Экзаменационные тесты по английскому языкуСтр 1 из 3Следующая ⇒ Экзаменационные тесты по английскому языку для студентов 1 курса факультета Тесты I уровня
1. Pick the correct word. a) armcheir b+armchair c) armchaer d) armhayr e) armchiar 2. Choose the correct word. a) cushin b) cuchion c) cusheon d) cushioon e) +cushion 3. Choose the correctly written word. a) +wardrobe b) wadrobe c) wordrobe d) werdrobe e) wardrob 4. Pick the correct word. a) mountainos b) mountainois c) + mountainous d) mountainus e) mauntainous 5. Choose the correctly written word. a) shiipbuilding b) shepbuilding c) shipbulding d) +shipbuilding e) shipbuelding 6. Find the correct word. a) bookcise b)bookceise c) bookcaise d) boakcase e)+ bookcase 7. Pick out the correct word. a) +architectural b) architecturel c) arcitectural2 d) architictural e) arshitectural 8. Choose the correct word. a) a fortrees b) a fortriss c) +a fortress d) a fotress e) a fottress 9. Pick out the correct word. a) financil b) financiale c) financal d)+financial e) financeial 10. Pick the correct word. a) +Cathedral b) Cathedrall c) Cahedral d Cafedral e) Cathidral 11. Pick out the correct word. a)Westminister b) Westminste c) Westmister d) Wistminster e) +Westminster 12. Choose the correct word. a) secondery b) +secondary c) secondari d)secandary e) sekondary 13. Pick the correct word. a) comprehinsive b)comprihensive c) +comprehensive d)camprehensive e) comprehencive 14. Choose the correct word. a) + technical b)tehnical c) tecnical d)tekchnical e) technecal 15. Find the correct word. a)primery b)primari c) praimary d) preimary e) + primary 16. Pick the correct word. a)+Public b) Publek c)Publyc d) Publec e) Peblic 17. Choose the correct word. a) atentively b) attentivily c) + attentively d) attentiveli e) attentivele 18. Find out the correct word. a) scence b) + science c) scienci d) sciience e) scienc 19. Pick the correct word. a) tixtile b) textele c) +textile d) textyle e) textily 20. Choose the correct word. a)giftid b)gefted c) geftid d)+gifted e) giftyd 21. Choose the correct word. a)scholgirl b) schoolgerl c) sckoolgirl d) skhoolgirl e) + schoolgirl 22. Find out the correct word. a)+ languages b)languiges c) langueges d)languagis e) lenguages 23. Pick out the correct word. a) forein b)+foreign c) forign d) foreighn e) foreigne 24. Choose the correct word. a)handicappid b) handecapped c) handicappied d)handicipped e)+handicapped 25. Find the correct word. a)kindergartenn b) kindergartin c) +kindergarten d) kendergarten e) kindirgarten 26. Pick out the correct word. a) compitition b) + competition c) competiteon d) competetion e) campetition 27. Choose the correct word. a) veluable b) valueble c)+valuable d) valuible e) valuably 28. Tick the correct word. a) thioretical b) theoritical c) theoreticel d)+ theoretical e) theoretecal 29. Find the correct word. a) + confidence b) confedence c) confudence d) confidance e) canfidence 30. Tick the correct word. a) sucessfully b) suckessfully c) + successfully d) succissfully e) succecfully 31. Tick the correct word. a) farmaceutical b) pharmaciutical c) pharmaceutikal d) pharmacuutical e) + pharmaceutical 32. Find the correct word. a)physican b) fysician c) physisian d) +physician e) physicion 33. Tick the correct word. a) +author b)autor c) auther d) auhtor e) auzhor 34. Choose the correct word. a)fruitfyl b)frietful c)friitful d)+fruitful e)fruithul 35. Find the correct word. a) knewledge b) knawledge c) + knowledge d) knowlidge e) knowledje 36. Find the common word for this group. a) master’s b) bachelor’s c) candidate’s d) +degree e) doctor’s 37. Find the synonym to the word “spinal column” a) breastbone b) vertebra c) thorax d) +spine e) rib 38. Choose the correct word. a)grandfaher b)+grandfather c) grendfather d)grandfazer e)grandffather 39. Find out the correct word. a) + cranial b)crenial c) craniil d)craniale e) craniyl 40. Choose the correct word. a) servical b)cervikal c)cervycal d)+cervical e)cervicel 41. Tick out the correct word. a) extrimity b)+extremity c) extremiti d) extrimety e) ixtremity 42. Choose the correct word. a) cartilager b)cartiilage c) cartilege d)cortilage e) +cartilage 43. Choose the correct word. a)+pericardium b)pericardum c) perycardium d)pericardeum e) perikardium 44. Choose the correctly written word. a) pulmonery b)pulmonory c) +pulmonary d)pulmonari e) pulmonarry 45. Pick the correct word. a)subserois b)sabserous c)subserious d) +subserous e) subseirous 46. Find the correct word. a) +membraneous b)membraneuus c)membraneois d)membranois e) membroneous 47. Choose the correct word. a)galbladder b)+gallbladder c)gollbladder d)gallbladdir e) gallblodder 48. Tick out the correct word. a)jijunum b)jejanum c)jejunam d) +jejunum e) jejunym 49. Pick the correct word. a)diafragm b)diapragm c)+diaphragm d)dyaphragm e) diaphram 50. Choose the correct word. a)+ileum b)iileum c) ilieum d) ilium e) ileyum 51. Choose the correct word. a)esohagus b)+esophagus c) esofagus d)esophogus e) esophegus 52. Choose the correctly written word. a)pancrees b)pankreas c) +pancreas d)pancres e) pancrias 53. Choose the correctly written word. a) simultaneousli b)simultaneusly c) simultaneosly d)+simultaneously e) simaltaneously 54. Tick the correct word. a) +caecum b)ciecum c)ciicum d)caecam e) caicum 55. Choose the correct variant of the word. a) tangue b)toongue c)+tongue d)tongui e) tonguy 56. Choose the correct variant of the word. a)+salivary b)salivari c)salivery d)sealivary e) salyvary 57. Choose the correct variant of the word. a) pollutoni b)pallution c) +pollution d)polutiin e) pollyution 58. Choose the correct variant of the word. a)intestin b)intiestine c)+intestine d)intestiene e) intistine 59. Choose the correct variant of the word. a) +niece b)niecee c) niice d) neece e) niese 60. Choose the correct variant of the word. a) dauhter b) daugter c) daoghter d) dautere e) +daughter 61. Cross out the extra word. a) brother b) sister c) niece d) nephew e)+ dog 62. Find out the extra word. a) bathroom b) kitchen c) hall d) +street e) living room 63. Cross out the extra word. a) green b) red c)+beautiful d) grey e) white 64. Tick out the extra word. a) spoon b) cup c)+ sofa d) knife e) fork 65. Pick out the extra word. a) Kazakhstan b) China c) Russia d) USA e)+ Volga 66. Find out the extra word. a) Literature b) History c) Natural Science d)+ Thames e)Technical drawing 67. Pick out the extra word. a) surgeon b) nurse c)+ driver d) gynaecologist e) therapeutist 68. Find out the extra word. a) lung b) heart c) kidney d) liver e) +head 69. Cross out the extra word. a) cervical b) thoracic c) lumbar d) sacral e) +umbilical 70. Tick out the extra word. a) duodenum b)+vertebra c)colon d) jejunum e) caecum 71. Pick out the extra word. a) wonderful b) nice c)+ yellow d) pretty e) beautiful 72. Find out the extra word. a) bread b) cake c) + aunt d) juice e) chicken 73. Cross out the extra word. a) wardrobe b) sideboard c) sofa d) armchair e) +car 74. Tick the extra word. a) bookcase b) mirror c) carpet d) + school e) bed 75. Cross out the extra word. a) table b) chair c) + bicycle d) bedside-table e) dinner-table 76. Cross out the extra word. a) the City b) the West End c) Westminster d) + Trafalgar Square e) the East End 77. Cross out the extra word. a) gas-stove b) sink c) refrigerator d) cupboard e) + room 78. Cross out the extra word. a) a pen b) a ruler c) a book d) + a cup e) a pencil 79. Find out the extra word. a) ocean b) + plant c) lake d) river e) sea 80. Cross out the extra word. a) south b) north c) west d) east e)+town 81. Cross out the extra word. a)+ red b)round c) conical d) triangular e) circle 82. Find out the extra word. a) infant school b) junior school c) state school d) public school e) +physical education 83. Cross out the extra word. a) a scientist b)+ a book c) a pilot d) a politician e) a teacher 84. Cross out the extra word. a) Literature b) Mathematics c) Physics d) + Scotland e) Science 85. Find the synonym to the word “various” a) difficult b) deep c) subsequent d) basic e)+ different 86. Cross out the extra word. a) therapeutist b) +kidney c) surgeon d) dentist e) neurologist 87. The antonym of the word “high” is: a) little b) rise c) +low d) level e) long 88. The antonym of the word “anterior” is: a) superior` b) inferior c) backwards d) + posterior e) low 89.Find the antonym of the word “to set”: a) to recite b) +to rise c) to show d) to ring e) to get up 90. The antonym of the word “hot” is: a) cool b) warm c) +cold d) dry e) freeze 91. The antonym of the word “to rise”: a) to recite b) +to set c) to show d) to ring e) to get up 92. Give the antonym of the word “always” a) +never b) sometimes c) rarely d) often e) seldom 93. Find the antonym to the verb “to separate” a) + to connect b) to invite c) to embed d) to overlap e) to fuse 94. Find the antonym to the word “often” a) usually b) always c) never d) + seldom e) sometimes 95. Find the antonym to the word “safe” a) + dangerous b) possible c) difficult d) easy e) hard 96. Find the antonym to the word “to begin” a) to go b) to jump c) to run d) to dance e) +to finish 97. Find the antonym to the word “lower” a) + upper b) bigger c) shorter d) larger e) smaller 98. Find the antonym to the word “to dilate” a) +to contract b) to locate c) to connect d) to include e) to pass 99. Find the antonym to the word “external” a) lateral b) posterior c) serous d) subserous e) +internal 100. Find the antonym to the word “correct” a) true b) definite c) + incorrect d) total e) thoracic 101. Give the opposite meaning to the word “male” a) +female b) woman c) women d) husband e) people 102. Find the antonym to the word “thick” a) large b) +thin c) long d) small e) light 103. Put the antonym to the word “short” a) big b) high c) + long d) large e) dark 104. Find the antonym to the word “upward” a) +down b) high c) left d) opposite e) right 105. Put the antonym to the word “left” a) under b) behind c) opposite d) among e) +right
106. Put the antonym to the word “important” a) significant b) serious c) + unimportant d) possible e) common 107. Find the antonym to the word “large ” a) short b) long c) high d) +small e) big 108. Find the antonym to the word “definite” a) + indefinite b)important c) significant d) exact e) common 109. Put the antonym to the word “to buy” a) to keep b) to choose c) to get d) to rent e) + to sell 110.Put the antonym to the word “favourable” a) +unfavourable b) false c) useful d) careful e) suitable 111. Give the antonym to the word “known” a) common b) + unknown c) weak d) famous e) special 112. Give the antonym to the word “life” a) disease b) danger c) +death d) smile e) health 113. Find the antonym to the word “after” a) +before b) near c) behind d) down e) ahead
114. Put the antonym to the word “down” a) backward b) forward c) towards d) + up e) upper 115. Put the antonym to the word “inner” a) lower b) upper c) further d) +outer e) distant 116. Find the antonym to the word “hard” a) easy b) tasty c) cold d) + soft e) difficult 117.Find the synonym to the word “sign” a) palate b) + symptom c) injury d) measure e) heart 118. Give the synonym to the word “form” a) +shape b) tumour c) tissue d) saliva e) gland 119. Find the synonym to the word “thorax” a) breastbone b) +chest c) rib d) spine e) trunk 120. Find the synonym to the word “physician” a) nurse b) dentist c) teacher d) +doctor e) lawyer 121. Find the synonym to the word “drug” a) +medicine b) prescription c) teacher d) doctor e) surgeon
122. Find the synonym to the word “medicine” a) +remedy b) bottle c) teacher d) doctor e) lawyer 123. Cross out the extra word. a) surgeon b) dentist c) therapeutist d) traumatologist e) +accounter 124. Find the synonym to the word “volume” a) +capacity b) sight c) sign d) movement e) vision 125. Find the synonym to the word “sense” a) vision b) motion c) movement d) ache e) +feeling 126. Find the synonym to the word “pain” a) overstrain b) + ache c) malaise d) vomiting e) disease 127. Put the common word for this group. a) mother b) brother c) +family d) father e) daughter 128. Find the common word for this group. a) a bike b) a bus c)+ transport d) a ship e) a train 129. Give the common word for this group. a) Literature b)+ subject c) Music d) Art e) Drama
130. Use the common word for this group. a) apple b) peach c) grapes d) +fruits e) orange 131. Find the common word for this group. a) skull b) leg c) thigh d) vertebrae e) + skeleton 132. Give the common word for this group. a) Tuesday b)+ days of the week c) Friday d) Wednesday e) Sunday 133. Find the common word for this group. a) serous coat b) visceral layer c) elastic tissue d) proper substance e)+ lung structure 134. Tick the common word for this group. a) foot b) thigh c)+ lower extremities d) leg e) fingers 135. Give the common word forthis group. a) cardiologist b) neurologist c) therapeutist d)+ doctors e)dentist 136. Choose the common word for this group. a) cervical vertebrae b) lumbar vertebrae c)+ spinal column d) thoracic vertebrae e) sacral vertebrae 137. Use the common word for this group. a) atrium b) + heart structure c) ventricle d) valve e) septum 138. Tick the common word for this group. a) cervical vertebrae b) lumbar vertebrae c)+ spine d) thoracic vertebrae e) sacral vertebrae 139. Find the common word for this group. a) lung base b) lung apex c)+ lung structure d) lung surfaces e) lung borders 140. Tick the common word for this group. a) arm b) hand c) forearm d) +upper extremities e) fingers 141. Give the common word for this group. a) duodenum b) jejunum c) caecum d) colon e) +intestines 142. Find the common word for this group. a) Kazakh b)+ languages c) Chinese d) Russian e) Turkish 143. Find the common word for this group. a) runner b) jumper c) swimmer d) + sportsman e) skater 144. Use the common word for this group. a) winter b) spring c) summer d) +seasons e) autumn 145. Choose the common word for this group. a) zebra b) lion c) +animals d) bear e) wolf 146. Tick the common word for this group. a) basketball b) + games c) tennis d) volleyball e) football 147. Choose the common word for this group. a) brown b) yellow c) +colours d) red e) white 148. Give the common word for this group. a) May b) January c) +Months d) October e) September 149. Find the common word for this group. a) pizza b) +food c) cake d) cheese e) bread 150. Tick the common word for this group. a) wardrobe b) +furniture c) armchair d) sofa e) bookcase 151. Choose the common word for this group. a) square-table b) dinner-table c) + furniture d) wardrobe e) bed 152. Use the common word for this group. a) son b)+relatives c) daughter d) niece e) nephew 153. Find the common word for this group. a) trousers b) +clothes c) jeans d) shorts e) tights 154. Give the common word for this group. a) a duck b) a hen c) + birds d) a cock e) a swam 155. Choose the common word for this group. a) Saturn b) Mars c) Neptune d) +Planets e) Jupiter 156. Tick the common word for this group. a) an eagle b) a duck c) a sea- gull d) a hen e) + a bird 157. Choose the common word for this group. a) Everest b) +mountains c) Altai d) Himalayas e) Alatau 158. Give the common word for this group. a) Amazon b) Nile c) + rivers d) Volga e) Dnieper 159. Choose the common word for this group. a) Alakol b) + lakes c) Baikal d) Balhash e) Zaisan 160.Choose the common word for this group. a) Tien Shan b) the Alps c) Altai d) +mountains e) Gibraltar 161. Choose the common word for this group. a) pine-apple b) +fruits c) orange d) pear e) apple 162.Give the 3rd form to the verb “ to speak ”. a) speak b)speaking c) spoke d) + spoken e) speakon 163.Give the 3rd form to the verb “to live ” . a) live b) living c) lives d) +lived e) liven 164.Give the 3rd form to the verb “to write ”. a) writing b) wrote c) write d) +written e) writed 165.Put the 3rd form to the verb “to go ”. a) going b) go c) went d) +gone e) gon 166.Give the 3rd form to the verb “to know ”. a) know b) knawn c) knew d) +known e) knowing 167. Put the 3rd form to the verb “to want ” . a) wants b) wanten c) wanting d) +wanted e) want 168. Give the 3rdform to the verb “ understand ” . a) +understood b) understand c)understanding d) understod e)understad 169. Tick the 3rdform to the verb “to make ”. a) makes b) +made c) making d) make e) mad 170. Give the 3rdform to the verb “ to form ”. a) +formed b) forming c) form d) formid e) formad 171. Choose the 3rdform to the verb “to buy ”. a) +bought b) buying c) buy d) bough e) buought 172. Choose the 3rd form to the verb “to eat”. a)+ eaten b) ate c) ated d) eated e) eating 173.Find the antonym to the word “happy”. a) pale b) light c) evident d) +unhappy e) clear 174. Find the antonym to the word “to hate”. a) to do b) +to love c) to look d) to watch e) to see 175. Give the antonym to the word “ugly” a) good b) busy c) +beautiful d) hungry e) difficult 176. Find the antonym to the word “dangerous” a) +safe b) danger c) busy d) poor e) old 177. Give the antonym to the word “slow” a) bad b) + fast c) rich d) happy e) new 178. Find the antonym to the word “new” a) rich b) fast c) poor d) +old e) better 179. Choose the antonym to the word “poor” a) beautiful b) busy c) young d) +rich e) slow 180. Cross out the extra word. a)neck b) lips c) mouth d) +snow e) eye 181. Cross out the extra word. a) head b) foot c) ear d) + train e) teeth 182. Tick out the extra word. a) arm b) hand c) fingers d) forearm e)+ blood 183. Cross out the extra word. a) cold b) hot c) mild d) moderate e) +lake 184. Pick out the extra word. a) liver b) gallbladder c) +abdomen d) gland e) pancreas 185. Cross out the extra word. a) duodenum b) jejunum c) intestine d) ileum e) +gland 186. Put out the extra word. a) pharynx b)+leg c) esophagus d) mouth e) intestine 187. Put out the extra word. a) caecum b) +small intestine c) colon d) sigmoid e) rectum 188. Find the common word for this group. a) dress b) sweater c) +clothes d) T-shirt e) suit 189. Find the common word for this group. a) Eton b) Harrow c) Winchester d) Rugby e)+ Public schools 190. Find the common word for this group. a) spine b) chest c)+ bones of the trunk d) ribs e) breastbone 191. Find the common word for this group. a) chicken b) cow c) goat d) + animals e) horse 192. Find the common word for this group. a) pre-school b)+ education c) general d) primary e) secondary 193. Choose the common word for this group. a) mouth b)+alimentary tract c) pharynx d) esophagus e) stomach 194. the common word for this group. a) soft palate b) teeth c) +mouth structure d) tongue e) hard palate 195. Choose the common word for this group. a)rectum b) sigmoid c) caecum d) colon e) +large intestine 196. Find the common word for this group. a) Mexican b) +nationality c) Japanese d) Spanish e) English 197. Find the common word for this group. a) painter b) actor c) + job d) singer e) teacher 198.Cross out the extra word. a) grey b) black c) + colour d) blue Find e) green 199. Give the 2nd form of the verb “to lead” a) leading b) leed c) +led d) leaded e) lead 200. Give the 2nd form of the verb “to speak” a) +spoke b) spoken c) speak d) speaked e) speaking 201. Choose the 2nd form of the verb “to give” a) +gave b) give c) have give d) given e) giving 202.Find the 2nd form of the verb “to fall” a) fallen b) + fell c) fall d) falling e) falled 203. Choose the 2nd form of the verb “to rise” a) rising b) rised c) + rose d) rise e) risen 204. Choose the 2nd form of the verb “to meet” a) meet b) meted c) +met d) meeted e) meeting 205. Put the 2nd form of the verb “to buy” a) buyed b) buy c) +bought d) buying e) bay 206. Choose the 2nd form of the verb “to take” a) taken b) +took c) taked d) take e) takeing 207. Give the 2nd form of the verb “to feed” a)feed b)feeded c)feeding d)feedes e) +fed 208. Choose the 2nd form of the verb “to ring” a) +rang b) rung c) will ring d) have ring e) ringed 209. Give the 2nd form of the verb “to see” a) +saw b) seeing c) sawn d) seen e)have see 210. Put the 2nd form of the verb “to keep” a) keeping b) keept c) keep d) keeped e) +kept 211. Choose the 2ndform of the verb “to begin” . a) begun b) begon c) begined d) +began e)has begin 212. Cross out the extra word. a) milk b) ham c) +uncle d) apple e) chicken 213. Choose the antonym of a word “dry” a) hot b) thick c) easy d) +wet e) empty 214 Find the antonym to the word “to connect” a) + to separate b) to invite c) to embed d) to overlap e) to fuse 215. Find the synonym to the word “almost” a) also b) always c) frequently d) +nearly e) further 216. Give the common word for this group. a) aunt b) uncle c) nephew d)+ relatives e) cousin