Text №2. Hurricanes ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Text №2. Hurricanes A hurricane is a powerful storm which rotates around its center. The central part of a hurricane is called the eye.The eye is usually 10 to 40 miles in diameter and is free of rain and large clouds. The band of tall, dark clouds surrounding the eye is called the eye wall. The rotating wind of the hurricane is incredibly strong and reaches the speed of 119 km per hour. It has a counterclockwisedirection. A hurricane also contains rain, thunder and lightning. Hurricanes are formed over in the warm oceans near the Equator. These hurricanes are called tropical cyclones. If a hurricane is formed in the western Pacific Ocean, it is called a typhoon. Hurricanes move from the ocean to the coast and cause huge waves, which together with violent wind can bring about extensive destruction. But hardly it reaches the land, it weakens as it is warm water that fuels a hurricane. On the same reason hurricanes are never born in the cold oceans.
The Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean is from June,1 till November, 30. The Hurricane season in the Eastern Pacific Ocean is from May,15 till November, 30. Since 1950, all storms have been given names. The first human name was given to the Hurricane Alice in 1953. Usually the storms were given female names, the first male name was Bob (1979). Questions: 1. What is a hurricane? 2. In what direction does a hurricane rotate? 3. What is a called a typhoon? 4. Which way do hurricanes travel? 5. When do hurricanes occur?
TASKS (задания) за 20.03.20 (пятница) 1. Read and learn nature vocabulary (do task in learningapps https://learningapps.org/myapps.php?displayfolder=2325455 / https://learningapps.org/display?v=pzdfmn04320 ) 2. Do grammar exercises 3. Read the text and write answers to the questions (in full sentences) 4. Using new vocabulary write your own short text Ответы высылать на почту mglinina@bk.ru NB! Задания высылаются для занятий согласно расписанию!!!