ЗАКАЗЫВАЙТЕ!. International tourism. In the last few decades there has been a significant increase in the number of opportunities for international travel, with more transport routes and cheaper fares.. There are undoubtedly benefits flowing from this gro ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 ЗАКАЗЫВАЙТЕ! 1. Банк тематических аргументов для написания Эссе - 38 тем (300 страниц). 2. Перефразирование темы эссе в первом абзаце (206 вариантов) и перечень синонимов для написания эссе. https://vk.com/ege2020english e - mail: song.pesnya@list.ru
International tourism
In the last few decades there has been a significant increase in the number of opportunities for international travel, with more transport routes and cheaper fares. There are undoubtedly benefits flowing from this growth in international tourism. People now have a greater awareness of other cultures than was the case even one generation ago. Travelling widely to enjoy such things as the art, customs and cuisine of different countries used to be the preserve of the wealthy classes. Now even the less well-off have access to them.
There are, however, drawbacks associated with this level of mobility. Firstly, a number of resorts, even whole countries, have so many tourists that the culture and environment are severely damaged. For example, traditional crafts are replaced by the manufacturing of cheap trinkets and local singing and dancing are packaged for tourist consumption. Because tourists stay for only a short time they often don’t care if they behave badly or litter the streets. Secondly, although the hospitality industry does bring employment, it tends to be precarious because much of it is seasonal, with long periods of the year offering no work. The income from tourism is unevenly distributed, with a small number of big businesses (e.g. property developers) making a lot of money but the majority of people working for low wages as waiters or guides. Related to this is the fact that money spent by tourists is seldom retained by the local economy: profits are frequently taken out by multinational corporations. Finally, international travel adds to greenhouse gases, leading to harmful climate change.
In my view, despite the advantages of travel to both tourists and host countries, these do not compensate for the damage inflicted on the environment, social structures and individuals by mass tourism.