From the community of the power of light Rus in the face of living ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 From the community of the power of light Rus in the face of living residents with the soul spirit mind of Owners of INDIVIDUALS - "Persons": in the Russian Federation. live: Rus, 127427, Moscow, Botany street 17 building 2 apartment 61, phone: 8 (965)-184-26-11 E-mail (voled5@mail.ru) RECIPIENTS ACCORDING TO WITH THE ATTACHED MAILING LIST CALCULATION. For us, the living inhabitants of the power Russia, The VICTIM of crime and abuse of power Adopted by General Assembly resolution 40/34 of 29 November 1985 A. Victims of crime 1. the term "victims" means persons who have been individually or collectively harmed, including bodily or moral harm, emotional suffering, material damage or substantial infringement of their fundamental rights, as a result of an act or omission that violates the applicable national criminal laws of member States, including laws prohibiting criminal abuse of power. 2. in accordance with this Declaration, a person may be considered a "victim" regardless of whether the offender has been identified, arrested, tried or convicted, and regardless of the relationship between the offender and the victim. The term "victim", where appropriate, includes close relatives or dependants of the immediate victim, as well as persons who were harmed in an attempt to help victims in distress or prevent victimization. 3. the Provisions contained in this Declaration apply to all persons without distinction of any kind, regardless of race, colour, sex, age, language, religion, nationality, political or other opinion, cultural belief or practice, property, birth or family status, ethnic or social origin, or disability. Access to justice and fair treatment 4. Victims should be treated with compassion and respect for their dignity. They have the right to access to justice mechanisms and to prompt compensation for the damage caused to them in accordance with national legislation. 5.where necessary, judicial and administrative mechanisms should be established and strengthened to ensure that victims can receive compensation through formal and informal procedures that are expeditious, fair, affordable and accessible. Victims seeking compensation through such mechanisms should be informed of their rights. 6. You should ensure that judicial and administrative procedures more responsive to the needs of victims by: (a) providing victims with information about their role and the scope, timing and progress of the trial and the outcome of their cases, especially in cases of serious crimes, as well as when they request such information; (b) ensuring that the views and wishes of victims can be presented and considered at the appropriate stages of the trial in cases where their personal interests are affected, without prejudice to the accused, and in accordance with the relevant national criminal justice system; (C) providing appropriate assistance to victims throughout the trial; (d) taking measures to minimize inconvenience to victims, protect their privacy where necessary and ensure their safety, as well as the safety of their families and witnesses, and protect them from intimidation and retaliation; (e) to prevent unnecessary delays in the processing of cases and the implementation of orders or decisions granting compensation to victims. 7. where necessary, informal dispute resolution mechanisms, including mediation, arbitration and customary courts or local practice, should be used to facilitate reconciliation and provide redress to victims. Restitution 8.in appropriate circumstances, offenders or third parties responsible for their conduct should provide fair restitution to victims, their families or dependants. Such restitution should include the return of property or payment for harm or damage caused, reimbursement of costs incurred as a result of victimization, provision of services and restoration of rights. 9. Governments should consider including restitution in their practices, regulations and laws as a criminal penalty in addition to other criminal sanctions. 10.in cases of serious damage to the environment, restitution, if decided, should include, to the extent possible, restoration of the environment and infrastructure, replacement of community property, and reimbursement of relocation costs in cases where such damage necessitates relocation of the community. 11. When state officials or other representatives acting in an official or semi-official capacity violate national criminal laws, victims should receive restitution from the state whose officials or representatives are responsible for the damage caused. In cases where the government under which the victimized act or omission occurred no longer exists, restitution to victims should be provided by the state or successor government. Compensation 12. where compensation cannot be obtained in full from the offender or from other sources, States should take steps to provide financial compensation: (a) victims who, as a result of serious crimes, have suffered significant bodily harm or have significantly impaired their physical or mental health; (b) families, in particular dependants of persons who have died or become physically or mentally incapacitated as a result of such victimization. 13. We should promote the establishment, strengthening and expansion of national funds for compensation to victims. If necessary, other funds may be established for this purpose, including in cases where the state of which the victim is a national is unable to compensate the victim for the damage caused to it. Social assistance 14. Victims should be provided with the necessary material, medical, psychological and social assistance through government, voluntary, community and local channels. 15. victims Should be informed of the availability of health and social services and other appropriate assistance and should be given full access to them. 16. police, justice, health, social services And other relevant personnel should be trained to ensure that they understand the needs of victims and the guidelines for providing appropriate prompt assistance. 17. in providing services and assistance to victims, attention should be paid to those who have special needs due to the nature of the damage or the factors mentioned in paragraph 3 above. Derzhava Rus in the face of living inhabitants with soul spirit mind Owners of INDIVIDUALS - "Persons": in the Russian Federation, victims of abuse of power 18. the term "victims" refers to persons who have been individually or collectively harmed, including bodily or moral harm, emotional suffering, material damage or substantial infringement of their fundamental rights, as a result of an act or omission that does not yet constitute a violation of national criminal laws, but is a violation of internationally recognized human rights norms. 19. States should consider including in their national laws provisions prohibiting abuse of power and providing remedies for victims of such abuse. Such means should include, inter alia, the right to restitution and/or compensation and the necessary material, medical, psychological and social assistance and support. 20. States should consider entering into multilateral international treaties relating to victims, as defined in paragraph 18. 21. States should periodically review existing laws and practices to ensure their ability to respond to changing conditions, adopt and implement, as necessary, legislative provisions prohibiting acts that constitute serious abuses of political or economic power and promoting measures and mechanisms to prevent such acts, and develop and widely ensure appropriate rights and remedies for victims of such acts. We bring to the attention of all without exception not a complete List of crimes Of V. V. Putin https://scandaly.ru/2015/06/26/reshenie-o-naznachenii-i-o-prezidenta-rossii-prinimali-troe-ya-dyachenko-i-yumashev/ Putin is an enemy of the Russian people: http://vladimir.forum24.ru/?1-7-0-00000003-000-0-0-1214677491 The main thing is that Putin came to power to lead the genocide of the Russian people by the Jews. PUTIN'S CRIMINAL OFFENSES (Partial list) Criminal offences before 2000 Putin's further crimes Opinions about Putin "THE JEWS THEMSELVES SAY THAT PUTIN IS EPSTEIN BY "FATHER". Politprosvet - the Central Jewish Resource-claims that Putin's mother: "... tired of eternal moving, left Pechersky and married a Jew Epstein (he, Epstein, took his wife's last name), who adopted Vova Putin - Putin's father." Putin's wife, Lyudmila Abramovna (Alexandrovna) Shkrebneva - a Jew, daughter of Ekaterina Tikhonovna (Mikhailovna) Shkrebneva, daughter of the Jew Alexander (Abram) Avraamovich Shkrebneva» The electronic newspaper "Petersburg news" wrote: "Putin has already said that Jews have long evoked his sympathy, and he is happy to remember how in Baskov lane in a communal apartment he grew up among Jewish neighbors, the nicest and most pleasant people." Dates of Putin's meetings with rabbis (not Orthodox priests): 2000: 21.12, 18.09, 13.07, 07.05 2001: 13.11, 20.03, 23.01 2002: 19.03, 07.02 2003: 30.12, 21.12 2004: 07.12, 25.10, 15.09, 25.06, 19.05, 01.04 2005: 02.10, 30.09, 04.08, 29.04, 27.04, 03.03, 27.01 PUTIN'S CRIMINAL CRIMES COMMITTED BEFORE THE 2000 ELECTION AND HIDDEN FROM VOTERS. On 13 may 2000, lawyer Rudolf Ritter, brother of the Liechtenstein Minister of economy, was arrested in Vaduz, the capital of Liechtenstein. A little earlier, in April, a report from the German secret service BND leaked to the Western press, in which Ritter was named as an agent of the Colombian "drug cartel" of the Ochoa brothers and Russian organized crime. The report, in particular, mentioned the company founded by Ritter SPAG, which used money from the Colombian drug mafia to purchase real estate in St. Petersburg. As stated in the press, the "roof" of SPAG and Ritter personally in St. Petersburg was Vladimir Putin, who at that time was responsible in the St. Petersburg city hall for foreign economic relations. Officially, Putin remained a consultant to the firm (SPAG) until may 23, 2000. 1. V.Putin participated in privatisation, in particular: Baltic shipping company (BMP). Control over the BMP allowed to organize the sale of Russian vessels at low prices, while all actions were carried out through the criminal authority Treber I. I.;
2. with the help of Vice-Governor of Saint Petersburg Grishanov (former commander of the Baltic fleet) Putin through the port of Lomonosov was engaged in the sale of ships of the naval base. This port, located on the territory of a former naval base and created by Sobchak, Putin and Cherkesov, is a checkpoint for the smuggling of natural resources from Russia and the import of imported goods into our country. 3. In the spring of 1998 to the campaign of Sobchak was transferred from the Bank "Tsarskoye Selo" in the Swiss Bank about 30 million U.S. dollars, the transaction was controlled by Putin, Cherkesov, Grigoriev (Materials to be held by the chief of service of FSB SCROO B. O. Desyatnikov). 4. The head of administration of Vasileostrovsky district V. Golubev familiar with Putin since the work in 1 Service of the KGB of the USSR in Leningrad. Former colleagues have organized a number of firms through which budget money is" scrolled " and then appropriated. 5. as Vice-mayor, Putin organized the sale of submarines abroad through the Leningrad Admiralty Association. In 1994, the Deputy. The General Director of the Association was killed (one of the versions - for refusing to carry out illegal sale of military equipment abroad). 6. the Baltic financial group (BFG, CEO Kapysh) provides monthly financial assistance to Putin and Cherkesov. In 1994-95, Kapysh had a conflict with one of the founders of the terminal at the Seaport oil terminal.Kapysh ordered the murder of this founder. Putin persuaded the founders to settle the conflict for 50 thousand us dollars, after which Kapysh's opponent left for Israel. 7. created by Putin, together with deputies of the Legislative Assembly Nizheshin and Goldman, the Corporation "XX trust" transferred budget funds to Spain, received for the construction, including the business center "Peter the Great". In Spain in the city of Corvacho was bought by the hotel. Part of the stolen funds went to buy Putin a Villa in the Spanish city of Benidorm (materials are available in the KRU of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation in St. Petersburg and the region). 8. on December 12, 1997, a jeep in which V. was driving over the speed limit.Putin (legally – with a government "flashing light") on the 17th kilometer of the Minsk highway killed five-year-old Denis Lapshin ("Novaya Gazeta", #8 (577), February 14-20, 1999). Driver V.Putin's Zykov B. B. was not arrested and in 1999 fell under Amnesty. 9. at the same Time, it can be stated that V.Putin did not cope well with his official duties as head of the FSB. At this time, a number of major crimes were committed in Russia, which were never solved. This means either Putin's professional aptitude, or his cooperation with criminals. THIS and other SIMILAR INFORMATION WAS WITHHELD from VOTERS – another crime. PUTIN'S FURTHER CRIMES: - the extermination of eight million people of the Russian population together with Jews and Caucasians. - granting Russian citizenship to tens of millions of foreigners, mostly Caucasians, in secret from the indigenous population. The issue of such a huge number of "imported" foreigners should be decided by referendum. Here you need to ask the permission of the people. - conclusion of an agreement on the export of diamonds to South Africa. Everyone knows that it is more profitable for the state to build diamond-cutting plants inside the country, and then sell the finished products. What is the future fate of Russian diamonds? How much does one ring with a small diamond cost in the store? - "protection" of uncontrolled exports of oil, gas, electricity, non-ferrous metals ... Money from their sale does not arrive in Russia, but goes to the pockets of Jews. - construction of an oil pipeline to China in order to increase the profits of state criminals (while rapidly destroying the country's natural resources). - export of rough diamonds to South Africa.
- PUTIN and the JEWS secretly TRANSFERRED (most likely sold) more than 300 KV TO CHINA. KM of the territory of the Russian Federation. "The Chinese are actively colonizing the TERRITORIES GIVEN by PUTIN NEAR KHABAROVSK, the NEW Chinese border - the well-known Amur Islands of Bolshoy Ussuriysky and Tarabarov-are actively populated by the Chinese. These territories under the terms of the agreement between Russia and China, SIGNED by Russian PRESIDENT PUTIN on JUNE 1, 2005, PASS FROM the NEW year under the SOVEREIGNTY of the people's Republic of China. IN TOTAL, THE CHINESE RECEIVED MORE THAN 300 KV. KM OF RUSSIAN LAND. The first mass appearance of Chinese on Bolshoy Ussuriysky began five years ago in groups of 20-30 people. The lands that remain on the South-Western side of the control and trace strip (KSP) are still considered Russian. But without a special pass, a Russian citizen can no longer get there. You can get to Tarabarov island every day at three o'clock in the afternoon: the military closes the Amur Bayou to ship traffic with the longest bridge in the far East. Travel on the bridge will avoid checkpoints and document checks." MILITARY FACILITIES WERE TRANSFERRED TO CHINA. The media still doesn't say anything about it. "A granite pillar decorated with serpentine hieroglyphs reminds US of the transfer of fields and hayfields that were used by the local collective farm for decades to the ownership of the people's Republic of China. Everyone, while still local, knows that the post indicates that these lands belong to the Jungo (Middle state). This and 10 other BORDER SIGNS with hieroglyphs appeared on the Islands in the summer, immediately after the demarcation of the new border was completed. The pillars stretched in a line across the Big Ussuri island from the Bayou to the main channel of the Amur river. THE CHINESE EMPHASIZE THAT FOREVER." Read more: http://www.rons.ru/kitai-ostrova - closing Russian publishing houses and websites under the pretext of fighting terrorism, extremism, anti-Semitism... - destruction of industry, agriculture, science, culture, education, health care, and sports together with the Jews. - "protection" of employees of foreign special services engaged in sabotage activities on the territory of Russia : http://vladimir.forum24.ru/?1-2-0-00000003-000-0-0#001 FOR THE PERIOD FROM 2000 TO 2008: - the number of Russian people has decreased by about 8 million people. - the number of abortions remains at the level of 2 million per year. - the level of medical care has fallen sharply. The free public health system has been destroyed and replaced with paid, private medicine, which is inaccessible to the vast majority of citizens. To deprive citizens of their jobs and demand payment for medical services is a deliberate extermination of the population, planned and executed by Jews. - in Russia, dozens of individuals with fortunes over 1 billion US dollars have been legalized: under Yeltsin there were only 7 billionaires in Russia, under Putin, their number has increased almost 10 times. - Putin opened borders for flows of non-Russian immigrants, fundamentally changing the migration legislation. Russian Russian cities have formed numerous communities of foreigners who terrorize the local Russian population under the patronage of Putin's henchmen, who are in key administrative and law enforcement positions. Any protests are suppressed by lawless arrests and arbitrary decisions of the Jew courts: http://kiev1.org/page-711.html - Putin did everything to prevent assistance and support to Russian compatriots abroad (budget expenditures for supporting compatriots remained at the same level as under Yeltsin). To participate in the Congress of Russian compatriots were invited front organizations created by local "elites" of neighboring countries, conducting anti-Russian policies.
Putin has actually recognized the independence of Chechnya and the legitimacy of expelling half a MILLION Russians from there. Bandits who fought against the Russian army were granted Amnesty, and some of them received the highest award: "Hero of Russia". Russian Russian refugees (funny, Yes-Russian-refugee on the territory of the Russian Federation) from Chechnya have not received any assistance. Irrevocable payments to Chechnya from the Russian budget amount to 1 BILLION annually. USD. - Putin systematically destroys Russian culture, giving control over all the leading institutions of culture, education and mass media to foreigners or perverts. Russian Russian Russian media is systematically engaged in destroying traditional morals, discrediting Russian history, distorting the Russian language, and substituting low-grade forgeries for cultural samples of Russian classics. Higher education has become almost universally paid and accessible only to the wealthiest segments of the population. School education has ceased, and for many years schools have been turning out millions of ignorant young people without basic knowledge. Cultural institutions across the country eke out a miserable existence. - Police repression has increased, it has become common to ban books and close Russian publishing houses and websites – this IS in RUSSIA. Impudent Jews indicate which books can be read to other peoples, and which – not. - there are about 300 political prisoners in prisons who have been convicted or are under investigation for political activities in Russian organizations. - Putin defeated the only Patriotic party that had representation in Parliament – the Rodina party, preventing it from participating in the 2005-2006 regional elections, and then instigating an internal coup and merging the party with the left-wing Life Party. - Putin did not allow any Patriotic organizations to participate in the 2007 parliamentary elections that raised the "Russian question". - Putin constantly attends public meetings of Russian Tatars, Russian Jews, and diasporas, but has never taken part in public events of Russian organizations. - Putin has finally banned teaching "the Basics of Orthodox culture"at the school. But he openly maintains the warmest relations with the Hasidic leader Berl Lazar. - under Putin, the construction of mosques began in native Russian cities. - Putin created a Public chamber under the President of the Russian Federation, including the most odious enemies of the Russian people, giving them a special status. - Putin created totalitarian party of Russian bureaucrats – the "United Russia". And topped its list in the 2007 elections, violating the non-party status of the President of the Russian Federation. This so-called "party" is a group of figureheads who are kept by Jewish criminals, but continue to steal on their own: http://www.wek.ru/politic/4927 http://scandaly.ru/news/news5560.html - Putin has finally undermined the capacity of the Russian army. It destroyed the leading military academies, plundered the latest military technologies in the space industry, and flooded the Mir station. Industrial production has COMPLETELY LOST the TECHNOLOGY of MORE THAN 100 types of ammunition that determine the combat capabilities of many weapons systems... artillery, tanks, planes, and helicopters were left without shells, mines, and other weapons. Industry is no longer able to produce the entire complete range of ammunition. The inviolable supply of ammunition was reduced to 20-25% of the required level-stolen and sold abroad: as a result of "fires", more than ten thousand wagons with ammunition disappeared. That would have been enough for four assaults on Berlin! - the naval component of the Russian armed forces has been radically reduced. The leading military industries and military science were eliminated.
- Russian officers who fought against bandits in Chechnya - Budanov, Ullman's group, Arakcheev and Khudyakov-were sentenced to long years of imprisonment. - And, here, the number of POLICE FORCES, mercenaries, already repeatedly used against the civilian population, veterans, pensioners, young people.., EXCEEDED TWICE THE NUMBER OF THE RUSSIAN ARMY. - under Putin, there was a complete breakdown of the law enforcement system, which became a form of organized crime. Criminal activities include: a) special services (trade in military secrets and monopolization of foreign economic activity), b) courts (execution of instructions of corrupt officials), C) the police (extortion of money from entrepreneurs, widespread practice of illegal collection of money from motorists, direct participation in the organization of crimes and their concealment), d) the Prosecutor's office and investigative bodies that evade the investigation of economic crimes. - The main task of the special services was to ensure the safety of a small group of criminals. - Putin created a "vertical of corruption" - a caste of officials protected by a special status. Top officials combine public service with participation in the boards of Directors of the largest fuel companies, where they receive money that is many times higher than their salary. In The state Duma, deputies of the government faction "United Russia "with the knowledge of Putin receive large monetary rewards, a kind of monetary"scholarship". - under Putin, the most odious figures of the Yeltsin government were left in the public service: Chubais (control over energy), JEW, Kiriyenko (control of NUCLEAR power), Chernomyrdin (economic relations with Ukraine). The middle layer of government officials is almost completely preserved. The government is dominated by nepotism and unprofessionalism. The Ministry of defense was headed by a man who had nothing to do with the army – a professional oil merchant and the Prime Minister's son-in-law. The Ministry of health is headed by a former Deputy Minister of Finance, the common-law wife of the Minister of industry, who has never worked in the field of medicine. All appointments are made by Putin solely on the principle of personal loyalty and regardless of professional skills. - Putin has retained the enclaves of separatism in Chechnya, Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Chuvashia, Kalmykia and other regions where there is a policy of repression of all Russian (including Russian business) and has secured tenure on the most important state positions of ethnic separatists. - there are reasons to believe that in 1999, houses in Moscow were blown up on Putin's orders. The goal is to cause public outrage, and then, by promising to take decisive measures against terrorists, attract voters to their side, raise the rating of the Unity party and ensure that Putin himself wins the presidential election. No matter what, in the first round, he defeated Zyuganov. Information on the results of the elections were tampered with by Jews. Putin has been using the powers of the head of state illegally for all these years – there was another forceful SEIZURE of POWER by criminals. PECULATION . PUTIN'S FORTUNE IS $40 BILLION. Due to theft, the RUSSIAN POPULATION of the COUNTRY has DECREASED by MORE than 8 MILLION over the past 8 YEARS OF theft by PUTIN and the JEWS. A PERSON OF THE RUSSIAN POPULATION. What is the next deadline and where should Putin determine it? Or just shoot the thing. Belkovsky: "He controls 37% of the shares of Surgutneftegaz, 4.5% of the shares of Gazprom, in the company of Gunvor through his representative Timchenko has 50%" Die die Welt, which claims that Vladimir Putin is a big businessman. According to him, "he controls 37% of the shares of Surgutneftegaz, which has a market value of 20 billion dollars. In addition, it controls 4.5% of Gazprom's shares. Gunvor, which sells oil, Putin, through his representative Gennady Timchenko, has 50%.Last year, its turnover was $ 40 billion, and its profit was $ 8 billion." Such an incredible number of residences, sanatoriums, special transport and other property REMAINED FROM THE former Soviet LEADERSHIP that it had to be reduced. But for Putin, what was already there was not enough: - "In 2001, the Voronezh aviation plant completed the construction of a new presidential airliner. Finishing of Putin's plane Il-96-300-PU (M). (THE PRESIDENTS OF FINLAND, SWEDEN, AND NORWAY USE ORDINARY PASSENGER PLANES WHEN FLYING.) The repair of the already existing Executive yacht "Kavkaz" cost the Treasury one and a half (1.5) MILLION us dollars." - The cost of another presidential yacht "Olympia" is about 50 MILLION. USD - In almost all provinces where natural conditions allow, the local authorities initiate the creation of their own ski bases, ready to receive high-profile guests at any time. - "In 2002, at the apogee of the first presidential term, in order to provide drinking water to the residence of the head of state, located in the Moscow suburb of Usov, the entire nearby village was disconnected from the "pipe". Moreover, its inhabitants were strictly forbidden to go to the local forest and river without special permission." - "Putin has not yet become President, and a new LUXURY RESIDENCE was already being BUILT for him in the reserved Moscow region. And then they decided that the head of state should also have a "roof over his head" in the second capital, Saint Petersburg, and built a city residence on Krestovsky island. And then they decided to create a naval residence from the Konstantinovsky Palace. The idea, according to optimistic estimates, cost the Treasury (budget) about $350 MILLION, and taking into account the cost of an 8-lane highway from Pulkovo airport to Strelni will draw $1.5 BILLION." - Repair of the already existing representative yacht "Kavkaz", cost the Treasury 1.5 (one and a HALF) ONE MILLION US DOLLARS." - From the descriptive part of the project " Olympia": "The concept of the Feadship in 663, later called the Olympia, was originally conceived by an American yachtsman. The American laid the idea of openness and transparency at the heart of the yacht's ideology." Shortly before the first appearance of the "Olympia" in Sochi (2002), another representative vessel of the President, the 45-meter yacht "Kavkaz", built in 1980 by order of Brezhnev, also returned there after an eight - month modernization at one of the shipbuilding bases in St. Petersburg. The yacht "Burevestnik" cost 3 MILLION DOLLARS, built specifically for Putin for the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg. Now THIS BOAT is SOMEHOW ON the BALANCE of the LENINGRAD NAVAL BASE of the Navy. - In almost ALL PROVINCES where natural conditions allow, the local authorities initiate the creation of their own SKI BASES, ready to receive high-profile guests at any time. - "In 2002, at the apogee of the first presidential term, in order to provide DRINKING WATER to the residence of the head of state, located in the Moscow suburb of Usov, the entire NEARBY VILLAGE was DISCONNECTED from the "PIPE". Moreover, its inhabitants were strictly forbidden to go to the local forest and river without special permission." - "WHERE PUTIN OR SOMEONE FROM THE "INNER CIRCLE" APPEARS, NORMAL LIFE STOPS. Sochi residents who live near the residence "Bocharov Ruchey", testify that such DRACONIAN ORDERS as NOW, THERE WAS NO under ANY SOVIET LEADER (some small rat spoils the lives of millions of people). Of course, the abundance of security can be explained by the conditions of the "war on international terrorism". But they can hardly justify constant rudeness, bordering on cruelty. And how can we explain the fact that the construction of the "presidential mountain ski resort" caused damage to the Sochi national Park (a criminal act, I must say) for more than a hundred million rubles and no one thinks to compensate it?" PUTIN SPENT AND STILL SPENDS HUGE STATE FUNDS FOR HIS OWN NEEDS.
OPINIONS ABOUT PUTIN Andrey FEFELOV, journalist: "...SIGNS indicating that the CURRENT PRESIDENT is DISPLEASING to the LORD were GIVEN to the ORTHODOX THREE times. 1. Everyone remembers: when during a visit to Greece, Putin intended to visit mount Athos, ABOVE the HOLY MOUNTAIN (http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?p=0&stype=image&text=%D0%90%D1%84%D0%BE%D0%BD%20%D1%81%D0%B2%D1%8F%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%8F%20%D0%B3%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B0&ed=1 ) There WAS a GREAT STORM and the trip had to be canceled. 2. there Is also a story about an amazing incident in the control room of the presidential liner. Returning from a foreign trip, PUTIN EXPRESSED a DESIRE to land in Arzamas in order to VISIT DIVEEVO AND SEE the CHANNEL of the VIRGIN ( http://serafimov.narod.ru/diveevo/kan.html , http://serafim-library.narod.ru/Letopis/DiveevoImage/DiveevskiyMonastyr/Kanavka/Kanavka.htm ). However, as the plane began to descend, the RUNWAY was PLUNGED into THICK DARKNESS.... 3. Finally, this Christmas, the ABBOT of the monastery in Suzdal ALLOWED the HIGH GUEST to RING the BELL. To the surprise and horror of the attendants, there was no SOUND. According to journalists, Putin himself was discouraged, TRIED to STRIKE AGAIN and AGAIN, BUT the BELL did NOT RING, as if it was covered with cotton from the inside..." ("Tomorrow", no. 10 (537), March 2004). Alexander PROKHANOV, editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Tomorrow", " spiritual oppositionist": "Putin has not condemned any of Yeltsin's misdeeds, and no one will be surprised if his nose suddenly starts to sink in. By taking Yeltsin under his protection, he assumed the Cain sin of destroying the USSR. [...Putin's shoes are covered in the blood of the defenders Of the house of Soviets, and in the pockets of his jacket are pennies taken from widows and old women. [...] Berezovsky has never felt safer than now. Chubais has never been as close to becoming Prime Minister as he is these days. NATO has never heard such humiliating words of defeat from Russian politicians. [...]Russian man, voting for Putin, raise the ballot to the light. Will you see watermarks on it with the image of a skull - your skull-friend? " ("Tomorrow", N11(328), March 2000). "Who are you, Mr. Putin?""Yes, no one!" ("Tomorrow", N47 (416), November 2001)."...Putin is allowed into the "eight" AS a PAGE, where he BRINGS CIGARETTES to BUSH AND a MOBILE phone to BLAIR." And even the Olympic Committee can't remember his name" ("Tomorrow", N11(434), March 2002). Nikolai PETROV (expert of the Moscow Carnegie center"): "He used the methods of blackmail in the relations with regional politicians. When politicians didn't do what the Kremlin wanted, Putin collected dirt on them and threatened to publish it." ("Top secret", N2, 2000). Olga KRYSHTANOVSKAYA, sociologist: "...PUTIN will remain in the history of Russia as the President who ROBBED the POOR." (MK, January 19, 2005) The late Yevgeny SHCHEKATIKHIN, editor-in-chief of the anti-Semitic newspaper Fatherland: "Putin. "No alternative", appointed by the murderer and thief Boruch, part of his family of thieves, a former double agent spy, a supporter of "reform" and ready to fall into the arms of NATO. Under his rule-the dictatorship of the Jews" ("Our Fatherland", N121, March 2000).
SITES: List of Putin's crimes http://compromat.ru/main/putin/kpimlist.htm Putin secretly handed over the Russian Islands to China: http://www.rons.ru/kitai-ostrova.htm Firm SPAG and Putin http://compromat.ru/main/putin/spagvopr.htm Putin's name comes up during the investigation of money laundering in Liechtenstein: http://www.compromat.ru/main/putin/lihtenshtain.htm "According to many people who knew Putin intimately, the latter's desire for personal enrichment and lack of moral barriers appeared at the very beginning of his career": http://www.compromat.ru Putin's report at the Jewish Center in Moscow (photo) http://zarubezhom.com/Images/PutinCenterCommunityJewishMoscow.jpg Why Putin is an enemy of the Russian nation, Russian Patriotic movements and Russian state http://patrio.org.ru/index.php?showtopic=2562 Corruption. United Russia, which Putin so actively supports. http://www.voskres.ru/info/timonin.htm Putin's Golden plane: http://scandaly.ru/news/news5576.html http://hectop.livejournal.com/354521.html Putin's name comes up during the investigation of money laundering in Liechtenstein: http://www.compromat.ru/main/putin/lihtenshtain biography V.Putin, hidden from voters. http://www.kommersant.ru/doc.aspx?DocsID=398799 - Putin's Golden plane: http://scandaly.ru/news/news5576.html The height of cynicism Putin's famous speech in the American show Larry king, dedicated to the death of the nuclear submarine missile cruiser "Kursk". "What's wrong with your sub? She drowned": http://www.dpni.tv/varticles/kremlevski/ "According to many people who knew Putin intimately, the latter's desire for personal enrichment and lack of moral barriers appeared at the very beginning of his career": http://www.compromat.ru Russian media (closed by Zionists): http://www.dazzle.ru/spec/rr-smi.shtml
All Putin's failures: http://www.anticompromat.org/index.html Open letter from Vladimir Kvachkov, Robert Yashin and Alexander Naydenov: http://www.kvachkov.org/info/post_1194357481.html Putin stole $40 billion from the people. http://compromat.ru/main/putin/ravnoudalennyj.htm … http://lindex.lenin.ru/Lindex2/Shire02/Est02/3740.htm http://www.kvachkov.org/ http://www.compromat.ru http://www.russia-talk.com/rf/zertzalo.htm http://www.dpni.tv/varticles/kremlevski/ http://ckunemp.narod.ru/index.html http://vojnik.org/ http://www.forbes.com/ http://www.organizmica.org/ http://www.dazzle.ru/index.html http://www.russia-talk.com/rf/dush.htm http://www.kollekcia.ru/index.php http://www.cossackdom.com/indexr.html http://rus-sky.com/links.htm http://www.rv.ru/ http://www.rusidea.org/ http://www.nstula.ru/index.php?ch=0 http://www.compromat.ru/main/duma/a.htm http://scandaly.ru/specvyp/specvyp16p0.html "The criminal code of the Russian Federation" from 13.06.1996 N 63-FZ (ed. from 07.04.2020) (with changes. and add., Intro. effective from 12.04.2020) Criminal code of the Russian Federation Chapter 29. CRIMES AGAINST the foundations of constitutional LAW BUILDING AND SECURITY OF THE STATE Article 275. Treason * Article 276. Espionage * Article 277. Encroachment on the life of a state or public figure * Article 278. Forcible seizure of power or forcible retention of power * Article 279. Armed rebellion * Article 280. Public calls for extremist activities
* Article 280.1. Public calls for actions aimed at violating the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation * Article 281. Sabotage * Article 282. Inciting hatred or enmity, as well as humiliation of human dignity • Article 282.1. The organization of an extremist community • Article 282.2. The organization of an extremist organization * Article 282.3. Financing of extremist activities * Article 283. Disclosure of state secrets * Article 283.1. Illegal receipt of information constituting a state secret * Article 284. Loss of documents containing state secrets * Article 284.1. carrying out activities on the territory of the Russian Federation of a foreign or international non-governmental organization in respect of which a decision has been made to declare its activities undesirable on the territory of the Russian Federation We, the power of Russia in the face of living residents with a soul spirit mind Owners of INDIVIDUALS - "Persons": in the Russian Federation, have become victims of abuse of power, we accuse Vladimir Putin of carrying out his "Judicial reform" in 2001, under the pretext of the need for which he pushed his unconstitutional Criminal procedure Code of Russia through the state Duma and the Federal Assembly. With the help of this Putin code of criminal procedure of Russia, doctors, judges and prosecutors with lawyers and journalists of Russia have already destroyed a whole generation of the sane population of Russia with their own hands. And this genocide of the Russian people by the Jewish people continues to this day. The main thing is that Putin came to power to lead the genocide of the Russian people by the Jews. It is necessary to condemn the judicial power of Russia as the personification of the forces of evil.