I. Дайте ответ на следующие вопросы
ОСНОВЫ ТЕОРИИ АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА Грамматика: зачетные вопросы и задания I. Дайте ответ на следующие вопросы
а) Как можно охарактеризовать значение и функции артикля? Обязательно ли употребление артикля перед именем существительным? б) Какие разряды английских местоимений вы знаете? в) Какое значение выделяют у наречий? Каковы морфологические и семантические особенности наречий в английском языке? Имеет ли наречие определенное место в предложении? г) Как различаются предлоги и союзы? Приведите примеры этих частей речи и укажите, на какие группы можно разделить союзы.
II. Практические задания. 1. Объясните наличие или отсутствие артикля в подчеркнутых словосочетаниях в следующих предложениях. Охарактеризуйте с точки зрения семантики и грамматических категорий подчеркнутые существительные: 1. She is a student. 2. Peter and John are young boys. 3. Her sons live in the USA. 4.This is the girl I told you about. 5. I bought butter and cheese yesterday. The cheese was stale. 6. The Parkers moved to the Grand Hotel in Willow Road. It is not far from London University and the Thames. 7. She never goes to work on Sundays. 8. In the evenings he used to sit near the fire smoking a pipe and reading a newspaper. But when the weather was rainy he played the violin. 9. Would you like to go to the cinema or to the theatre? – I’d rather stay at home and watch TV. 10. Next year he is going to explore the Himalayas. 11. A rose has thorns. 2. Определите, к какому разряду относятся выделенные местоимения. 1. Theircar is outside. Ours is in the garage. 2. Shealways talked about herself. 3. Thosewere unforgettable years. 4. Either of them could have done it. 5. There was nobody in the garden. 6. They don’t like each other. 7. Who is responsible for this work? 8. Some people like risking. 3. Продемонстрируйте четыре формы английского глагола на примере live и leave.
4. Найдите всеформы глагола в следующих предложениях и назовите их. Проанализируйте структурные характеристики предложений. Переведите предложения. 1. I knew something would happen today. 2. But for the rain we would work in the garden today. 3. If she learned English, I should buy her this book. 4. Yesterday you said the same. 5.Will you ask him to ring me back? 6. She closed the window lest the children should catch cold. 7. She is invited to all the best dances. 8.I haven’t even had coffee yet. 9. If I had met her I would have told her about it. 10.He is growing roses in a little cottage in France. 11. What sort of research is being done in your laboratory? 12. Nobody knew what he had planned. 13. I can imagine how angry he is. 14 He may have fallen ill. 15. Our friendship has been growing all the time we’ve been working on the project. 16. The whole affair was soon forgotten. 17. There is nothing to be gained by pretending. 18. How about seeing what they are doing now? 4. Найдите и охарактеризуйте конструкции с неличными формами глагола в приведенных ниже предложениях. Переведите предложения. 1. It was unusual for him to go out to dinner. 2. They found him sitting in the garden. 3. She was seen to take the money. 4. It was a nice room, with books lining the walls. 5. We could not approve of Jim’s hiding himself away. 6. I was watching the doctor work. 7. The man seemed frightened. 8. The door locked, she could relax and have a cup of strong tea. 9. Her mentioning Robert’s letter was a mistake. 10. I should have my dress cleaned by the evening.
5. В приведенных ниже предложениях найдите наречия. Определите их значение/тип, функцию в предложении; обратите внимание на их место в предложении. 1. He didn’t speak much and was rather upset. 2. They sang badly. 3. She always does everything very well here. 4. He seldom went to the church. 5. I have completely forgotten your name. 6. Jane angrily tore up the letter. 6. The children are playing upstairs now. 7. Today I’m going to London. I’m only going for two days. 8. I still love you. 9. She has just gone out. 10. My boss is often bad-tempered. 11. The people at the meeting were mainly scientists. 12. When did he see her? – I don’t know when he did, but I know where. 6. Определите, какое из выделенных слов является наречием, а какое – прилагательным. 1. A fast car goes fast. 2. I feel fine. 3. That suits me fine. 4. She gave me a friendly smile. 5. I am dead certain. 6. Cyanide is a deadly poison. 7. Her singing was lovely. 8. It’s a daily paper. It comes out daily.
7. Прочтите следующий текст. Найдите в нем предлоги и союзы. Проанализируйте выделенные синтагмы с сточки зрения синтаксической связи и передаваемых значений. Переведите текст.
When I first came to England in 1938 I thought I knew English fairly well. In Europe my English proved quite sufficient. In England I found two difficulties. First, I did not understand people, and secondly, they did not understand me. It was easier with written texts. Whenever I read a leading article in The Times, I understood everything perfectly well, except that I could never make out whether The Times was for or against something. In those days I put this down to my lack of knowledge of English. The first step in my progress was when people started understanding me while I still could not understand them. This was the most talkative period of my life. I reached the stage of intelligibility fairly quickly, thanks to a friend of mine who discovered an important linguistic secret, namely that the English mutter and mumble.