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ЗАКАЗЫВАЙТЕ ПОСОБИЕ «Банк тематических аргументов для написания ЭССЕ» 38 тем https://vk.com/ege2020english e - mail: song.pesnya@list.ru Many people prefer to communicate with their online friends than to socialize with people in their local communities. Полезный материал для написания ЭССЕ. The contemporary era is an era of modernization. Online communication is gaining more popularity these days. It is noticeable that a increasing number of people are more willing to engage with online friends rather than persons around them. I am biased towards the former opinion and the following essay will be analysed in both views in depth.
Certainly, making friends online has its benefits. Firstly, our views could be broadened through communicating with people from across the globe. We could be exposed to people from various cultures, regions, with different religious beliefs and colours, which is a preasured experience that could be hardly obtained by socializing with our own communities. Moreover, online communication is with far more effectiveness than real life physical engagement. For instance, we have sufficient time to organize our sentences before sending them to online friends, thus possibilities of misunderstanding are reduced and effectiveness of communication is promoted.
Furthermore, excess of online communication will lead to a lack of physical contacts due to less face to face conversations. It has been proved that a certain amount of physical contacts could help human beings maintain a healthy body and mental state, as human could obtain a sense of security and happiness through hand-shaking, cuddling, etcetera. Therefore, if people spent all their leisure time online making friends, they might suffer from mental illnesses in the future.
However, it is equally pivotal to acknowledge that the shortcoming of online socialization can also not be underestimated and the potential risk of being a victim of cybercrime obviously stands out. This means the personal information will be assembled and attended to blackmail aim by the hackers. Moreover, in daily life communicate with that people tend to aesthetic and the smartphone will become an integral part of their life, especially teenager and youngsters. Fortunately, this hazard is able to easily avoid if users fine-tune rational.
In conclusion, focusing on online friends will undermine real life social skills. It is impossible to complete all daily tasks through the internet, which means eventually people need to be equipped with a certain level of interpersonal skills so that they could effectively communicate with others such as their landlord and doctors. Without those essential social skills, it will be hard to live a satisfied life only in the digital world.