Упражнение 1. Определите, являются утверждения верными либо нет. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Упражнение 1. Определите, являются утверждения верными либо нет. 1. Good language learners don’t make mistakes. 2. It’s a good idea to talk with other students. 3. Take notes only before an exam. 4. Good language learners write down the words and expressions they learn. 5. Think of language you know when you are outside the classroom. 6. Don’t take tests outside of class – it’s very stressful.
Упражнение 1. Ответьтенавопросы. 1) Where can you buy an airline ticket? 2) What does the flight-information board tell you? 3) When do passengers get “bumped"? 4) What happens at the check-in desk? 5) When are security checks made, and what is searched? 6) Why do many passengers buy things at a duty-free shop? 7) Where can you put your hand baggage on the aircraft? 8) Where are you allowed to smoke on an aircraft? 9) What percentage of the population is afraid of flying?