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Many people make friends through social sites and chat rooms. Others believe that it is not a good idea to make friends without meeting them face to face. With the advent of social media websites, making new friends has become much easier than before. However, there is an opposite belief that this method of establishing friendships should be treated with caution and that direct communication is still the best way to find friends. Both opinions will be analyzed in this essay before I express my viewpoint. Firstly, there are certain benefits in finding friends through social media. For instance, modern online communication tools make it possible to connect with people throughout the world, and without social sites it would be hard to find friends with similar interests. Furthermore, social media websites may be primary platforms to learn more and faster about a potential friend since such sites often use the ‘friends of friends’ feature, which expands the variety of prospective acquaintances for a person. Nevertheless, it is important to take into consideration a number of pitfalls that making new friends through social media could often have. One of them is that a future friend could provide false information in their online profile, and this could adversely affect a new friendship. Without a doubt, falsehoodis also quite probable in face-to-face communication, but in this case identifying any dishonest behavior is a lot easier when one sees a new friend, and therefore direct communication is seen as a safer option than using a website. To summarize, social media sites and chat rooms, in my opinion, are an effective way of making new friends because it brings a wider diversity of potential friends, both geographically and personally. This is why I consider Internet friendships as a valid addition to a conventional face-to-face contact with new people.
with the advent of – с появлением чего-либо should be treated with caution – следует относиться с осторожностью prospective acquaintances – будущие знакомые (друзья) a number of pitfalls – ряд недостатков adversely affect – негативно влиять falsehood – ложь, неискренность a safer option – более безопасный способ conventional face-to-face contact – традиционный контакт лицом к лицу Social media is the platform used by applications that focus on using the internet to connect people across the globe. There are many applications like email, chat messengers and applications, blogs, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Emails and YouTube.
These social media sites serve different types of users by targeting different needs and interests. WhatsApp is popular among instant messaging fans. It also offers other services like sharing pictures, videos and location, as well as voice calls. In this regard, WhatsApp is very similar to Viber, although the latter specializes in instant messaging and voice calls.
Communication — коммуникация, общение Interpersonal communication — межличностное общение Face-to-face communication — личное общение To be in contact with smb. — быть на связи, в контакте с кемлибо To receive a communication — получить сообщение Need for communication — потребность в общении To have a need for communication/to need communication — иметь потребность, нуждаться в общении Lack of communication — отсутствие общения, дефицит общения Internet communication — интернет-общение Communication via the internet — общение через Интернет Communication on the internet — общение по Интернету Applications - приложения Friend list - список друзей
Young people spend more of their time “face-to-screen” than “face-to-face” Face to face interaction - взаимодействие лицом к лицу Traditional face-to-face interpersonal relationships - talking and interacting normally with people Rising influence becoming more important - растущее влияние становится все более важным Largely – mostly Limited not - many ways Open up possibilities - allow for lots of different methods Content creators - people who make videos, music, podcasts, etc. Generate - create/make Publicity attention - внимание общественности Loyal fan bases - devoted fans Quality feedback - constructive criticism Facebook and Instagram are the most used social media apps The young minds are affected by social media Social media is the cause behind rising anxiety The world has become a smaller place with social media Technological advancement - технологический прогресс Facebook, Twitter, Instagram - social media Social media - digital era Virtual relationship Negative influence Mental Stress Rising anxiety
The use of social media is replacing face-to-face interaction among many people in society.
· Advantages: globally connect with old friends, relatives or with people who share common interests, study sessions are happening online · Disadvantages: fall prey to online communication abuse, downplay the importance of direct contact with other people in real life
Social media has deeply infiltrated into everyone’s life and is believed to be replacing our face-to-face interaction. This situation, although advantageous in certain aspects, is generally a detriment to true human communication in the long run. On the one hand, there are a number of benefits from using social networks to communicate. Firstly, they facilitate communication in the modern times as now people can globally connect with old friends and relatives or with others who share common interests. Secondly, study sessions are frequently happening on social networking websites through live streaming services. Therefore, learners around the world now can have free access to online classes on such sites. On the other hand, the disadvantages of social media replacing face-to-face interaction are much more concerning. As these sites are becoming more and more dominant and attract large numbers of new users every day, people can fall prey to online communication abuse, such as online bullying and harassment. In fact, social networking websites can become a toxic environment where users can be verbally assaulted because there are only a few rules, most of which are spoken rules rather than established guidlines that restrict hateful or abusive contents. Furthermore, overuse of social media to communicate can lead to people downplaying the importance of face-to-face interaction on which true human relationships thrive. Nowadays, many young and reclusive users prefer living in a virtual world on social sites than engaging in real-life relationships. This may have serious mental effects, such as increased stress, anxiety and loneliness. In conclusion, the downsides of social media replacing face-to-face interaction are more significant than the benefits users could reap from those sites.
Social media is becoming increasingly popular amongst all age groups. However, sharing personal information on social media websites does have risks.
Since the invention of social media, many people have been better able to connect with each other and also to keep up to date with the lives of their friends, families, co-workers and even celebrities, to such a degree which was previously impossible. However, social media has its risks. As people of all ages have access to social media, children can be exposed to adult content, and are themselves vulnerable to be approached by strangers with unknown intentions. Even if children are sure of who they're talking to on social media, social media's issues are not completely eliminated. Cyber bullying is frequently reported in the news, and occurs on social media between children and schoolchildren. This is problematic, as it means even when children are at home, remote from their bullies they can still be bullied when they're inside their own homes. Social media can be problematic for adults, too. People often feel comfortable posting things on social media that they wouldn't say in real life. This can indirectly cause a bad impression on other people, and if employers judge the nature of the content prospective employees post on social media to be inappropriate, it can affect their chances of attaining or keeping jobs. As long as people are aware of the risks of using social media, and are careful to post only respectful and respectable content, then the advantages of social media far outweigh the disadvantages, and children and adults alike should be allowed to benefit from such technology.