What is the cope and framework of media education?What is the cope and framework of media education? In the Russian pedagogical encyclopedia, media education is understood as a special direction in pedagogy that advocates the study by schoolchildren and students of the laws of mass communication. A.V. Fedorov suggests media education to be understood as “the process of education and development of a person using and on the material of mass media with the aim of creating a culture of communication with the media, creative, communicative abilities, critical thinking, interpretation, analysis and evaluation of media texts, teaching various forms of self-expression using media technology. Media education means giving each youngster the ability to understand the situation in which he stands when he is the target of media-related messages. It means making person able to be an active media reader, listener or viewer capable of appropriating a maximum of original information from all kind of media-related documents, and especially audiovisual documents. Up to now, school education has been essentially based on writing and speaking. The part played by images is still of second importance. Yet, according to experts, the audiovisual image can really be used as a technology at the service of intellect, insofar as students had found at school the opportunity to learn about actual knowledge on sounds and images. Thanks to multimedia informatics advancements, images are likely to be more at the service of intellect Getting a better knowledge of image’s language will allow to improve its use as an original tool serving communication, expression and thought. Which lessons, subjects, and activities are concerned by media education ? If media education concerns every child, it also concerns every subject. Indeed, it has to complement the specific objectives and learning activities required by each academic discipline. At elementary school Media education can be used in every kind of lesson and turned into a privileged moment : a workshop about media, or a cooperative work with the different academic grades on a common subject, and so on. Media education is therefore the perfect tool for early learning games, artistic development, language awareness, but also for mathematics, religion or ethics. This leaflet is punctuated with practical exemplifications in order to illustrate some model of accomplishments. At secondary school Every subject is related to television, radio and media, and each teacher has the possibility to make reference to it if necessary. Mother language, History, social sciences, foreign languages, ethics or religion lessons are closely linked to media education. However, it is also the case for artistic fields, economic sciences or scientific lessons. Regarding vocational and technical education, media education could either be an appropriate tool for technology lessons. In addition, media education and education through media should engender numerous, as well as diversified, interdisciplinary activities. It should fuel group works, documentary research, worshops, debates, think tanks, or school projects. Through its content and objectives, media education must continue to create links between subject matters and trainings too often isolated.