Situation 1. Card #11 and #12. Situation 2. Card #13 and #14. Situation 3. Card #15 and #16. Situation 4. Card #17 and #18. Situation 5 ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 Situation 1 A:You are booking into a hotel. You are on your own. You want a shower. B: You are a hotel receptionist. You can’t find the reservation. You only have a double room with bath available.
Card #11 and #12 Situation 2 A:Your neighbours listen to music till the night. It happens every day and because of it you cannot fall asleep. You decided to speak to them. B: You have the parties with your friends almost every day. You like to listen to music till the night. Once your neighbour came to you ... .
Card #13 and #14 Situation 3 A:Your neighbour’s dog always fights with your lovely cat. Because of it you cannot let your cat go for a walk. Tell about it to your neighbor. B: Your lovely dog always fights with your neighbour’s cat. But you are not against it, because you hate cats from the childhood. Card #15 and #16 Situation 4 A:Your aunt (uncle) has informed you about his (her) arrival and asked you to meet her (him) at the railway station. You can’t meet her (him) because of urgent business. You are calling up to your friend asking him to meet her. B: Your friend is calling up to you asking to meet his aunt (uncle) at the railway station. He has got urgent business and can’t meet her (him) himself. Your friend is describing his aunt (uncle). Ask questions on his (her) appearance because you must recognize her (him).
Card #17 and #18 Situation 5 A:You are travelling around the country and decided to have dinner in a small town. You are wearing a very expensive dress and going to the restaurant. Having entered, one of the waitresses poured out a glass of tomato juice on your dress. B: You are a waitress and poured out a glass of tomato juice on a young lady in a very expensive dress.
Card #19 [À] __________________________________________________________________ [o] __________________________________________________________________ [u:] __________________________________________________________________ [ə:] __________________________________________________________________ [o:] __________________________________________________________________ Card #20 a) arrogance influence science confidence prominence difference
b) cuteness liveliness friendliness sadness gentleness sexiness weakness
c) affection attraction distinction expression association collection evolution pretension attention convention exaggeration
d) compatibility invisibility recognition flexibility maturity sensitivity generosity objectivity
Card #21 - time - pattern - castle - spelt
- wears - does - loves - knocks
- stayed - looked - pulled - weighed
- look - good - blood - foot
- dead - mean - bread - head
- rented - landed - assisted - opened
- thought - around - sound - house
- York - born - Ford - Oxford
- lives - reads - writes - begs
- kissed - smiled - studied - agreed
- day - days - say - says
- agrees - makes - stops - cooks
- though - brought - ought - thought
- night - fifth - sight - climb
- museum - use - music - busy
- moon - food - foot - poodle
- jeans - steak - sea - weak
- studies - runs - wishes - goes
- played - helped - laughed - walked Card #22
1. None the less, various biological __________ of X-rays were noted and explored. (effects/affects) 2. Differences in the behavior of different cancers of the same organ does not make it easy to identify the __________ hormones for treatment. (write/right) 3. The fault element in rape is that the man__________ that the woman is not consenting. (nose/knows) 4. August Weismann argued that two independent processes of __________ division start from the fertilized egg. (cell/sell) 5. In particular, on days of ill-omen ships could not set __________. (sale/sail) 6. The variations are so wide that it would contravene both the principle of __________ labeling and the principle of maximum certainty. (fair/fare) 7. The evolutionary __________ of early man remains a complexity of fossils and uncertain interpretations. (storey/story) 8. Unfortunately direct evidence for their involvement is very __________. (week/weak) 9. We may find unifying __________ in patterns of gene activity. (principals/principles) 10. This is a weight-driven clock equipped with a __________ consisting of a drum divided into twelve compartments with small holes in the dividing walls. (break/brake)
Card #23 Transcribe the proverbs. 1. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 2. Still waters run deep. 3. Between the devil and the deep sea. 4. As fit as a fiddle. 5. A new broom sweeps clean. 6. A small leak will sink a great ship. 7. Honey is sweet, but the bee stings. 8. A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 9. A bird may be known by its song. 10. Walls have ears.
Card #24 Hare, here, hire, interfere, fire, care, lyre, core, dare, adore, forehead, note, cure, more, sure, date, code, Pete, mine, rose, tea, site, go, face, nose, name, see, he, bike, be, sea, theme, so, tie, hope, five, stone.