Who are they? What are their names, what are they? Look at he example. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4
Name:………………………………………………………… Course:……………………………………………………… Date:…………………………………………………………..
1.- Who are they? What are their names, what are they? Look at he example.
2.- Choose the correct option:
1.- Po is a………… a) Koala b) Panda c) bear 2.- Po’s father who cooks noodles is a ………. a) panda b) duck c) goose 3.- Everyone thinks Po is too ………. to teach Kung Fu a) intelligent b) stupid c) playful 4.- Po’s friends of Kung Fu are all… a) animals b) fruit c) vegetables 5.- Master Shifu is very…. a) Small b) Big c) tiny
6.- Who says the word Skadoosh in the film? a) Po b) Master Shifu c) Tigress
7.- What is the name of the building general Kai destroys? a) The village b) Po c) The Jade Palace
8.- What does General Kai use to destroy the building above mentioned? a) Master Shifu’s statue b) A stone c) Master Oogway’s statue
9.- What does Kai take from the Masters of Jung Fu? a) The love b) The Spirit c) The Chi
10.- Why is General Kai collecting from the Masters of Kung Fu? a) To be big b) To be powerful c) To be strong
11.- Why did Po get angry with his father the panda? a) Because he didn’t give him enough food b) Because they had to walk too long to reach the secret village of the pandas c) Because he lied him about teaching him how to master Chi
12.- How does Po teach Kung Fu to the pandas? a) With a lot of weapons b) With the help of Tigress c) By using what they are good at as a weapon
13.- How is Po saved from being turned to stone? a) Because he is the dragon warrior b) The pandas, Tigress and his fathers channelled their Chi into him c) With Kung Fu 14.- How does Po defeat general Kai? a) With the strength of the dragon warrior b) With the help of Master Oogway c) With a mass amount of Chi