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Music. Questions


Music is always around us. We can hear it everywhere: in the streets, over the radio, on TV, at the cinema, at the theatre, in the shops and in the parks, in restaurants and cafes.  Everyone can find a tune that is pleasant to his heart and hearing.  Music is  perhaps the greatest and most beautiful art in the history of the mankind! Nothing can better express the essence of a person, like music. Music is a means and a way to transmit emotions and feelings. It’s a wonderful gift given to the mankind.

Music beneficially affects our  cerebral cortex, helps to cope with depression and stress, to relax and to remove tension. It reflects our mood and emotions. It appeals to our hearts and transforms our feelings. When you listen to your favorite melody it cheers up and evokes  good thoughts. And as we know, positive thinking is the key to the health of  organism  in the whole. There are different kinds of music: folk music, it’s performed by choirs and folk groups. Classical music is often associated with the past.  Rock is a prestigious music direction  among young people. But specialists consider that rock music causes a stress reaction. This music is destroying. Heavy metal is aggressive and energetic, it’s good in gymnasiums, where people tense up physically. But in life it’s better to prefer mellow tunes with good poetry or classical music. Classical music puts emotions, feelings and sensations in order. Classical music is able to eliminate depression and stress, helps avoid   sadness.
Pop music is popular with 90% of young people. It can be catchy and overwhelming. Spiritual and sacred music is calm and gives peace to people’s souls.

            As for my preferences in music, I like listening to different kinds of music. First of all I  am not against classical music. When I listen to classical music it pictures in my mind beautiful landscapes, and my favorite seasons. I find it tuneful and amazing. I think jazz is very complicated because it’s a mixture of many different kinds of music. I hate rubbish music. It irritates me. What music I like to listen depends on my mood. I also like having background music while I am working.


tune [tjuːn]– мелодия, тон

hearing- слух

perhaps [pəˈhæps]– вероятно

 mankind – человечество

express – выражать

transmit– передавать

essence [esns] сущность

beneficially [benɪˈfɪʃəlɪ]– благотворно

affect [əˈfekt] – влиять, воздействовать

cerebral cortex [‘serɪbrəl ‘kɔːteks]– кора головного мозга

cope with – справляться с…

remove [rɪˈmuːv]– удалять, снимать

 tension [tenʃn] – напряжение

reflect–  отражать

cheer up– подбодрить, поднять настроение

appeal to – взывать к…

mellow [ˈmeləu]/calm – спокойный

folk [fəuk]– народ, народный

evoke– пробуждать, будить

choir [ˈkwaɪə]– хор

tense up [tens ʌp] – напрячься

 eliminate [ɪˈlɪmɪneɪt] – устранять, ликвидировать

prestigious [preˈstɪʤəs] – престижный

direction– направление

put in oder– приводить в порядок

avoid – избежать

catchy– легкий

 overwhelming [əuvə’welmɪŋ] /catching– захватывающий

 spiritual [ˈspɪrɪtjʊəl] – духовный

sacred  [ˈseɪkrɪd]– священный

picture in smb’s mind– рисовать в чьем-то воображении

 rubbish– дурацкий

irritate– раздражать

depend on– зависеть от

mood– настроение

background music– фоновая музыка



1. Where can we hear music?

2. Do all people  like music?

3. Why is music the greatest art?

4. Why is music a wonderful gift?

5. How does music influence us?

6. What does it reflect and appeal to?

7. How do favorite melodies affect you?

8. What can you say about different kinds of music?(classical, rock, jazz, pop, folk, heavy metal, spiritual, sacred)

9. What music do the youngsters like?

10. What is positive and negative about some kinds of music?

11. What music do you prefer listening? Why?

12. What music do you not like? Why?




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