I. Лексические упражнения. II. Грамматические упражнения. III. Написание резюме. Соотнесите две колонки между собой . SERGEY A. AIVAZOVСтр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒
24.06 105 ДОУ
I. Лексические упражнения
Вставьте выделенные курсивом слова в пропуски в предложениях Employee Deadline Get sacked/dismissed Skills of communication CV 1. ………….. is the record of one’s achievements.
2. The ability to ……………………. is essential for every manager.
3. Putting a.…….... is an effective way to organize and monitor employees’work.
4. Most of the ………….. are young people who have a difficulty in finding a job because of the lack of work experience.
5. Sometimes people ………………… because of the poor quality of work done by them, sometimes - because of the conflict with a boss. II. Грамматические упражнения
1. Вставьте правильные формы притяжательных местоимений
1. Whose Curriculum Vitae is this? Is it …? (you) 2. Excuse mе, those аre … seats. (we) 3. Is it … cover letter or … ? (you/he) 4. They’re not … references, they're … . (I/she) 5. I don’t think it's … room. I think it’s … . (you/they)
III. Написание резюме Соотнесите две колонки между собой