Part 3. Lady and the Tramp. (20.30-30.50)
Part 3. Lady and the Tramp. (20.30-30.50)
wee – крошечный (разг., Scottish English)
| Well, now, lassie, I wouldn't a-worry my wee head about that.
Remember, they're only humans after all.
That's right, Miss Lady.
Uh, as my grand pappy, Old Reliable, used to say, um...
frequently – не раз, часто
| Don't recollect if I've ever mentioned Old Reliable before.
Aye, you have, laddie, uh, frequently.
Oh, yeah.
But now Darling is...
Well, we've always enjoyed our afternoon romp together.
But yesterday...
No, Lady. No walk today.
No, Lady. Not now.
Lady! Drop that, Lady!
Drop it, I say!
It didn't hurt really.
But Darling has never struck me before.
to take sth seriously – принимать всерьез
| Now, lassie, do not take ittooseriously.
After all, at a time like this...
Why, yes. You see, Miss Lady...
there comes a time – приходит время…
there comes a time in the life of all humans when, uh...
Well, as they put it, uh, the birds and the bees.
Or, well, uh, the stork.
You know? Uh, no?
Well, then, uh...
What he's trying to say, lassie, is.. .
bairn - ребенок (Scottish English)
Darling is expecting a wee bairn.
He means a baby, Miss Lady.
to resemble – иметь сходство
| Oh. What's a baby?
Well, they, they resemble humans.
But I'd say a mite smaller.
Aye. And they walk on all fours.
to beller = to cry - реветь
| And if I remember correctly, they "beller" a lot.
Aye. And they're very expensive.
You'll not be permitted to play with it.
But they're mighty sweet.
And very, very soft.
bundle – пачка (бумаг), куча (вещей)
| Just a cute little bundle...
to scratch – царапать, чесать
| of trouble.
Yeah. They scratch, pinch, pull ears.
Aw, but, shucks, any dog can take that.
It's what they do to your happy home.
Move it over, will ya, friend?
home wrecker – разлучник(ца)
Home wreckers, that's what they are.
Look here, laddie! Who are you to barge in?
The voice of experience, buster.
Why, just wait till junior gets here.
You get the urge for a nice, comfortable scratch and...
"Put that dog out! He'll get fleas all over the baby".
You start barking at some strange mutt.
"Stop that racket! You'll wake the baby".
board department –
| And then, then they hit you in the room and
board department.
juicy cuts – сочные куски
Remember those nice, juicy cutsofbeef?
Forget 'em.
Leftover baby food.
And that nice, warm bed by the fire?
A leaky doghouse.
Oh, dear!
Do not listen, lassie.
- No human is that cruel.
Of course not, Miss Lady.
Why, everybody knows a dog's best friend... is his human.
line – строка (в см. поговорка)
| Oh, come on now, fellas.
Oh, you haven't fallen for that old line now, have ya?
Aye, and we've no need for mongrels and their radical ideas.
Sandy – Рыжик (цвет песка)
| - Off with ya, now! Off with ya! Off with ya! Okay, Sandy.
The name's Jock.
Okay, Jock.
Heather Lad O' Glencairn to you!
Okay, okay, okay!
But remember this, pigeon. A human heart...
affection – привязанность
has only so much room for love and affection.
When a baby movesin...
the dog movesout.
Now, let's see. That'll be about...
Oh, well.
Darling? There isn't any way we can tell...
for sure what it's going to be, is there?
for sure = for certain - наверняка
| I'm afraid not.
Nobody ever knows for certain.
All we can do is hope.
Darling, are you sure you want watermelon?
Mm-hmm. Oh, and some chop suey, too.
Chop suey?
Oh, all right, darling.
That darling booty.
adorable – восхитительный
| - And that bonnet! - Isn't it just too adorable!
- Don't you just love showers? - Darling, I've never seen you look more beautiful.
- Isn't she absolutely radiant? - Radiant?
Why, that's just what I told Bill yesterday. "Bill", I said...
Darling looks radiant. Positively radiant".
"Why, in all my days", I said, "I've never seen anyone as radiant as Darling".
terrible = horrible - ужасный
| Oh, Jim, you look terrible. -Jim, absolutely horrible.
I never saw you look worse.
Cheer up, Jim. Old Doc Jones has never lost a father yet.
Yes, Aunt Sarah, it's boy! Uh-huh, a boy! And he...
What's that? Eyes?
Oh, gosh! – О Боже!
| Oh, what colour are they? Wh...
Oh, gosh! I-I-I forgot to look.
A boy! It's a boy! It's a... Doctor!
- Doctor, it's a boy.
Yes. Yes, I know.
Uh-huh, a boy. Oh, boy! Oh, boy!
It's a boy! It's a boy! It's a boy!
to cut off – отрезать, разъединять
| Hello? Hello, Jim? Are, are you there, Jim?
Central? Central, we've been cut off. Hello.
Hello? Hello? Hello?
What is a baby?
I just can't understand.
It must be something wonderful
wistful – задумчивый, тоскливый
| It must be something grand
'Cause everybody's smiling
In a kind and wistful way
And they haven't even noticed
That I'm around today
What is a baby, anyway?
Oh, what is a baby
I must find out today
What makes Jim Dear and Darling
to act out – вести себя так
| Act this way
star sweeper – звездный странник
| Oh, my little star sweeper
I'll sweep the stardust
For you
Little soft fluffy sleeper
Here comes a pink cloud
For you
Little wandering angel
Fold up your wings
Close your eyes
And may love be your keeper
There now, little star sweeper, dreamon.