 1d2c3g4h5f6b7a8e 7. Complete the conversation with articles a(an) or the where necessary. A) 1. An, 2. the, 3. The, 4. the, 5. a, 6. the, 7. a Б) 1. An, 2. a, 3. The, 4. the, 5. the, 6. the, 7. a В) 1. A, 2. a, 3. The, 4. the, 5. the, 6. the, 7. a Г) 1. An, 2. a, 3. The, 4. the, 5. the, 6. the, 7. the