Student media projects as an innovative form of digital technology in higher education
Ann Tsepkova, МК/м-18-1-о Speech Student media projects as an innovative form of digital technology in higher education 1st slide Good morning, everyone. For those who do not know me, I am Ann Tsepkova. I am a 2nd year student of a master degree course in mediacommunication. Today I would like to present our research devoted to Student media projects as an innovative form of digital technology in higher education As I go through the presentation, I will be addressing 3 main points and the 1st one is going to be about the necessity of the problem being researched. The 2nd point will be about our media projects. And finally, the last point I would like to devote to preparatory stage of the study and conclusions. The presentation should last about 5 minutes. After that you can ask me any questions. 2d slide I would like to start with the question: how can student projects become an innovative form in the system of higher education? Today, with the informatization of society in modern pedagogical research, special attention is paid to the concept of media among young people. The use of modern information technology is becoming an important need for future professionals. The relevance of our study is due to the following contradictions presented on the slide, which allow us to identify the research problem as the lack of theoretical and practical issues in the study area. 3d slide The purpose of the study is the implementation of the process of forming creative skills and abilities of students of SevSU when creating their own projects. 4th slide Object of study: the educational process of the higher education system. Subject of research: the development of media literacy among students through the creation of their own media projects 5th slide We understand by media education project that this is a particular form of implementation of project technology, originating in the project method. During the implementation of projects, students acquire active communicative skills. The main thing is independent creativity, purposeful activity of the individual, "learning by doing." Students from various fields (journalists, advertising and public relations, media communication, linguists, political scientists) actively participated in our projects. 6th slide The first I would like to present our media project Russia Tomorrow - a political review of important events in a blogging form in foreign languages. A feature of this media project is the presence of a sarcastic block that expresses the opinion of students. This project is issued in English, Ukrainian, German and Russian. 7th slide In addition to the news project, we decided to create the SevSU Rofl entertainment media project to consider how this format of the media project differs from the Russia Tomorrow format. 8th slide To better understand the audience, we conducted an online survey on Google forms, which was attended by 111 respondents (57 men and 53 women) in the age group under 18 and over 60. We asked respondents what topics they are most interested in and which social networks they prefer . 9th slide Considering the Russia Tomorrow project, the survey results were as follows. The format of the project was not very clear to our respondents, so the largest number of answers was for rating 3. The technical component was slightly better and got rating 4. 10th slide In comparison with the results of the SevSU Rofl project, this project received positive ratings than RT. We can assume that the age group of respondents was from 18 to 39 years old, therefore this format and technical aspects are closer to them. 11th slide Thank you for your attention!