Questions 27-31. Questions 37-38Questions 27-31 The reading Passage has seven paragraphs A-G. Which paragraph contains the following information? Write the correct letter A-G, in boxes 27-30 on your answer sheet. 27 The reason why competence of super memory is significant in academic settings 28 Mention of a contest for extraordinary memory held in consecutive years 29 An demonstrative example of extraordinary person did an unusual recalling game 30 A belief that extraordinary memory can be gained though enough practice 31 A depiction of rare ability which assist the extraordinary memory reactions Questions 32-36 Complete the following summary of the paragraphs of Reading Passage, than three words from the Reading Passage for each answer. Write your aunssiwnge rns oin m ore boxes 32-36 on your answer sheet. Using visual imagery and spatial navigation to remember numbers are investigated and explained. A man called Ed Cooke in a pub, spoke a string of odd words when he held 7 of the spades (the first one of the any cards group) was remembered as he encoded it to a 32________ and the card deck to memory are set to be one time of a order of 33interpreted the imaginary scene into cards. This superior memory skill can be traced back to Ancient Greece, the strategy was called 35 ________which had been an major subject was in ancient 36________ . Questions 37-38 Choose TWO correct letter, A-E Write your answers in boxes 37-38 on your answer sheet. According to World Memory Championships, what activities need good memory? A order for a large group of each digit B recall people’s face C resemble a long Greek poem D match name with pictures and features E recall what people ate and did yesterday Questions 39-40 Choose TWO correct letter, A-E Write your answers in boxes 39-40 on your answer sheet. SWchanat e ixsp tehrei mreesnutl tf ionfd P osyucth? ologists Elizabeth Valentine and John Wilding‘s MRI A the champions ‘ brains is different in some way from common people B difference in brain of champions’ scan image to control subjects are shown when memorizing sequences of three-digit numbersC champions did much worse when they are asked to remember photographs D the memory-champs activated more brain regions than control subjects E there is some part in the brain coping with visual and spatial memory