Дата 06.04.2020 Класс 4 Учитель: Савельева Е.Ю. Тема: «Погода в разных городах мира.»Дата 06.04.2020 Класс 4 Учитель: Савельева Е.Ю. Тема: «Погода в разных городах мира.» Ход урока
Look at the screen, please. You should find and match the words with sounds: [t], [w], [d], [k], [f], [n] (на экране представлен слайд, на котором вы должны найти слова и выполнить задание и записать эти слова в тетрадь и рядом звук) 2. Look at the board and fill in the missing words. Who wants to do this task? Other should do it in your copybooks. Запишите в тетрадь и подчеркните те буквы , что вставили…. Задание: cl_udy, frost_ , f_ggy, w_ndy, w_t, br_ght, r_ _ ny, co_d, s_nny
3.Read the text about weather and say if these sentences are true or false.( Прочитайте текст около двух раз и ответьте письменно в тетрадях на вопросы) SEASONS
There are four seasons in a year. They are winter, spring, summer and autumn. Winter begins in December. The winter months are December, January and February. The weather is cold, frosty and windy in winter. It often snows. The days are short and the nights are long. Winter is time for fun. Children can ski, skate, toboggan and play hockey. Spring begins in March. It lasts for three month: March, April find May. The weather is different in spring. Sometimes it is cold and rainy and sometimes the weather is sunny and warm. Children like spring. They play different games: football, volleyball. They often go for walks. Summer begins in June and lasts for three months: June, July and August. The weather is hot, warm, sunny and bright in summer. Children like summer. They play football, basketball, tennis, badminton, ride a bike and swim. Autumn begins in September and lasts for three months: September October and November. In early autumn the weather is sunny, warm and bright. In late autumn the weather is cold, wet, windy, and cloudy. It often rains. Sometimes it is foggy. Autumn is a season when a school year begins.
Say if the following sentences are true (T) or false (F):
ar 3
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