Branding DC's newest sports franchise and experience.
Pappas Group is an award-winning, independent creative agency passionate about constructing insight-driven concepts. We've purposely built a small, nimble agency where creative, strategy, technology, media, and marketing collide to build brand experiences people love. Our client relationships are open and honest because we believe ideas should flow freely, opinions be voiced and we should all work toward a radically, simple concept: Deliver Big.
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The Walter E. Washington Convention Center, located in the heart of Washington, DC, is home to many national and international events. The Convention Center serves a wide variety of audiences, from planners to visitors to exhibitors.
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Heritage Travel, Inc. is a new, for-profit subsidiary of the National Trust for Historic Preservation (NTHP). Heritage Travel needed to establish their new brand’s identity and define the relationship between that brand and the NTHP. Pappas Group was tasked with developing the brand strategy, creating the name and identity, designing and developing the new travel site, and launching the brand.
Branding DC's newest sports franchise and experience. The owner of DC's new World Team Tennis franchise challenged Pappas Group to brand a team, get the city excited about it, and get people into stadium seats. We approached the project with the goal of delivering a memorable experience that would create ardent supporters and fans of the team - the ingredients upon which every successful sports franchise is built. Over the course of a few months, we developed the team identity, mascot, merchandise, motion-graphics, and advertising campaigns to create a phenomenal fan experience. Results The Washington Kastles have truly been one of the hottest tickets in DC over the last three summers. The Kastles play in front of capacity crowds every night with over 93% of seats filled throughout the season at the new Kastles Stadium at The Wharf. This new stadium is an integral part of a 10-year $2 billion re-development project for the Southwest Waterfront. Just during the 2011 season, the Kastles doubled their Facebook fans, increased Twitter followers by 33%, increased press coverage by 22% and led the league in ticket sales, attendence and sponsorship revenue by large margins.