Fuel Leak Classification. Replacement of Gaskets, Seals and Packings ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 Fuel Leak Classification
Four basic classifications are used to describe aircraft fuel leaks: stain, seep, heavy seep, and running leak. [Figure 1] In 30 minutes, the surface area of the collected fuel from a leak is a certain size. This is used as the classification standard. When the area is less than ¾ inch in diameter, the leak is said to be a stain. From ¾ to 1½ inches in diameter, the leak is classified as a seep. Heavy seeps form an area from 1½ inches to 4 inches in diameter. Running leaks pool and actually drip from the aircraft. They may follow the contour of the aircraft for a long distance.
Replacement of Gaskets, Seals and Packings
A leak can often be repaired by replacing a gasket or seal. When this occurs or a component is replaced or reassembled after a maintenance operation, a new gasket, seal, or packing must be installed. Do not use the old one(s). Always be sure to use the correct replacement as identified by part number. Also, most gaskets, seals, and packings have a limited shelf life. They should be used only if they are within the service life stamped on the package.
Presentation on the subject: A320 Power plant (CFM56-5B)