Nature & EnvironmentСтр 1 из 4Следующая ⇒
Speaking practice ОГЭ-2020 Заказывайте пособие «Диалоги и монологи»! https://vk.com/ege2020english или e - mail: song.pesnya@list.ru Nature & Environment Electronic assistant:Do you take an interest in nature? Student:Yes, of course. As a city person, I have an opportunity to experience the natural environment. When I have holidays, I really prefer to go to the far-off destination, so I could get closer to the nature and discover the natural world. Electronic assistant:Howdo you understand the phrase “environmental pollution”? Student: In my opinion, environmental pollution is spread (распространение) of toxic chemicals and harmful pollutants (вредных загрязняющих веществ) into the habitats of the world. Electronic assistant:What different forms of pollution do you know of? Student: There are actually some different kinds of pollution including air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution and soil pollution.
Electronic assistant: What do you think causes environmental pollution? Student: I think that smoke from factories, industrial waste, emission of gases (выброс газов) from cars, buses, lorries, planes, burning things (household waste) and aerosol or spray cans are common causes environmental pollution. Even home appliances (бытовая техника) such as fridges produce a gas, which is harmful for the ozone layer in the atmosphere. Electronic assistant:What harm does pollution do to the environment? Student: To my knowledge, pollution impacts the health of people and animals, damages trees and plants and impacts on waterways including rivers, lakes and oceans. Electronic assistant:Do you or your family take steps to help the environment? Student: As a rule, we always turn off lights or electronic appliances when they are unnecessary. I often walk or cycle instead drive, use public transportation, never burn household waste and choose items with minimal packaging. Although this is minor action, but I believe that it could make significantly contribution to the environment. Electronic assistant: How does your family try to save energy? Student: As far as I know, my family uses energy saving bulbs (энергосберегающие лампы) and turns off lights when the members of my family aren’t in the room. Electronic assistant: Have you ever taken part in any ecological projects in school? Student: I have taken part in ecological projects. My classmates and I planted trees, collected rubbish near our school and we became bike activists. Electronic assistant: How important are ecologically friendly technologies? Student: In my opinion solar power, wind power and hydroelectricity are very important resources to replace traditional energy resources. These kinds of energy are important as clean and inexpensive energy to easy produce.