Тема: What is a Hard Disk Drive (HDD)? ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 Тема: What is a Hard Disk Drive (HDD)? Слова в тетрадь, отвечаем на вопросы Hard disk drive is the mechanism that reads and writes data on a hard disk. Hard disk drive has many inflexible platters (discs) coated with magnetic material. Read/write heads can record computer data on these discs. Atypical hard disk rotates at 3,600 revolutions per minute, and the read/ write heads ride over the surface of the disk on a cushion of air 25 micron deep. Hard disk drives (HDDs) for PCs generally have seek times of about 12 milliseconds or less. Hard disk drives are sometimes called Winchester drives. Winchester is the name of one of the first popular hard disk drive technologies developed by IBM in What is a Monitor?
Words: keyboard — клавиатура alphanumeric keys — буквенно-цифровые клавиши punctuation keys — клавиши пунктуации comma — запятая period — точка semicolon — точка с запятой function key — функциональная клавиша control key — клавиша управления arrow key — клавиша с изображением стрелки Caps Lock key — клавиша фиксации регистра заглавных букв layout — расположение enhanced keyboard — расширенная клавиатура return key — клавиша возврата каретки shift key — клавиша переключения регистра num lock — фиксация числового регистра revolutions per minute — оборотов в минуту cushion of air — воздушная подушка seek time — время поиска cathode ray tube — электронно-лучевая трубка
Questions: 1. How are the keys on computer keyboards classified? 2. How is the standard layout of keys on a keyboard called? 3. How many keys has enhanced keyboard? 4. How are hard disk drives sometimes called? 5. What is hard disk drive? 6. How are monitor screen sizes measured?