Задание1. Вставьте пропущенные глаголы в нужной форме (условное 3)
ФИО ученика Задание1. Вставьте пропущенные глаголы в нужной форме (условное 3) 1. If you (to do) your homework, you (to tell) your teacher the right answer. 2. If he (to be) an inch taller, he (to be) wounded. 3. She (to forget) her purse if the waiter (not to tell) her. 4. What (to happen) if you (not to meet) your future wife? 5. I (to buy) another car if you (not to ask) me to buy a Camaro. 6. If that athlete (to have) a good coach, the guy (to break) the world record. 7. If only I (to know) , I (not to agree) to sign the contract. 8. If there (to be) any gold here, someone (to purchase) the land long ago. Задание2. Выбирите правильный вариант перевода Если у вас будут вопросы, задавайте их менеджеру. · If you have any questions, ask the manager. · If you will have any questions, ask the manager. · If you had any questions, ask the manager. Если вы все делаете правильно, вам не нужно беспокоиться. · If you do everything right, you won't need to worry. · If you did everything right, you would not need to worry. · If you do everything right, you don’t need to worry. Если бы я заметил дым, я бы вызвал пожарных (но я не заметил и не вызвал). · If I noticed the smoke, I would call the firefighters. · If I had noticed the smoke, I would have called the firefighters. · If I notice the smoke, I call the firefighters. Если бы я строил дом, я бы сделал его большим (гипотетическая ситуация в будущем). · If I had built a house, I would have made it big. · If I built a house, I would make it big. · If I build a house, I make it big. Если ваша кошка больна, звоните этому доктору. · If your cat were sick, call this doctor. · If your cat is sick, call this doctor. · If your cat had been sick, call this doctor. Я бы не закончил проект, если бы мои коллеги мне не помогли (но они помогли) · I would not finished the project if my colleagues didn't help me. · I won't finish the project if my colleagues don't help me. · I would not have finished the project if my colleagues had not helped me. Если ты купишь эту машину, тебе придется устроиться на вторую работу. · If you buy this car you have to take a second job. · If you had bought this car you would have taken a second job. · If you buy this car you will have to take a second job Если бы у вас было одно желание, о чем бы вы попросили? (воображаемая ситуация) · If you had one wish, what would you ask? · If you have one wish, what do you ask? · If you will have one wish, what you will ask?