Задание 1. Прочитать текст, выписать в тетрадь незнакомые слова с транскрипцией и переводом.Задание 1. Прочитать текст, выписать в тетрадь незнакомые слова с транскрипцией и переводом. Задание 2. Устно перевести текст, опираясь на выписанные слова. Задание 3. Составить и написать тему о своей будущей профессии. Задание 4. Пересказать составленную тему. MY FUTURE PROFESSION – CAR MECHANIC I am going to tell you about my future profession. Choosing a career and getting a job are two things; any person passes through in his life. When millions of young people leave school, they begin an independent life. Some of them start working, go into business; some of them keep upgrading their schooling to receive vocational or higher education. While choosing a career one should take into consideration all main possibilities that his future profession might provide: the profession must be interesting, one have to be sure of his future (that means that one will be able to find a job after his graduation from the vocational school or the university), a profession must be well-paid, otherwise you won’t be able to support yourself and your future family. There are many professions in the world, so it’s quite difficult to choose and make a decision. Some follow their own choice; some follow parents’ advice, because they can help concerning future plans.
Many people hesitate about their future profession, but I don’t have such problem. I’ve always wanted to be a car mechanic. In childhood I liked to play with toy cars and repair them. When I grew up, my father started to take me to the garage and to teach me how to repair a real car. I like this activity very much. My uncle works as a car mechanic. I often go to his service station and help him. My uncle says that a good car mechanic can always make a living. My uncle does not lack clients. After all, even if a vehicle is not broken, it is necessary to change oil and to perform maintenance once in a while. I study physics very thoroughly at technical school. Because without knowledge of the laws of physics it is impossible to understand how a car works. Maybe someday I’ll open my own car service. However, this requires both experience and a large amount of money, so first I will work as an employee. The work of the mechanics has a clear value, as one can’t ride a broken car. Office employees are often unhappy about their job because they spend time on some unnecessary reports. But the mechanic is always sure that he is engaged in useful work. So I am sure that I have made the right decision for myself and am already moving towards my goal.