Session 1
Classroom Management
| This is the area that many teachers find difficult or even daunting! But fear not, this session will present you with quick and easy ways to maintain control of the classroom. We’ll start with looking at the characteristics of different young learner age groups and what keeps them engaged. This session also covers classroom routines and ways to build them into the lesson, and has plenty of tips on discipline.
Session 2
Teaching Receptive Skills
| Reading and listening lessons are very often thin on procedure and ideas in the course books – all you get is a text and one task to go with it, which is not enough to build a 45-minute lesson around. We’ll start with having a quick look at the framework that can be followed and spend more time thinking about how coursebook materials can be adapted for more effective and more engaging classes.
Session 3
Clarifying New Language
| It might be difficult for young learners to sit through long clarification stages and understand rules and formulae. In this session, we’ll have a look at effective and engaging ways to present new language and avoid boring explanations and rules.
Session 4
Practising New Language
| This is a very practical session that will present you with a collection of game-like activities that you’ll be able to take away and adapt to practicing a variety of language points. The best part is that you’ll get to play all these games!
Session 1
Developing Speaking Skills
| Speaking is the skill that most language learners (or their parents!) want to develop. In this session, we’ll have a look at how speaking is different in the YL world and how teachers can make sure they explore all speaking opportunities in the lesson. We’ll also look at ways to maximize learners’ output and scaffold speaking tasks.
Session 2
Developing Writing Skills
| Writing is very often viewed as boring by both teachers and students. This session will present an opposing view, and will explore ways of how writing tasks can be made engaging and fun. You’ll also get an easy-to-follow writing lesson framework and tips on how course book tasks can be adapted.
Session 3
Motivating Teenagers
| Teaching teenage classes is the primal fear of many TEFL teachers, both new and experienced. With this age group, having a successful class very often comes down to one thing – motivating your students! In this session, we will look at the reasons why teenage classes are hard to control and at some ways teachers can motivate them. We will discuss topics and activities that engage teenagers, and look at some techniques of keeping them actively involved in the lesson.
Session 4
Teaching Very Young Learners
| Walking into a classroom of ten 5-year olds can be daunting. What if they all start crying or throwing pens at each other? How to hold their attention and make them listen? How do you teach a language to someone who can barely speak their own? In this session, we will look at how the techniques discussed earlier in the course can be adapted to teaching VYL.