MELANCHOLIEVerlangen - Post Black Metal (Netherlands) 250 р.MELANCHOLIE"Verlangen" - Post Black Metal (Netherlands) 250 р. MELANCHOLIE"Memories so Bleak, Murmuring Winds"-Black Metal(Netherlands) 250 р. MESTEMA "The Way Of Stupidity (Demo 1991)" - Death Metal (France)200 р. METALLICA"No Life `Til Leather (Demo 1982)" - Thrash Metal (USA)350 p. METOWER "Lost Empire (Demo 1987)" - Thrash /Heavy Metal (Germany) 200 р. MISANTHROPIC ART "Dream Of The Dead" - Depressive Metal / Other side of Misanthropic Art's 'craft'. This is the first album (of two) in 'Dark Metal' style. Created back in 2000 a.b. and now finally released after 10 years. Atmosphere of sickest depression and Doom-ish sound will grow into a tumor inside your brain. Misanthropic Art for misanthropic individuals!! (Russia)250 р. Nuclear Winter. Depression. Death. Chaos. WAR. Mental Suffering. Lyrics (in russian) for this album wrote such persons from Stavropol as Suicide (Deathmoor), Nobody (SS-18), Defff and Sadist himself. Misanthropic Art for misanthropic individuals!! (Russia)250 р. MISERICORDIA "The Microbiological Revolution" - Techno Death Metal (Russia)250 р. MIXOMATOSIS "The Gorelection" - Gore Grind Core (Spain)250 р. MIXER "Воллюст & Сервилизм" - Porno Gore Grind Core with Russian lyrics (Belarus)250 р. MILITARY JANE"Blackest Paint Colored Brush" - Punk / Hard Core (Russia) 250 р. MIDWYNTER "Four Seasons Of Frost / Into The Well Of Wyrd" - Black Metal (USA)250 р.