Answer the following questions. Ответьте на вопросы. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 5. Answer the following questions. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. What is Moscow? Центр России столица. 2. What do you know about the origin of Moscow? Основана в 1147 году. 3. What is the most famous and official date of the foundation of Moscow? 1147 год. 4. Who was the founder of our Capital? Иван Калита. 5. Why did that little town grow so rapidly? Москва центр промышленности, старейших университетов. 6. When did the first fortified wall appear?С конца 16 века появились укреплённые стены. 7. How do the roads to the other towns of our country, leading from the Kremlin look like? 8. What happened in 1812? Отечественная война против Наполеона. 9. What changes in the fate of Moscow do you know? Коронация всех царей и императриц. 10 When was the Kremlin being a wooden fort erected? В 1156 году. 6. Agree or disagree. Согласитесь или не согласитесь с высказываниями. 1. The names of the Tsar Mosokh and his wife Kva were combined into the word Moskva. Согласен. 2. Yury Dolgoruky founded Moscow on the site of the Prince Svyatoslav Olgovich possessions. 3. Craftsmen and traders settled in the trading quarter, called Beliy Gorod. 4. In the 17th century Moscow lost its pre–eminence in favor of the northern capital St. Petersburg. Согласен. 5. Moscow was set ablaze by the army of Tatars in 1812. It was set on fire by the French and Napoleon.