What is the immune system?. How does the immune system work?
Distant learning week 4 1. Grammar Explanation about Future perfect https://www.ef.com/ca/english-resources/english-grammar/future-perfect/ Explanation about Future perfect continuous https://www.englishpage.com/verbpage/futureperfectcontinuous.html Student’s book p. 174-176 ex. 10-13 2. Audio 2.1 Please listen to the audio file “Immune system” and complete the missing words:
Your immune system defends the body from infection. It is made up of a complex network of cells, ______________ and organs in your body. An underactive or overactive immune system can cause ________ issues. What is the immune system? The immune system is found in:
The ___________ system allows immune cells to travel between tissues and the bloodstream. The lymphatic system contains lymphocytes (white blood cells; mostly ___________ and B cells),which try to recognise any bacteria, ___________ or other foreign substances in your body and fight them. Lymph nodes are found in certain areas such as the base of the ______________ and the armpit. They become swollen or enlarged in __________ to an infection. How does the immune system work? The ____________ and mucous membranes are the first line of defence against bacteria, viruses and other foreign substances. They act as a physical __________, and they also contain immune cells. When your skin has a cut, harmful ______________ (tiny particles) can enter and invade your body. The cut triggers certain immune cells in the bloodstream that try to destroy the invaders. In an infection, __________________________ identify the microbe, produce antibodies to fight the infection, and help other immune responses to occur. They also '______________' the attack. This is how vaccinations work - __________________ expose your immune system to a dead or weakened microbe or to proteins from a microbe, so that your body is able to recognise and respond very quickly to any future ________________________ to the same microbe.