ЗАКАЗЫВАЙТЕ!ЗАКАЗЫВАЙТЕ! 1. Банк тематических аргументов для написания Эссе - 38 тем (300 страниц). 2. Перефразирование темы эссе в первом абзаце (206 вариантов) и перечень синонимов для написания эссе. https://vk.com/ege2020english e - mail: song.pesnya@list.ru
The world would be a better place if we all spoke the same language. As the world becomes more interconnected with the growth of the Internet and cheaper travel, it is important to examine the concept of a universal language. There are benefits in terms of travel and business, but a common language threatens a loss of culture and identity. Firstly, a common language would mean there are no language barriers. Travelling to different countries would be easier and more accessible. In business, there would be less danger of misunderstandings. Furthermore, in situations of conflict where there are multiple troops from different countries, it would be easier for them to work together if they all spoke one language. However, this would mean the loss of all other languages as they become unnecessary. Language is tied to culture. Through speaking a language one is projecting cultural history and identity. Moreover, the way language changes reflects both the history of a society and the current culture. Loss of a language means the loss of an important part of the culture. Additionally there is evidence to show that language is linked to the way people think. People who speak multiple languages alter their thought process when they switch languages. The entire world speaking one language eliminates diversity of thought. In conclusion, although a universal language might make the world easier in terms of cooperation, it would not be a better place. It would mean the loss of culture, identity and diversity of thought. In the long term, these losses outweigh the benefits.