ABSTRACT. Introduction. Main part. Conclusion. References
MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «V. I. VERNADSKY CRIMEAN FEDERAL UNIVERSITY» Medical Academy named after S. I. Georgievsky (structural subdivision).
ABSTRACT SUBJECT:________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ STUDENT _______________________________________________________________ (full name.) faculty ________________________________ course __________ group __________ NAME OF PRACTICE:__________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ SPECIALIZED ORGANIZATION____________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ CITY (urban village):_______________________________________________________ DURATION OF PRACTICE: from__________________till ___________________20___ Simferopol, 2017
Abstract writing is an independent scientific work of the student. The subject of abstract is chosen by oneself (by agreement with the tutor of the practice or the proposed list of the abstracts). The structural elements of the abstract are: title page of the abstract (see the example), plan, introduction, main part, conclusion and the list of literature used in the preparation and writing an abstract (references).
Introduction Introduction (1,5-2 pages) summarizes the state-of-the-art of the problem, methods and information base of the research.
Main part Main part (10-15 pages), reveals the essence of the theme, its most important issues.
Conclusion Conclusion(2-3 pages) presents the results of the study in a brief summary on the entire content of the abstract.
References References should denote the work that is examined by author and include both fundamental research works, as well as the latest publications of the chosen theme available in domestic and foreign literature. References must necessarily be reflected in the abstract (by analysis and direct quotation).
Technical requirements for the abstract Abstract should be 15-25 pages (A4 format) with the printed text of the abstract design using computer technology and the text editor Word: font Times New Roman, font size - 14pt, line spacing - 1,5. Margins: top and bottom - 2 cm, left - 2.5 cm, right - 1.5 cm. Pages of the abstract must be numbered and sealed.