Theme: Equipment. . III. Vocabulary work.. IV. Grammar. Distinguish questions.Стр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ Theme: Equipment. Look at the pictures This is equipment which helps us do our work.
III. Vocabulary work. Look at the picture and choose equipment which you use. An aluminum rule is a long narrow rail, which is designed for leveling plaster coats on horizontal and vertical surfaces, including beacons. Алюминиевой правило– длинная узкая рейка, которая предназначена для выравнивания слоя штукатурки на горизонтальных и вертикальных поверхностях, в том числе и по маякам. Hand guns are tools to be applied on the surface of products and structures of the compositions of different viscosity [vɪsˈkɔsɪtɪ] (water, disinfectants, paints, all kinds of impregnation, etc.). As a rule, it is executed in the shape of a gun, consists of a housing, trigger, spray head, overhead valve and other parts.
Some solutions must be mixed to obtain the desired consistency. In this case, will be indispensable cuvette – plastic box with high walls. Некоторые растворы необходимо смешивать до получения нужной консистенции. В этом случае будет незаменима кювета – пластиковый ящик с высокими стенками.
How do you use them? Why? IV. Grammar. Distinguish questions. a) What kinds of questions do you know? Do you remember the rules of making distinguish questions? Let’s train in making distinguish questions.