I first told Josh Adams, agent extraordinaire, that I wanted to write a Star Wars book on December 3, 2014, at approximately 9:03 AM (which is when I e-mailed him a really vague proposal). He called not ten minutes later, very excited, and has remained my staunchest supporter throughout. Emily Meehan and Michael Siglain matched that early enthusiasm and never left me hanging while we waited for updates (which goes a long way to maintaining an author’s sanity, I have to say). MaryAnn Zissimos sent me that GIF of Mark Hamill with a cat when I needed it the most. Jennifer Heddle is an editor I’d hoped to work with, AND I GOT TO. She is amazing. (My Star Wars spelling is terrible, you guys. I had to double-check “Hamill” just now. But Jen got me through all of that and even more, because: see above re: amazing.) I can’t believe I get to thank Pablo Hidalgo, Dave Filoni, and the rest of the Lucasfilm Story Group, but here we all are. They know so much, and they take everything so seriously, and that is just so great. Also, I made them laugh! Twice! (Sorry about that thing with the [redacted for spoilers].) Finally, I need to thank all the people I COULDN’T tell about this book: Emma, Colleen, Faith, and Laura, who usually read everything I write; Friend-Rachel and Cécile, who I flat out ignored for most of March because I couldn’t take it anymore (we’ll talk about Rebels when I’ve calmed down, I promise!); my whole family (though I think I could have told my dad everything and he STILL would have thought I was talking about Star Trek ); but most important, my brother EJ, who got me into this mess in the first place.