Passports of tour objectsPassports of tour objects Passport of the excursion object no. 1 Object name: Ivolga Gorodishche (Horodyshche Hun) Historical event: Ivolginsky settlement has long been known to the local Buryat population as Bur. Heated gazar — "the Chinese place". It was first described in 1927 By V. V. Popov together with V. P. Dunenko and A. F. Kobylkin. In 1928-1929, G. p. Sosnovsky investigated three dwellings that are semi-earthen, and in 1934 published a description and plan of the settlement. In 1949, as part of the Buryat-Mongolian archaeological expedition, the Ivolginsky detachment was organized, which in 1949-1950 made 18 excavations. An iron foundry, 22 dwellings, and a large ground-level building were found. In 1955, an expedition of the Leningrad University led by A.V. Davydova discovered a burial ground 800 meters northeast of the settlement. 216 graves were excavated. In 1973-1974, under the leadership of E. A. Khamzina, a continuous certification of monuments was carried out, and the Ivolginsky complex was put on state registration. As of 2012, the settlement has been explored by about a third.
The settlement lasted for almost two centuries and was destroyed presumably in the middle of the first century ad as a result of a military attack. Location: the Archaeological complex is located in the Ivolginsky district of the Republic of Buryatia, 15 km southwest of the city center of Ulan-Ude. Description of the monument: The settlement was a strong fortress of the square form with a size of 340 x 340 m. The area of the fortification was 11.5 ha. On the outside of the fortress walls were "shingle concrete", on the inside - from thick wooden planks. The settlement was fortified by a strong defensive belt consisting of four ramparts separated by ditches. The inhabitants of the city were engaged in hunting, fishing, cattle breeding, agriculture and crafts — blacksmithing, metallurgy, weapons, pottery, bone-cutting. The city was densely populated, and its inhabitants ' homes and craft workshops were located very close to each other, forming streets, residential and industrial blocks. The settlement had a cross layout. Residential buildings (a total of 54 buildings were excavated) were square in shape with sides from 3 to 7 meters, with a floor depression in the ground up to 1 m, covered with multi-layer gable roofs, walls and floor were covered with clay. The entrance was located in the Southeast corner of the South wall. The dwellings were heated by a hearth constructed of stone slabs. The furnace was located opposite the entrance, in the northeast corner. Along the North and West walls ran a chimney, also built of stone slabs and ending in a chimney in the South-West corner. In the center of the city was the largest rectangular house measuring 15 x 11.5 m. The structure was completely ground-based, made of mud walls more than 1 meter thick. The heating and heating system was the same as in other dwellings. Most likely, it was the home of the ruler of the fortress. The settlement lasted for almost two centuries and was destroyed presumably in the middle of the first century ad as a result of a military attack. Sources of information about the monument: * Gumilev L. N. " Hunnu» • Davydov A. V. Ivolga Gorodishche. Archaeological monuments of Xiongnu, issue 1. - Saint Petersburg: Asiatica Foundation, 1995. - 287 p. • Davydov A. V. the Ivolga cemetery. Archaeological monuments of Xiongnu, issue 2. - Saint Petersburg: Petersburg Oriental studies, 1996. - 176 p. * Davydova A.V., Minyaev S. S. Artistic bronze of Xiongnu. Archaeological sites of the Hsiung-nu, vol. 6. Saint Petersburg: "GAMAS", 2008. • S. V. Danilov. Cities in nomadic societies of Central Asia / Executive editor: P. B. Konovalov. - Publishing house of the Buryat scientific center SB RAS. - Ulan-Ude, 2004. - P. 35-37. - 202 p — - ISBN 5-7925-0156-4. * History Of Ulan-Ude [Ed. advice: Aidaev G. A., Tuchkov S. M., Naguslaeva T. M., Nomogoeva V. V., Matveeva A. I.]. - Kemerovo: Kuzbassvuzidat, 2012. - P. 13-17 * Konovalov P. B. Hunnu in Transbaikalia (funerary monuments). - Ulan-Ude: Buryat book publishing house, 1976. 248 p. • Kradin N. N. The Empire Of The Huns. Vladivostok: Dalnauka, 1996. 164 p. 2nd ed. pererab. and add. M.: Logos, 2001/2002. 312 p. * Lbova L. V., Khamzina E. A. Antiquities of Buryatia: map of archaeological monuments. - Ulan-Ude, 1999. * Historical and cultural Atlas of Buryatia. - Moscow: CPI " Design. Information. Cartography", 2001. * Tourist guide "Baikal". - Moscow: VIZA publishing house, 2011. p. 113 • Travel guide "Tourism and recreation in Buryatia". - Irkutsk: publishing house " Time of wanderings, 2011. p. 50. Sources of information: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%98%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B3%D0%B8%D0%BD%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B5_%D0%B3%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%B8%D1%89%D0%B5#%D0%A1%D0%BE%D0%B2%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B5_%D1%81%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%8F%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5 Preservation of the monument: the Hunnic settlement is in poor condition Object protection: protected by the Federal state of Russia Date of drawing up the card: 03.04.2020