Задание на 22.04, 24.04.2020. Выполнить упр. 1-4.. Задание на 29.04 и 01.05 (или день, на который перенесут это занятие). Выполнить упр. 6 (read the rest of the article), 7 + What do you think?. Задание на 29.04 и 01.05 (или день, на который перенесут этоЗадание на 22.04, 24.04.2020 Выполнить упр. 1-4. Задание на 29.04 и 01.05 (или день, на который перенесут это занятие) Выполнить упр. 6 (read the rest of the article), 7 + What do you think? 1. The teenage years can be difficult for both children and parents. Why, do you think? What can go wrong? Why do teenagers feel the need to rebel against their parents? 2. Read the actions in the box. Decide which are very bad, and which are not very bad behavior for a teenager. Complete the chart. 3. Read the introduction and the first half of the article about Ned, Emily, and Jamie (up to “Far away…”). Which of the activities in exercise 2 were they guilty of?
Задание на 29.04 и 01.05 (или день, на который перенесут это занятие) Выполнить упр. 6 (read the rest of the article), 7 + What do you think?