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Feelings and Emotions. Psychology. Self development. Books and Reading. Self Help. Life Long Learning.

Feelings and Emotions. Psychology. Self development. Books and Reading. Self Help. Life Long Learning.

I. Vocabulary list:

Feelings and emotions

A acceptance
admiration adoration
affection afraid
aggravation aggressive
agitation agony
agreeable alarm
alienation amazement
amusement anger
angry anguish
annoyance anticipation
anxiety apprehension
assertive assured
astonishment attachment
attraction awe
B beleaguered
bewitched bitterness
bliss blue
boredom C
calculating calm
capricious caring
cautious charmed
cheerful closeness
compassion complacent
compliant composed
conceited concerned
contempt content
contentment crabby
crazed crazy
cross cruel
D defeated
defiance delighted
dependence depressed
desire disappointment
disapproval discontent
disenchanted disgust
disillusioned dislike
dismay displeasure
dissatisfied distraction
distress disturbed
dread E
eager earnest
easy-going ecstasy
ecstatic elation
embarrassment emotion
emotional enamored
enchanted enjoyment
enraged enraptured
enthralled enthusiasm
envious envy
equanimity euphoria
exasperation excited
exhausted extroverted
exuberant F
fascinated fatalistic
fear fearful
ferocity flummoxed
flustered fondness
fright frightened
frustration furious
fury G
generous glad
gloating gloomy
glum greedy
grief grim
grouchy grumpy
guilt H
happiness happy
harried homesick
hopeless horror
hostility humiliation
hurt hysteria
I infatuated
insecurity insulted
interested introverted
irritation isolation
J jaded
jealous jittery
jolliness jolly
joviality joy
jubilation K
keen kind
kindhearted kindly
L laid back
lazy like
liking loathing
loneliness lonely
longing love
lulled lust
M mad
merry misery
modesty mortification
N naughty
neediness neglected
nervous nirvana
O open
optimism ornery
outgoing outrage
P panic
passion passive
peaceful pensive
pessimism pity
placid pleased
pride proud
pushy Q
quarrelsome queasy
querulous quick-witted
quiet quirky
R rage
rapture rejection
relief relieved
remorse repentance
resentment resigned
revulsion roused
S sad
sadness sarcastic
sardonic satisfaction
scared scorn
self-assured self-congratulatory
self-satisfied sentimentality
serenity shame
shock smug
sorrow sorry
spellbound spite
stingy stoical
stressed subdued
submission suffering
surprise sympathy
T tenderness
tense terror
threatening thrill
timidity torment
tranquil triumphant
trust U
uncomfortable unhappiness
unhappy upset
V vain
vanity venal
vengeful vexed
vigilance vivacious
W wary
watchfulness weariness
weary woe
wonder worried
wrathful Z
zeal zest


1. cognition

the psychological result of perception and reasoning

2. cognitive psychology

an approach to psychology that emphasizes internal mental processes

3. developmental psychology

the branch of psychology that studies the social and mental development of children

4. experimental psychology

the branch of psychology that uses experimental methods to study psychological issues

5. industrial psychology

any of several branches of psychology that seek to apply psychological principles to practical problems of education or industry or marketing etc.

6. phobia

an anxiety disorder characterized by irrational fear

7. normal distribution

a theoretical distribution with finite mean and variance

8. correlation coefficient

a statistic representing how closely two variables co-vary

9. dependent variable

a quantity whose value depends on another quantity

10. independent variable

a value that does not depend on changes in other values

11. informed consent

consent by a patient to undergo a medical or surgical treatment or to participate in an experiment after the patient understands the risks involved

12. hypothesis

a tentative insight that is not yet verified or tested

13. placebo

an innocuous or inert medication

14. standard deviation

the square root of the variance

15. altruism

the quality of unselfish concern for the welfare of others

16. catharsis

purging of emotional tensions

17. conflict

an open clash between two opposing groups

18. conformity

correspondence in form, type, or appearance

19. credibility

the quality of being believable or trustworthy

20. deception

a misleading falsehood

21. displacement

the act of taking the position of another

22. frustration

an act of hindering someone's plans or efforts

23. heuristic

a commonsense rule to help solve some problem

24. hypothesis

a tentative insight that is not yet verified or tested

25. individualism

the quality of being a single thing or person

26. informed consent

consent by a patient to undergo a medical or surgical treatment or to participate in an experiment after the patient understands the risks involved

27. obedience

the trait of being willing to obey

28. persuasion

communication intended to induce belief or action

29. self-esteem

a feeling of pride in yourself

30. self-serving

interested only in yourself

31. schizophrenia

a psychotic disorder characterized by distortions of reality

32. psychological disorder

a psychological disorder of thought or emotion

33. lobotomy

surgery on nerves to and from the frontal lobe of the brain

34. behaviorism

an approach to psychology that emphasizes observable measurable behavior

35. problem solving

the thought processes involved in solving a problem

36. psychopathology

the branch of psychology concerned with abnormal behavior

37. animal psychology

the branch of psychology concerned with the behavior of animals

38. applied psychology

any of several branches of psychology that seek to apply psychological principles to practical problems of education or industry or marketing etc.

39. behaviourism

an approach to psychology that emphasizes observable measurable behavior

40. cognitive psychology

an approach to psychology that emphasizes internal mental processes

41. psychodynamics

the interrelation of conscious and unconscious processes and emotions that determine personality and motivation

42. psycholinguistics

the branch of cognitive psychology that studies the psychological basis of linguistic competence and performance

43. reflexology

the study of reflex action as it relates to the behavior of organisms

44. introvert

a person who tends to shrink from social contacts

45. stress

a state of mental or emotional strain or suspense

46. delusion

an erroneous belief held in the face of contrary evidence

47. inhibition\suppression

the conscious exclusion of unacceptable thoughts or desires

48. reinforcement

a stimulus that strengthens the behavior that produced it

49. sublimation

making the expression of an impulse socially acceptable

50. ambiversion

(psychology) a balanced disposition intermediate between extroversion and introversion

51. anima

the inner self that is in touch with the unconscious

52. clinician

a practitioner who works directly with patients

53. double bind

an unresolvable dilemma

54. extravert

(psychology) a person concerned more with practical realities than with inner thoughts and feelings

55. generalization

transfer of a learned response to a similar stimulus

56. habit

an automatic pattern of behavior in reaction to a situation

57. image\persona

a personal facade that one presents to the world

58. introjection

(psychology) unconscious internalization of aspects of the world (especially aspects of persons) within the self in such a way that the internalized representation takes over the psychological functions of the external objects

59. law of effect

(psychology) the principle that behaviors are selected by their consequences; behavior having good consequences tends to be repeated whereas behavior that leads to bad consequences is not repeated

60. mental condition

(psychology) a mental condition in which the qualities of a state are relatively constant even though the state itself may be dynamic

61. mental process

the performance of some composite cognitive activity

62. mental state

(psychology) a mental condition in which the qualities of a state are relatively constant even though the state itself may be dynamic

63. mental\nervous strain

(psychology) nervousness resulting from mental stress

64. perceptual constancy

(psychology) the tendency for perceived objects to give rise to very similar perceptual experiences in spite of wide variations in the conditions of observation

65. psychotic belief

(psychology) an erroneous belief that is held in the face of evidence to the contrary

66. reinforcer

(psychology) a stimulus that strengthens or weakens the behavior that produced it

67. sensitization

the process of becoming highly responsive to situations

68. tenseness

a state of mental or emotional strain or suspense

69. tension

a state of mental or emotional strain or suspense

70. superego

that part of the unconscious mind that acts as a conscience

71. daze

confusion characterized by lack of clarity

72. trance

a psychological state induced by a magical incantation

73. nirvana

the beatitude that transcends the cycle of reincarnation

74. euphoria

a feeling of great elation

75. mania

an irrational but irresistible motive for a belief or action

76. dysphoria

abnormal depression and discontent

77. anxiety

a vague unpleasant emotion in anticipation of a misfortune

78. hysteria

state of violent mental agitation

79. deja vu

the experience of thinking a new situation already occurred

80. aphasia

inability to use language because of a brain lesion

81. amnesia

partial or total loss of memory

Books and reading

  • to be engrossed in: to be completely focused on one thing
  • bedtime reading: something to read in bed before you go to sleep
  • to be a big reader: someone who reads a lot
  • to be based on: to use as a modal
  • to be heavy-going: difficult to read
  • the central character: the main person in a film or book
  • a classic: of the highest quality
  • to come highly recommended: to be praised by another person
  • couldn’t put it down: wasn’t able to stop reading a book
  • an e-book: a digital book
  • an e-reader: a device for reading e-books
  • to flick through: to look quickly through a book
  • to get a good/bad review: to receive positive or negative feedback
  • hardback: a book with a rigid cover
  • paperback: a book with a flexible cover
  • a historical novel: a story set in the past
  • a page turner: a book that you want to keep reading
  • plot: the main events in a film or book
  • to read something from cover to cover: to read a book from the first page to the last
  • sci-fi: science fiction
  • to take out (a book from the library): to borrow a book from the library
  • to tell the story of: to outline the details of someone’s life or an event

Self help


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