HELLFIRE NEMESISProject of Mortifer (Mortifer, Raptor, Hell Icon) Unleashed Pestilent Wrath - Black Metal (Netherlands)250 р.HERGORN / HELLVETO "Under The Sign Of Ancient Gods" - Atmospheric Pagan / Symphonic Black Metal (Poland)250 р. HELLVETO "Hellveto" - Pagan / Black Metal (Poland)250 р. HELLVETO"Medieval Scream" - Pagan / Black Metal (Poland)250 р. HELLVETO"Horned Sky" - Pagan / Black Metal (Poland)250 р. HELWETTI"Demo I" - Raw Blacl Metal (Finland)200 р. HELLFIRE NEMESISProject of Mortifer (Mortifer, Raptor, Hell Icon) "Unleashed Pestilent Wrath" - Black Metal (Netherlands)250 р. HELLFIRE NEMESISProject of Mortifer (Mortifer, Raptor, Hell Icon) "A Parade Of Unclean Saints" - Black Metal (Netherlands)250 р. HELLFIRE NEMESISProject of Mortifer (Mortifer, Raptor, Hell Icon) "A Manifest For Divine Holocaust" - Black Metal (Netherlands) 250 р. HEXENWALD "Nordland Okkult Musterium" - Black Metal (Germany)250 р. HEKEL "De Dodenvaart"-Black Metal(Netherlands) 350 p. HELL ICON"The Dark part I" - Black Ritual Ambient /Noise /Experimental /Industrial(Netherlands) 250 р. HELL ICON "Paratum Cor Eius Sperare In Domino, Confirmatum Est Cor Eius Non Commovebitur" - Depressive Black Metal (Netherlands) 250 р. HELL ICON"Dies Irae" - Depressive Black Metal (Netherlands) 250 р. HELL ICON"Pestis Laudes Praedicare" - Depressive Black Metal (Netherlands) 250 р. HELL ICON"Opus Diaboli" - Depressive Black Metal (Netherlands) 250 р. HELL ICON"Maledictum" - Depressive Black Metal (Netherlands) 250 р. HERESIARCH SEMINARY "Dark Ages of Witchery" - Re-release of this fucking Piece of Slavonic Black Metal from Russia. 7 Tracks from the CD Version + 2 Rehearsal Versions + 2 Unreleased Tracks (with 1 Cover of Judas Iscariot) on Bonus! (Russia)250 р. HIEROPHANTE "Monument" - Doom /Death Metal (France) 250 р.