Exercise 1. Determine sentences where Participle I or Participle II is used.Стр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ Exercise 1. Determine sentences where Participle I or Participle II is used. 21. Parents are sent a reading list a few weeks in advance of the start of the school year. 22. The job was advertised in the local paper. 23. He works in advertising. 24. Try placing an ad in the local paper. 25. Police are advising the public against travelling in the fog. 26. His affected manner annoyed her. 27. All around the room heads were nodding in affirmation. 28. Scientists are going abroad, taking with them skills that our country cannot afford to lose. 29. The dark ruins of the castle stood out against the evening sky. 30. We left Ron’s bicycle propped against the tree. 31. The king’s son died in battle, fighting against the Persians. 32. I might go shopping this afternoon. 33. The judge considered several aggravating factors. 34. Her husband failed to pay her the agreed sum of money. 35. The committee finally reached agreement on two important issues. 36. These findings are in agreement with our previous conclusions. 37. Instead of turning left, he drove straight ahead towards the river.
Exercise 2. State which actions are expressed by Participles: a) simultaneous action with the action expressed by the finite verb; b) an action prior to the action expressed by the finite verb 12. Having seen the girl only once, I didn’t recognize her. (Увидев девушку единожды, я не узнал ее) 13. Looking out of the window, she saw that the rain had stopped. (Глядя в окно, она увидела, что дождь закончился) 14. The general, being advised of the approach of the enemy, ordered his troops into line of battle. (Генерал, узнав о приближении врага, приказал своим войскам вступить в бой) 15. Having lost the key, he couldn’t get into the house. (Потеряв ключ, он не смог попасть в дом) 16. Arriving at the station, he found the train gone. (Прибыв на станцию, он обнаружил, что поезд ушел) We left at dawn, returning late. (Мы вышли на рассвете, возвращаясь поздно) 17. The books written by him are very popular now. (Книги, написанные им, сейчас очень популярны) 18. Having been written long ago, the manuscript was illegible. (Написанная очень давно рукопись была неразборчива) 19. Translating from English into Russian, you should know well both languages. (Переводя с английского на русский, вам следует знать обо язык хорошо) 20. The child, seeing its mother, ran to meet her. (Ребенок, увидевший свою маму, побежал ее встречать) 21. Being pre-occupied with work, he couldn’t meet us. (Будучи занятым работой, он не мог нас встретить) 22. He lived alone forgotten by everybody. (Он жил один, забытый всеми) 23. I love the noise of fallingrain.(Мне нравится шум падающего дождя) 24.Irritatedby her behavior, he walked out.(Раздраженный ее поведением, он вышел) 25.Having been tired, the students sat down. (Уставшие студенты сели) 26. The thief, having stolen the horse, made his escape. (Вор, укравший лошадь, сбежал/исчез) 27. The house, destroyed by fire, was soon rebuilt. (Дом, разрушенный пожаром, был вскоре реконструирован) 28. The fire having been extinguished; the crowd dispersed. (Пожар потушен; толпа рассеялась)29. John, having written his composition, gave it to the teacher. (Джон, написавший композицию, отдал ее учителю) 30. The exercise written by Charles was admired by all. (Задание, написанное Чарльзом, вызвало восхищение у всех) 31. The snow, falling rapidly, soon covered the ground. (Быстро падающий снег вскоре покрыл землю) 32. William, having been successful in his examination, was promoted. (Уильям, успешно сдавший экзамен, получил повышение)
Exercise 7. Determine – ed forms: a) verb in the Past Simple tense; b) Participle II. 1. She spoke to him in a low voice. 2. The company extended the training period for the interns. 3. The training period extended last year made many interns unhappy. 4. They were friends many years ago. 5. We looked at destroyed bridge. 6. A leader guided his followers honestly earned immense respect from the mass. 7. Her father is a doctor loved and respected by everybody. 8. That museum had a great collection of paintings. 9. This building will be demolished next month. 10. He is a well-known writer. 11. We took evening courses two years ago. 12. He has not been seen anywhere. 13. I fell off a ladder when I was repairing the roof. 14. Frightened by the dog, the child began to cry. 15. By the middle of the nineteenth century about sixty different elements had been discovered. 16. Finally broken, Lee lowered his gloves. 17. He always bought newspapers on Sunday. 18. The book taken from the library was interesting. 19. This is the letter received this morning. 20. The delegates will be met at the station. 21. When called he refused to come. 22. The boy taken to hospital has recovered. 23. Asked for help, Jim called the police. 24. She came in, sat at the table, and started writing. 25. The letter received from our relatives greatly surprised us. 26. Frightened by the noise of the sea the child began crying. 27. My heart is broken. 28. While a current is flowing through a wire, the latter is being heated. 29. I have a heart wracked with sorrow. 30. A purchased item can be returned. 31. When asked, he looked at us and was silent. 32. He entered the café, he ordered a cup of tea and a piece of cake. 33. They fixed the broken cup. 34. The fish was caught by the seagull. 35. As soon as she graduated from the university, she found a suitable job. 36. Battered by the wind, John fell to his knees. 37. Frightened by the cat, my puppy ran away.