Tonya Reinan – The power of body language ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Tonya Reinan – The power of body language
A- Watch the video and answer the questions:
1- Why should we observe people’s feet in a conversation?
2- What does the “figure four” position mean?
3- What does it mean when people’s hands are pointing to a significant area of their bodies?
4- Why is it more difficult for a woman to get men’s attention than the other way around?
5- What does a woman have to do to let a man know that she is interested in him?
6- Observe the couple talking. According to Tonya, why is the woman uncomfortable?
7- When you see couples holding hands, what can you say about their relationship?
8- What other things on you can tell something about the way you are? B. Watch the video again and fill in the blanks: Hi there, I’m Tonya Reinan. I’m the ________ of The Power of Body Language. We’re here on the streets of Manhattan because what I’m going to do is I’m going to pick out some people and show you the ________ way to do things. And, perhaps some of the wrong ways to do things. One of the most interesting facets of body language is just what you can ________ from one single body part. So what do I mean by that? When you are ____________ to someone one of the first things you want to do is look at their _________. So if I’m talking to you straight on, yet my feet are pointing this way… you need to _________ that I’m on my way out. I’m not interested in what you have to say. I’m looking to move. So, one of the things you always want to ________________ is the feet point where the body wants to go. So this is a power ___________. What that woman is demonstrating is she that feels ___________ about herself. She is in what is known as a figure four, which is a position that takes up more space in the average sitting space. Her arms are pulled back saying … “I don’t feel ___________. I’m powerful.” One of the things that is interesting about men is that they are always ___________, unconsciously, how sexual they are. So, if you are walking ___________ a man and he has his hands in his ___________ … you know what he is doing … he is trying to point out his best assets. So, as you see this people walking ___________ the streets, look at what their hands are doing. Are their hands pointing to their most ___________ areas? Because if, they are, they are sending you a very strong message. You know, it’s funny I get asked all the time, why is it that I have to ___________ so harder to get a man’s attention than they do to get my attention? Well, the truth is that women are much _________ in picking up body language clues than men are. For example, if I’m trying to flirt with a man I need to _______ eye contact with him three times to let him know that I’m really interested in him. So, one of the things that you can do as a woman is … you can make eye contact, look down, look back up, look down again and finally that _________ time of making eye contact with that man he is going to get the hint. If you don’t do that way, ladies, they are going to get the hint. How often are people _________ when I tell them that? Usually they are ________, usually people have no idea how they come across. And the interesting thing is once you point out to them a single clue to them, they certainly go “oh my goodness” as if they had their “aha” moment. And their “aha” moment can change them forever. So what you are __________ is the intimate zone space dance. What do I mean by that? You’ve just witnessed a woman and a man having a conversation. The woman isn’t really that ___________ with the gentleman but he doesn’t recognize it. He takes a step forward. And what does she do? She takes a step back. He’s so ignorant, he doesn’t get it. He takes another step forward. Finally she takes another step back. And you could see that these two will never be in rapport because he doesn’t ___________ the space difference. So what you’re seeing here is a couple _________ hands. What is interesting about this is: who is the more the more powerful of the two? Whose hand was on top? It was the man’s hand. And if you watch people who hold hands , you’ll notice that typically the man just holds his hand on the top. And that’s his way of demonstrating that he is the powerful one in the ___________. You know, what you need to realize is that every single thing says something about you – the way hold your posture, the way you wear your ___________, the way you wear your hair. Do you have tattoos everywhere? Where are your piercings? Are your shoes nice and ___________? Is your briefcase in good shape? Is your suit ironed? Do you look good? Every single thing about you makes a statement. What you want make sure is it’s making the statement that you are happy with.