Перечень вопросов, рассматриваемых в теме «Экология»:Стр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ Перечень вопросов, рассматриваемых в теме «Экология»: What issues does the environment have? The air, soil and water are polluted, the trees are being cut down. Can the humanity solve these problems? Глоссарий по теме Environmental issues should be taken into consideration as there is no person on the planet who doesn’t need air to breath or water to drink. To talk about the environmental issues such as pollution and global warming, we need the following words: adult - взрослый, adoption – взять под опеку, actually - действительно, certificate - сертификат, choose - выбирать, climate - климат, congest – перегружать, переполнять, conservation - сохранение, crop – сельскохозяйственная культура, degrees - градусы, donate – жертвовать (деньги), effort - усилие, electricity - электричество, emission - выброс, enclosure – загон, огороженное место, endangered – находящийся в опасности, genetically modified – генно модифицированный, global warming – глобальное потепление, habitat – среда обитания, improve - улучшать, increase - увеличивать, lifestyle – образ жизни, modern - современный, natural - естественный, negative - негативный, oxygen - кислород, power station - электростанция, programme - программа, quality - качество, species - виды, transport - транспорт, wildlife – дикая природа, cut down – вырубать (деревья), in return for – в оплату за, в обмен на Теоретический материал для самостоятельного изучения Many scientists all over the world are concerned about the environmental issues. They include increasing emissions of carbon dioxide, cutting down trees, pollution of water by plastic waste and pollution of soil by chemical fertilizers. We all know that environment is very important, but what do we do to protect it? Nowadays there are many different conservation programmes. One of them is “Adopt a tree” programme. All you need to do to take part is just visit their website and register. After that you may choose a tree to adopt. When you adopt a tree it means that this tree will not be cut down or harmed. So, you buy the certificate of adoption and protect the tree. Environmental issues should be taken into consideration as there is no person on the planet who doesn’t need air to breath or water to drink.