Peter Kelder. Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth: Book 1. New York: Dubleday, 1998. 128 p. ISBN: 0-385-49162-X.
An Old British Colonel One afternoon some years ago, I was sitting in the park reading an afternoon paper, when an elderly gentleman walked up and seated himself alongside me. Appearing to be in his late sixties, he was gray and balding, his shoulders drooped, and he leaned on a cane as he walked. Little did I know that from that moment, the whole course of my life would be changed forever. This can't be Colonel Bradford Years passed, and in the press of everyday affairs Colonel Bradford and his "Shangri La" grew dim in my memory. Then one evening on returning to my apartment, I found a letter in the Colonel's own handwriting. I quickly opened and read the message that appeared to have been written in joyous desperation. The Colonel said that in spite of frustrating delays and setbacks, he believed that he was actually on the verge of finding the "Fountain of Youth". He gave no return address, but I was at least relieved to know that the Colonel was still alive. The Return Of Youth As soon as he arrived in India, the Colonel started directly for the district where the fabled "Fountain of youth" allegedly existed. Fortunately he knew quite a bit of the native language, and he spent many months establishing contacts and befriending people. Then he spent many months putting together the pieces of the puzzle. It was a long slow process, but persistence finally won him the coveted prize. After a long and perilous expedition into the remote reaches of the Himalayas, he finally found the monastery which, according to legend, held the secret of lasting youth and rejuvenation. The Seven Vortexes "The first important thing that I was taught after entering the monastery," said the Colonel," was this: the body has seven energy centers which in English could be called vortexes. The Hindus call them Chakras. They are powerful electrical or something fields, invisible to the eye but quite real nonetheless. Each of these seven Vortexes centers on one of the seven ductless glands in the body's endocrine system, and it stimulates the gland’s hormonal output. It is these hormones which regulate all of the body's functions, including the process of aging.
These energy vortexes revolve at a great speed. When all are revolving at a high speed and at the same rate of speed, the body is in perfect health. When one or more of them slow down, aging and physical deterioration set in. "In a healthy body each of these vortexes revolves at a great speed, permitting vital life energy, also called 'prana' or 'etheric energy', to flow upward through the endocrine system. But if one or more of these vortexes begins to slow down, the flow of vital life energy is inhibited or blocked, which is another name for aging and ill health. "In a healthy individual, these spinning vortexes extend outward from the flesh, yet in the old, weak and sickly they hardly reach the surface. The quickest way to regain youth, health and vitality is to start these energy centers spinning normally again. There are five simple exercises that will accomplish this. Any one of them alone is also helpful, but all five are required to get best results. These five exercises are not really exercises at all. The Lamas called them 'rites' and that is how I shall refer to them too. Rite Number One "The first rite", continued the Colonel, “is a simple one . It is done for the express purpose of speeding up the vortexes. Children do it all the time when playing.
Rite Number Two "Following rite number one," continued the Colonel, “is a second rite which further stimulates the seven vortexes. It is even simpler to do. In rite number two, one first lies flat on the floor, face up. It’s best to lie down on a thick rug or some sort of padded surface. The Lamas perform the rites on what Westerners call a prayer rug, about two feet wide and six feet long. It's fairly thick, and is made of wool and a kind of vegetable fiber. It serves solely the purpose of insulating the body from the cold floor. Nevertheless, religious significance is attached to everything the Lamas do, and hence the name 'prayer rug'.
Once you have stretched out flat on your back, fully extend your arms along your sides and place the palms of your hands against the floor, keeping the fingers close together. Then, raise your head off the floor, tucking the chin against the chest. As you do so, lift your legs, knees straight, into a vertical position. If possible , let the legs extend back over the body, toward the head. However, do not let the knees bend. Then slowly lower both the head and the legs, knees still straight, to the floor. Allow all your muscles to relax and then repeat the rite. With each repetition, establish a breathing rhythm. Breathe in as you lift your head and legs and breathe out as you lower them. The deeper you breathe the better.
Rite Number Three "The third rite should be practiced immediately after rite number two. It too is a very simple one. All that you need to do is kneel on the floor against the thigh muscles. "Now incline the head and neck forward, tucking the chin against the chest. Then throw the head and neck back as far as they will go and, at the same time, lean backwards, arching the spine. As you arch your spine, you will brace your arms and hands against the thighs for support. After that, return to the original position and start the rite all over again.
Rite Number Four
"The first time I performed rite number four," said the colonel," it seemed very difficult. Yet after a week, is became as simple to do as any of the others.
"First sit down on the floor with legs straight out in front of you and your feet about 12 inches apart. With the trunk of the body erect, place the palms of your hands on the floor alongside the buttocks. Then, tuck the chin forward against the chest. "Now drop the head backward as far as it will go. At the same time, raise your body so than the knees bend while the arms remain straight. The trunk of the body will be horizontal, in straight line with the upper legs, parallel to the floor. Both the arms and shins will be straight up, perpendicular to the floor. Then tense every muscle in the body. Finally relax your muscles as you return to the original sitting position, and rest before repeating the procedure. "Again breathing is important to this rite. Breathe in deeply as you raise up the body. Hold in the breath as you tense the muscles. Then breathe out completely as you come down. Continue breathing in the same rhythm as long as you rest between repetitions.
Rite Number Five
"When you perform the fifth rite, the Colonel went on, “your body will be faced down toward the floor. It will be supported by the hands, palms down against the floor, and toes in a fixed position. Throughout this rite, the hands and feet should each be spaced about two feet apart, and the arms and feet should be kept straight. "By the end of the first week , the average person will find this rite one of the easiest to perform. Once you become proficient at it, let the body drop from the raised position to a point almost, but not quite touching the floor. Tense the muscles for a moment both at the raised point, and at the low point. "Follow the deep breathing pattern, the same as you used in the previous rites. Breathe in deeply as you raise the body. Breathe out fully as you lower it." The Colonel Answers The Colonel describing the five rites, questions were popping into my mind. When he was finished, I began to ask a few.
"The five rites work hand-in -hand with each other and all are equally important." said the Colonel." After performing the rites for a while, if you find that you are not able to do all of them the required number of times, try splitting the rites into two sessions, one in the morning and one in the evening. If you find it impossible to do one of the rites at all, omit it and do the other four. Then after a period, sometimes months , try the one you are having difficulty with again. Results may come a little slower this way but they will come nevertheless. "In attempting to overcome a difficulty with one of the rites, some people become very inventive. An old fellow in India found it impossible to properly perform rite number four even once. He wouldn't be satisfied with just getting his body off the floor. He was determined that his torso should reach a horizontal position quite nicely. "Now this gimmick may not have enabled the old gentleman to perform the rite the full 21 times. But it did make it possible for him to raise his body as high as much stronger men were able to do. And this had a positive psychological effect on him, which in itself was quite beneficial. I do not particularly recommend his technique, but his attitude could be a good example to others who think it's impossible for them to make progress in a strictly correct way. If you have an inventive mind, you'll be able to think of ways and means to help yourself perform any rite that may be particularly difficult for you." My last question was, " What if one of the rites were left out entirely?" "These are so powerful," said the Colonel," that if one were left out while the other four were practiced regularly the full number of times, excellent results would still be experienced. Even one rite alone will do wonders, as the whirling dervishes I spoke of earlier demonstrate. The older dervishes who did not spin around so excessively as the younger ones, were strong and virile, which was a good indication that just one rite can have powerful effects. So if you find that you simply cannot perform all of the rites, or you cannot perform them the full 21 times, be assured that you will get good results from whatever you are able to do." I next asked," Can the rites be performed in conjunction with other exercise programs, or would they conflict?" "By all means”, said the Colonel, "if you already have some kind of exercise program, continue it. If you don't, then think about starting one. Any form of exercise, especially cardiovascular exercise, helps the body maintain a youthful equilibrium. In addition, the five rites will help normalize the spinning vortexes so that the body becomes even more receptive to the benefits of exercise." "Does anything else go with the five rites," I asked. "There are two more things which would help. I've already mentioned deep rhythmic breathing while resting between the repetitions of the rites. I addition, between each of the rites, it would be helpful to stand erect with your hands on your hips, breathing deeply and rhythmically several times. As you breathe out , imagine that any tension which may be in your body is draining away, allowing you to feel quite relaxed and at ease. As you breathe in, imagine that you are filling yourself with a sense of well- being and fulfillment. I was excited about everything the Colonel had told me, yet deep down inside there must have been some lingering skepticism. "May the "Fountain of Youth" be really as simple as what you have described to me?" I asked. "All that is required," answered the Colonel," is to practice the rites three times a day to begin with, and to gradually increase until you are performing each one 21 times a day. That is a wonderfully simple secret that could benefit all the world if it were known." "Of course," he added, "you must practice the rites every day in order to achieve the real benefits. You may skip one day a week, but never more than that . And if you allow a business trip or some other commitment to interrupt this daily routine, your over all progress will suffer. "Fortunately, most people who begin the five rites find it not only easy, but also enjoyable and rewarding to perform them everyday, especially when they begin to see the benefits. After all, it takes twenty minutes or so to do all the five . And a physically fit person can perform the rites in ten minutes or less. If you have much trouble finding even that little spare time, then just get up a few minutes earlier in the morning, or go to bed a little later at night. "The five rites have the expressed purpose of restoring health and youthful vitality to the body. Other factors help determine whether you will dramatically transform your physical appearance as I have done. Two of these are mental attitude and desire. "You've noticed that some people look old at 40, while others look young at 60. Mental attitude is what makes the difference. If you are able to see yourself as young in spite of your old age, others will see you that way too. Once I began practicing the rites, I made an effort to erase the image of myself as a feeble old man from my mind. Instead, I fixed in my mind the image of myself as I was in the prime of my life. And I put energy in the form of very strong desire behind that image. The result is what you see now. For many people this would be a difficult feat, because they find it impossible to change the way they set themselves. They believe that the body is programmed to sooner or later become old and feeble and nothing will shake them from that view. Despite this, once they begin practicing the five rites they will feel younger and more energetic. This will help them to change the way they see themselves. Little by little, they will see themselves to be younger. And before long, others will be committing that they have a younger appearance. No man Is free who is a slave to the flesh It had been almost three months since Colonel Branford's return from India, and a great deal had happened at that time. I had immediately begun practicing the five rites and was greatly pleased with excellent results. The Colonel had been away tending to personal matters so I had been out of contact with him for some time. When he finally phoned me up again, I eagerly told him all about my progress, and assured him that it had already been demonstrated to my complete satisfaction how very effective the rites could be. In fact, I had become so enthusiastic about the rites, I was eager to pass the information on to others who might also benefit from it. So I asked the Colonel if he could consider leading a class. He agreed that it was a good idea and said that he would do it, but only on three conditions. The weekly meetings of the ‘Himalaya Club’, as we named it, continued . When the tenth week finally came, practically all of the members wee performing all the five rites 21 times a day. All claimed not only to be felling better, they also believed that they were looking younger, and several even joked that they wee no longer telling their real ages. This reminded me that when, some weeks back, we had asked the Colonel about his age, he had said that he would hold that information until the end of the tenth week. Well, the time had arrived, but as yet the Colonel hadn't put in an appearance. Someone suggested that each of us guess the Colonel' age and write it on a slip of paper. Then, when the truth was announced, we could see who came the closest. We agreed to do this, and the slips of paper were being collected as Colonel Bradford walked in. When we explained what we were up to, Colonel Bradford said, "Bring them here so I can see how well you've done. And then I will tell you what my age really is." In an amused voice, the Colonel read each of the slips aloud. Everyone guessed him to be in his forties and most had guessed the early forties. "Ladies and gentlemen," he said, "thank you for your very generous compliments. And since you've been honest with me, I'll be the same with you. I shall be 73 years of age on my next birthday." At first, all stared at him in disbelief. Was it really possible for a seventy three year old man to look nearly half his age? Then it occurred to them to ask why had the Colonel achieved results so much more dramatic than their own? "In the first place," the Colonel explained," you have been doing this wonderful work for only ten weeks. When you have been at it for two years, you will see a far more pronounced change. But there is more to it than just that . I haven't told you all that there is to know. "I have given you the five rites, which are for the purpose of restoring youthful health and vitality. They will also help you regain a younger appearance . But if you want to completely restore the health and appearance of youth, there is the sixth rite which you must practice, I've said nothing about it until now, because it would have been useless to you without having first obtained good results from the other five." The Colonel warned them that in order to take advantage of this sixth rite, they would have to accept a very difficult self-restraint. He suggested that they take some time to consider whether they were willing to do this for the rest of their lives. And he invited those who wished to go on with rite number six to return the following week. After thinking it over only five of the group came back though the Colonel said this was a better showing than what he had experienced with any of his classes in India. When he had told them about the additional rite, the Colonel had made it clear that it would lift up the body's reproductive energy. This lifting up process would cause not only the mind to be renewed, but the entire body as well. But he warned that it would entail a restriction which most people were unwilling to accept. Now the Colonel continued with his explanation. "In the average man or women, part - often a large part - of the vital life force that feeds the seven vortexes is channeled into reproductive energy. So much of it is dissipated in the first vortex that it never has a chance to reach the othersix. "In order to become a superman or super woman, this powerful life force must be conserved and turned upward, so that it can be utilized by all of the vortexes, especially the seventh. In other words , it is necessary to become celibate so that reproductive energy can be re-channeled to a higher use. "Now turning vital life force upward is a very simple matter and yet, through the centuries, man, when attempting this, usually fails. In the West, whole religious orders have tried this very thing and failed because they sought to master reproductive energy by suppressing it. There is only one way to master this powerful urge, which is not by dissipating or suppressing it but by transmuting it, while, at the same time, channeling it upward. In this way, you will not only discover the 'Elixir of Life', as the ancients called it, you will also put it to use, which is something the ancients were seldom able to do. "Now rite number six is the easiest thing in the world to perform. It should be practiced only when you feel an excess of sexual energy, and there is a natural desire for its expression. Fortunately, this rite is so simple that you can do it anywhere at any time, whenever the urge is felt. Here's all you do: "Stand straight up and slowly let all air out of the lungs. As you do this , bend over and put your hands on your knees. Force the last trace of air out and then, with the lungs empty, return to a straight up posture. Place your hands on your hips, and press down on them. This will push your shoulders up. As you do this pull in the abdomen as much as possible and, at the same time, raise the chest. "Now hold this position as long as you possibly can. When you are finally forced to take air into your empty lungs, let it flow through the nose. As you exhale, relax your arms, letting them hang naturally at your sides. Then take several deep breadths through the mouth or nose. This constitutes one complete performance of rite number six. For most people, about three repetitions are required to redirect sexual energy and turn its powerful force upwards. "There is only one difference between a person who is healthy and vital, and a person who is a superman or superwoman. The former channels vital life force into sexual energy, while the latter turns this force upward to create balance and harmony through all of the seven vortexes. That's why a superman or superwoman grows younger and younger day-by-day and moment by moment. He or she creates the true 'Elixir of Life' within him or herself. "Now you can understand that the 'Fountain of Youth' was within me all the time. the five rites-or six to be more precise-are merely a key that unlocks the door. When I recall Ponce de Leon and his futile search for the 'Fountain of Youth', I think what a pity it was that he journeyed so far in order to come up empty handed. He could have achieved his goal without ever leaving home. Yet like me, he believed that the Fountain of youth must be in some distant corner of the world. He never suspected that all the time it was right within himself. "Please understand that in order to perform rite number six, it is absolutely necessary that an individual have active sexual urge. He or she can not possibly transmute reproductive energy when there is little or nothing to transmute. It is absolutely impossible for a person who has lost sexual urge to perform this rite. He or she should not even attempt it because it would only lead to discouragement and more harm than good. Instead, such individuals regardless of age, should first practice the other five rites until they regain a normal sexual urge. Only when this is achieved, he or she may go into the business of becoming a superman or superwoman. "Also, an individual should not attempt rite number six unless he or she is strongly motivated to do so. If an individual feels incomplete in terms of sexual expression and must struggle to overcome its attraction, then he or she in not truly capable of transmuting reproductive energy and directing it upwards. Instead, energy will be misdirected into struggle and inner conflict. The sixth rite is only for those who feel sexually complete, and who have a real desire to move on to different goals. "For the great majority of people, a celibate life is simply not a feasible choice, and they should perform the first five rites only. However, with time, the five rites may lead to a changing in priorities and a genuine desire to become superman or superwoman. At that time, the individual should make a firm decision to begin a new way of life. Such an individual must be ready to move onward without wavering or looking back. Those who are capable of this are on their way to becoming true masters, able to use vital life force to achieve anything they desire. To lengthen thy life, lessen thy meals After the tenth week, Colonel Bradford no longer attended each meeting but did keep up his interest in the ‘Himalaya Club’. From time to time, he would speak to the group on various helpful subjects, while, occasionally, members of the group asked for advice on something in particular. For example, several of us were especially interested in diet and the tremendously important role that food plays in our lives. there were different views on the subject, and so we decided to ask colonel Bradford to describe to us the Lamas' diet and their policy concerning foods. "In the Himalayan monastery where I was a neophyte, said the Colonel when he spoke to us during the following week, "there are no problems concerning the right foods , not in getting sufficient quantities of food. Each of the Lamas does his share of work, producing what is needed. All the work is done in the most primitive way. Even the soil is spaded by hand. Of course, the Lamas could use oxen and plows if they wished, but they prefer to have direct contact with the soil. They feel that handling and working the soil adds something to the man's existence. I personally found it to be a thoroughly rewarding experience. It contributed to my feeling of oneness with nature. "Now it is true that the Lamas are vegetarian, but not strictly so. They do use eggs, butter and cheese in quantities sufficient to serve certain functions of the brain, body and nervous system. However, they do not eat flesh, for the Lamas who are strong and healthy and who practice rite number six seem to have no need of meat, fish or fowl. "Like myself, most of those who join the ranks of the Lamas are men of the world who know little about proper food and diet. But not long after coming to the monastery, they invariably begin to show wonderful signs of physical improvement. And this is due, in part at least, to their diet there. "No Lama is choosey about what he eats. He can't be because there is little to choose from. A Lama's diet consists of good wholesome food. Yet as a rule, it consists of just one item of food at a meal. That in itself is an important secret of having a good health. When one eats just one kind of food at a time, there can be no clashing of foods in the stomach. Foods clash in the stomach because starches do not mix well with proteins. For example, when bread, which is starch, is eaten with proteins such as meat, eggs or cheese, a chemical reaction is set up in the stomach. It not only can cause gas and immediate physical distress. Over time, it contributes to a shortened life span , and a worse quality of life. "Many times, in the monastery dining hall, I sat down to the table along with the Lamas, and ate a meal consisting of just bread. At other times, we ate nothing but fresh vegetables and fruits. At still other meals, I ate nothing but cooked vegetables and fruits. "At first, I was hungry for my usual diet and the variety of foods, which I had been accustomed to. Yet before long, I could eat and enjoy a meal consisting of nothing but dark bread, or just one kind of fruit. Sometimes a meal of just one vegetable would seem like a feast. "Now I am not suggesting that you limit yourself to a diet of just one kind of food per meal or even that you eliminate meals from your diet. However, I would recommend starches, fruits and vegetables separate from meats ,fish and fowl at your meals. It is all right to make a meal of just meat. In fact, if you wish, you could have several kinds of meat in one meal. And it is all right to eat butter, eggs and cheese with a meat meal, or dark bread, if so you wish, coffee or tea. But you must not mix it with anything sweet or starchy, such as pies, cakes or puddings. "Butter seems to be neutral. It can be eaten with either a starchy meal, or with a meat meal. Milk agrees better with starches. Coffee and tea should always be taken black, never with cream or milk, although a small amount of sweetening will do no harm. "The proper use of eggs was another interesting and useful thing that I learned during my stay in the monastery. The Lamas would not eat whole eggs unless they had been performing hard manual labor. Then they might eat one whole medium boiled egg. But they would frequently eat raw egg yolks, discarding the whites. At first it seemed to me a waste of perfectly good food to throw the whites to the chickens. But then I learned that the egg whites are utilized only by the muscles and should not be eaten unless the muscles are exercised. "I had always known that egg yolks are nutritious, but I learned of their true value only after talking with another Westerner at the monastery, a man who had a background in biochemistry. He told me that common hen eggs contain fully half of the elements required by the brain , nerves and organs of the body. It is true that these elements are needed only in small quantities, but they must be included in the diet, if you are to be exceptionally healthy and robust, both mentally and physically. "There is one more very important thing that I learned from the Lamas. They taught me the importance of eating slowly, not for the sake of good table manners but for the purpose of masticating my food more thoroughly. Mastication is the first important step in breaking food down so that it can be assimilated by the body. Everything one eats should be digested in the mouth before it is digested in the stomach. If you gulp down food, bypassing this vital step, it is literally dynamite when it reaches the stomach. "Protein foods, such as meat, fish and fowl, require less mastication than complex starches. It is just as well to chew them thoroughly anyway. The more completely food is masticated, the more nourishing it will be. This means that if you thoroughly chew your food, the amount you eat can be reduced often by one half. "The conglomeration of foods in one meal was another thing that appalled me. Having been in the habit of eating one or two foods at a meal, I was amazed to count 23 varieties of food one evening at my host's table. No wonder westerners have such miserable health. They seem to know little or nothing about the relation of diet to health and strength. "The right foods, the right combinations of food, the right amount of food and the right method of eating combine to produce wonderful results. If you are overweight, it will help you to reduce weight. And if you are underweight, it will help you to gain it. There are quite a few other points about food and diet that I would like to go into, but time doesn't permit. Just keep in mind these five things:
A feeble body enfeebles the mind Colonel Bradford was addressing the "Himalaya Club" for the last time before leaving to travel to other parts of the US and his native England. He had chosen to speak on various themes other than the five rites, which help the rejuvenation process. And as he stood before the group, he appeared to be sharper, more alert, and more vigorous than ever before. Immediately after his return from India, he had seemed the image of perfection. But since then, he had continued to improve and even now he was making new gains. "First of all," said the Colonel, “I must apologize to the women in our group, because much of what I have to say tonight will be directed to the men. Of course, the five rites which I have taught you are equally beneficial to men and women. But being a man myself, I would like to speak on a subject of importance to other men. "I'll begin by talking about the male voice. Do you know that some experts can tell how much sexual vitality a man has just by listening to him speak? We have all heard the shrill, piping voice of a man who is advanced in age. Unfortunately, when an older person's voice begins to take on that pitch, it's sure that physical deterioration is well under way. Let me explain. "The fifth vortex located at the base of the neck governs the vocal chords and it also has a direct connection with the first vortex in the body's sexual center. Of course, all of the vortexes have common connections, yet these two are, in a manner of speaking, geared together. What affects one affects the other. If a man's voice is high and shrill, it's an indicator that his sexual vitality is low. And if energy in his first vortex is low, you can bet that's its lacking in the other six as well. "Now all that 's necessary to speed up the first and fifth vortexes, along with all the others, is to practice the five rites. But there is another method that men can use to help sped up the process. It's easy to do. All that's required is willpower. You simply need to consciously make an effort to lower your voice. Listen to yourself speak and, if you hear your voice become higher or more shrill, adjust your it to a lower register. Listen to men who have good firm speaking voices and take note of the sound. Then, whenever you speak, keep your voice down to that masculine pitch as much as possible. "A very old person will find this to be quite a challenge, yet the reward is its excellent results. Before long, the lowered vibrations of your voice will speed up the vortex in the base of the throat. That, in turn, will help speed up the vortex in the sexual center, which is the body's doorway to vital life energy. As the upward flow of this energy increases, the throat vortex will speed up even more, helping the voice to go still lower, and so on. "There are young men who appear to be robust and virile now but who will not, regretfully, remain that way for long. That is because their voices have never been fully matured and remained rather high. These individuals, as well as the older ones I've been talking about, can get wonderful results by consciously making the effort to lower their voices. In a younger person, this will help to preserve virility, while in the older one it will help to renew it. "Some time ago, I came across an excellent voice exercise. Like other effective things, it is quite simple. Whenever you are all by yourself or when there is sufficient noise to drown out your voice so you won't disturb others, practice saying, in a low tone, partly through the nose, 'Mimm-Mimm-Mimm." Repeat it again and again, lowering your voice in steps, until you have forced it as low as you possibly can. This can be effectively done first thing in the morning when the voice already tends to be in a lower register. Then make an effort to hold your voice in a lower pitch for the rest of the day. "Once you start making progress, practice in the bathroom so you can hear your voice reverberate. Then try to get the same effect in a larger room. When the vibrations of your voice are intensified, it will cause the other vortexes in the body to speed up, especially the first one in the sexual center and the sixth and seventh ones in the head. "In older women, the voice can also become high and shrill, and it should be toned down in the same manner. Of course, a woman' voice is naturally higher than a man's and a woman should not attempt to lower their voices to the point of sounding masculine. In fact, it would be beneficial for a woman whose voice is abnormally masculine to attempt to raise the pitch of her voice, using the same method as already described. "The Lamas chant in unison, in a low register, sometimes for hours. the significance of this is not the chanting itself or the meaning of the words. It is the vibrations of their voices and their effect on the seven vortexes. Thousands of years ago, the Lamas discovered that the vibratory rate of the sound 'Oh-mmm...' is especially powerful and effective. Both men and women will find it highly beneficial to chant this sound at least several times each morning. It's still more helpful to repeat it again throughout the day, whenever you can. "Now," said the Colonel, after pausing a moment, “everything I've taught you so far has concerned the seven vortexes. But I'd now like to discuss a few things that can make us all much younger, even though they do not directly affect the vortexes. "If it were possible to suddenly take a nagging man or woman out of the decrepit old body and place them in a young new one of about 25 years of age, I'd be willing to bet that he or she would continue to act old and hold on to the attitudes that helped make them old in the first place. "Though most people will complain about advancing age, the truth is they get dubious pleasure out of growing old and all the the handicaps that come with it. Needless to say, this attitude isn't going to make them any younger. If an older person truly wants to grow younger, he or she must think, act and behave like a younger person and eliminate the attitudes and mannerisms of old age. "The first thing to pay attention to is your posture. Straighten up! When you first started this class, some of you were so bent over that you looked like question marks. But as vitality began returning and your spirits improved, your posture improved also. That is fine but don't stop now. Think about your posture as you go about your daily activities. Straighten your back, throw your chest out, pull up your chin and hold your head high. Right away, you will have eliminated 20 years from your appearance, and 40 years from your behavior. "Also get rid of the mannerisms of old age. When you walk know first where you are going. Start out and go directly there. Don't shuffle. Pick up your feet and stride. Keep one eye on the place where you are g