Food. Eating Habits. Dieting. Healthy LifestyleFood. Eating Habits. Dieting. Healthy Lifestyle Articles for reading: · What is healthy eating? https://www.helpguide.org/articles/healthy-eating/healthy-eating.htm · What’s the difference between vegans and vegetarians? https://www.plantbasednews.org/opinion/whats-the-difference-between-being-vegan-and-vegetarian · Kitchen Confidential: The Health and Social Benefits of Home-Cooked Meals https://www.fix.com/blog/perks-of-home-cooked-meals/ · The Five Food Groups https://www.eatforhealth.gov.au/food-essentials/five-food-groups · 10 Processed Foods to Avoid https://www.healthline.com/health/food-nutrition/processed-foods-to-avoid · Why Is Junk Food So Addictive? https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/50486/why-junk-food-so-addictive · 12 Types of Meat and Their Benefits https://www.nutritionadvance.com/types-of-meat/
Vocabulary Key definitions: The conflicting nutrition: the black-and-white theme of food To stick to healthy diet: to follow the diet and the rules Strict limitations: to cut down something severely To deprive somebody of something: to limit somebody with something To boost someone’s mood: to raise one’s spirit up To feel overwhelmed: to feel shocked Nutrients: vitamins and useful ingredients that enrich your organism Dietary pattern: meal plan Cognitive function: work of brain Animal products: products that are produced from animals Wreck your diet: to wreck Trim one’s wasteline: becoming slimer To lose weight: to lose extra kilograms To be vital: to be important for life To deplete: to produce digestive system: system of organs that help you to enrich your organism with vitamins Composition of food Starches (крахмал) Sugar Salts Balance of minerals: Protein Fat Fiber Calcium Magnesium vitamin D Vitamin K Unrefined carbs saturated fat obesity cancer
Diseases: kidney disease heart disease heart stroke and diabetes osteoporosis anxiety depression sleep difficulties (insomnia) uncomfortable feelings nauseous feelings (feeling sick) to feel drained of energy (lack of energy) feeling dehydrated (lack of water) tiredness low energy headache to feel thirsty (wish of drinking) a mindless overeating high blood pressure Process of eating To think that food as nourishment To gulp down (заглотить на бегу) To chaw To swallow (глотать) To gnaw (грызть) To peck (at) (клевать) To gorge (жадно есть) Ways of cooking To grate cheese To peel potatoes To knead dough To sift flour To toss a pancake To mash potatoes To grill meat To steam vegetables To boil eggs To squeeze oranges for juice To chop pineapple Crockery Teapot Plate bowl Grater Chopping board Measuring cup Frying pan Cooker/ pressure cooker Steak hammer Ladle Spatula Whisk Types of meat Pork (Bacon, ham, hot dogs, jamon, prosciutto, salami, sausages)