Ahead of his time. A severe northern character ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Ahead of his time In 1901, 136 years after Lomonosov's death, geology professor Vasily Dokuchaev, encountering one of the scientist's papers, said in amazement, "A long time ago, Lomonosov described in his research the theory I defended in my PhD dissertation, and he described it in a broader manner." There are other examples of how Lomonosov was ahead of his time. In 1761, he discovered that the planet Venus had an atmosphere, which he observed through a telescope. In 1754, after reviewing documents at the Academy of Sciences, he developed a working model of a proto-helicopter, a flying apparatus that could take off vertically with two propellers. And his corpuscular-kinetic theory of heat in many ways anticipated ideas of atoms that appeared one hundred years later, just like his theory on rotating spherical particles. A severe northern character According to contemporaries, he was not a quiet laboratory scientist. In his article on Lomonosov, Moscow State University docent Grigory Pruttskov wrote that Lomonosov ardently fought against German dominance at the Academy of Sciences while he was working there. Will Moscow State University become another Russian ‘Silicon Valley?’ Being one of the few Russians employed at the academy at the time, Lomonosov accused his German colleagues of bribery and incompetence. In 1743, Lomonosov allegedly "under the influence of wine vapors," barged into the geography department and reproached his colleagues for not knowing elementary Latin, calling them "trash" and even making "obscene signs with his fingers." Lomonosov was not afraid of showing his temper even during arguments with his influential patron Ivan Shuvalov, one of Elizabeth of Russia's favorites. Once Shuvalov, in the heat of an argument, yelled at the scientist, "I'll have you removed from the Academy!" Lomonosov proudly retorted, "If anything, it is the Academy that will be removed from me." Pushkin's enthusiasm for Lomonosov The man from the north had many foes, including in high society. Alexander Sumarokov, one of the most talented poets and playwrights of the time, was constantly at odds with Lomonosov. Their relations were so poor that after Lomonosov's death in 1765 from pneumonia, Sumarokov said that, "The fool has finally calmed down and won't make any more noise." But great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin, who was born after the scientist's death, had a completely different opinion of him. "Lomonosov was a great man. Between Peter I and Catherine II, he was the only advocate of Enlightenment. He established Russia's first university. Or better, he was our first university.
1. Why is Lomonosov often compared to Leonardo da Vinci? 2. Who founded Moscow University? 3. Was Lomonosov afraid of showing his temper? 4. How many Russians were at the academy in those times? 5. Why do we say that Lomonosov was ahead of his time?
What’s your opinion of Lomonosov as a scientist and a personality? Write 5 sentences or more.
Name several places in Saint Petersburg connected with Lomonosov. Find the information in the Internet.
Write true/false
1. Lomonosov studied in the USA. 2. Lomonosov translated poetry. 3. He discovered that Mars had an atmosphere. 4. He had a severe northern character. 5. Lomonosov fought against German dominance at the Academy of Sciences. 6. The man from the north had many friends. 7. Lomonosov developed a working model of a Quadro copter.