Test for the course ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Test for the course ‘Political Discourse: Methods and Results of Research’
1. Relate the researcher's personality and approach to the classification of discourse theories:
a) Classification of discourse theories is based on a disciplinary-genetic approach. Discourse analysis is presented as a new cross-discipline, the development of which is associated with the constant expansion of the subject area of research. The initial stage of the formation of discourse analysis is associated with the application of methods of structural linguistics in the study of literary works and cultural myths in the late 20's - early 30's of the 20th century; b) Theory of discourse as a whole appeared in the late 70's of the 20th century as a response to the crisis of theoretical searches of "new lefts". The main goal of discourse theories is to offer a new analytical perspective in the study of ways of constructing social, political and cultural identity; c) Classification of discourse theories is based on the general idea that our way of communication not only reflects the world, identities and social relationships, but also plays an active role in its creation and change. Hence the main areas of research are critical discourse analysis and discourse psychology.
a) Jakob Torfing; b) Marianne Jorgensen and Louise Phillips; c) Teun Van Dyke.
2. Put the correct accentuation: a) Discourse is a term denoting the type of Western European intellectual strategy of the rational-classical series; b) Discourse is a term that designates only a certain linguistic phenomenon, the actualization of one of the peripheral meanings of the Latin word discursus - conversation, talk. 3. List the system-forming features of the political discourse (at least 7, total 11): _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Liberal (1) and conservative (2) discourses of the 90s of 20th century in Russia were characterized by: - (a) Left positions in politics and right ones in economics; - (b) Right positions in politics and left in the economics; - (c) Left positions in both politics and economics; - (d) Right positions in both politics and economics. 5. Relate the essence of six fundamental approaches to the study of political communication and their designation: a) The approach goes back to cybernetics: communication is considered in terms of interaction between the elements of the system and is associated with the notion of social control; b) The approach is close to a), at the forefront is the notion of language as the main means of social control and limiting access to political institutions and political processes; c) The approach defines political communication in terms of symbol exchange: leadership is exercised mainly through manipulation of symbols and distribution of symbolic awards; d) The approach shifts the center of gravity from the problem of social control to the importance of communication for the political system, especially in the mass media sphere; e) The approach represents the government as a large bureaucratic organization, connected with the same problems and constraints as any other organization; f) The approach explores political communication in terms of influencing of the political system on it.
b) Organizational approach; c) System approach; d) Ecological approach; e) Functional approach; f) Linguistic approach. 6. The Soviet official political discourse was characterized in the first place:
7. Please give your assessment of the special course (its usefulness, thoroughness, the presence of internal logic): Student data: