WARRIOR'S CHALICE The Aryan Spirit Rises - NS Black Metal(USA)250 р.WARRIOR'S CHALICE "The Aryan Spirit Rises" - NS Black Metal(USA)250 р. WARRIOR'S CHALICE "Warrior's Chalice" - NS Black Metal(USA)250 р. WARMONGER "Warmonger" - Old-school Nazi Death /Black Metal (Ukraine) 250 p. (Aryan Sturm rec) WATERFALL"Vita Vigilia Est" - Doom /Death Metal (Poland)250 р. WARHAMMER "No Beast So Fierce" - Doom/ Death/ Thrash Metal (Russia)250 р. WAR BLASPHEMY “For The Glory Of The Unpure” - Raw Fucking Black Metal (Portugal) 250 р. WAR MASTER"Eternal War" - Raw Black Metal - Blasphemy!!! (Portugal)250 р. WAROATH"Conjuration Of The Wargods" - Black Metal (Poland) 250 р. WARSORE / DYSMORFIC "Split Tape (Live & Demo, 1999)" - Grind Core (Australia-Italy)250 р. WARHEAD "Various Views Of The Present... " - Death Metal (Russia)350 р. (Drive Sound Production) WARHEAD "Various Views Of The Present... (Demo)" - Death Metal (Russia) 250 р. (Not On Label, Self-released) WARHEAD "The Realms Of Fancy" - Melodic Death Metal (Russia)250 р. (Blacksmith Productions) WANGELEN "El Camino Pagano" - 2 albums on one tape. Epic, Majestic and Intense Pagan Folk Black Metal - unique style and atmosphere. 18 tracks - 80 min. (Chl)250 р. WAR SWALLOWED "Fantasy Flight" - 70 min. of Death / Thrash Metal (Russia)250 р. WHILE SAD SPIRITS AROUND ME STROLL "In The Distance…" - Depressive Black Metal (France)250 р. WEJDAS "Dykra" - Dark Ambient (Lithuania)200 р. WEJDAS "I Tamsa... (Demo 1994)" - Dark Ambient (Lithuania)200 р. WEJDAS "Wejdas (Demo 1998)" - Dark Ambient (Lithuania)200 р. WEJDAS "Saulei Tekant (Demo 1994)" - Dark Ambient (Lithuania)200 р. WELTBRAND "Radiance Of A Thousand Suns" - Industrial Black Metal (The Netherlands)350 p.