NECROPHAGIA Nightmare Continues (Demo 1986) - Death Metal (USA)200 p.NECROPHAGIA "Nightmare Continues (Demo 1986)" - Death Metal (USA)200 p. NECROPSY"Never To Be Forgotten (EP 1992)" - Death Metal (Finland)200 p. NECROPLASMA"X Corona Bestia Vox Noris" - Black Metal (Sweden)250 р. NECROPHOBIC "Unholy Prophecies (Demo 1991)" - Death Metal (Sweden)200 р. NECROMENTAL"I" - Cold Ritual Occult Ambient (Russia) 250 р. (b/w cover!) NECROPTIC "Meticulous Pathology" - Brutal Death Metal (Denmark) 250 р. NECROTIC MUTATION "Advanced Tape (Demo 1992)" - Death Metal (Canada)200 р. NEBELKRIEGER"Asaland" - Pagan /Back Metal (Germany)250 р. NEBULA DISRUPT "Libations Of Omnipotence" - Melodic Black Metal (South Africa)250 р. NECROST"Necrost" - A Mixture of Brutal & Melodic Techno Death Metal (Russia)Pro Tape 350 р. NEGATIVUM "Old Rehearsals" - Atmospheric Raw Black Metal /Ambient (Mexico) 250 р. NEGLECTED FIELDS"Mephisto Lettonica" -Technical /Progressive Death Metal (Latvia)Pro Tape 350 р. NEKROKULT "Desecration Of Blood" - Black /Thrash Metal (Brazil)250 р. NEOLITH"Immortal" - Death /Black Metal (Poland)250 р. NEOTRUTH"Short Infinity" - Death /Doom Metal with keyboards (Russia)Pro Tape 300 p. NEKROMORPHINE"Senseless Ecstasy" - Experimental And Strange Dark Black with Ambient, Psychedelic and “avant-garde” Parts… Tape version of this Album limited to 100 Copies. Artwork on special luxurious gold Paper (Portugal)250 р. NEKRON "Border Of Light And Darkness" - Atmospheric Black Metal / Dark Ambient. The music sounds enough gloomy and primitive but has great combination of guitars and wonderful atmospheric keyboard sounds. All staff is wrapped in powerful evil growling and misanthropy. It creates weird atmosphere of uncompromised misanthropy, austereness followed by old motives of ancient spirits and paganism inside nature. The black metal maniacs who appreciate old-school sound of 90-s will definitely find this album authentical. The 51 minute music of oblivion and solitude takes its place on a tape version. (Poland)250 р. NEKRON "Diadre" - The debut release of Black Metal Misanthropic one-man project. This is one of the releases which is created in classical underground. In uncompromised way it takes us in times when obscure gloomy climate going from deep inside of black hearts dominated on recordings of Burzum maniacs from „Hvis Lyset Tar Oss” albums or „Filosofem”. All 37 minutes are occupied by Atmospheric Black Metal and specific dark ambient. (Poland)250 р.