EMERGENCY CARD. about infectious diseases, food, acute professional poisoning, unusual reaction for vaccinations ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3
NCAD code OKPO code of establishment _________________
The Ministry of Health and Social Development Medial documentation of the Russian Federation ________Genesis_________________ Registration form № 058 / r Name of medical establishment Approved by order of the Health Ministry of Russia from 04.10.80 №1030
EMERGENCY CARD about infectious diseases, food, acute professional poisoning, unusual reaction for vaccinations
1. Diagnosis Chronic Gastritis . approved by the laboratory: yes, no (underline)
2. Surname, name, father´s name Ivanovic Mariah Alexandra 3. Sex F . 4. Age(for children up to 14 years-date of birth) __45 years____ __________________________________________________________________ 5. Address, settlement_________Simferopol_____________ district street ________Recchigi _____ house N ____5a___ flat N__23____ __________________________________________________________________ (individual, common, communal, write down)
6. Name and place of work(study, children´s establishment) ____________________Market ______________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 7. Dates of: Disease ________02/03/2015___________________________________ consultation(revealed) _____________________________ establishment of diagnosis Chronic Gastritis, acute stage last attendance to children´s establishment, school __________________________________________________________________ hospitalization _____________________Yes_____________________
reversible side of form N 058/u
8. Place of hospitalization _____________Genesis__________________ 9. If poisoning, indicate, where it took place, by which the victim was poisoned______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 10. Conduction of primary antiepidemiological measures and filling the document____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 11. Date and hour of first signalization(on telephone and other)in Russian consumer supervision ___________________02/03/2015________13:00pm_______________________
Surname of the doctor-informer __Irubor _ Who received the information_______________
12. Date and hour of sending notification__02/03/2015 13:00pm _
Signature of the doctor- informer________Irubor__
Registration N _____________ in register f. N _____________________ of Russian consumer supervision.
Signature of recipient of the notification_________
Appointed by medical personnel, in any circumstance of infectious disease, food, poisoning, acute professional poisoning or its suspicion and also in case of change in the diagnosis, it is sent to Russian consumer supervision from where such a patient is found before 12 hours from the moment of its detection. In case of informing about change in a diagnosis in point 1 of the card, indicate the changed diagnosis, date of establishment of the diagnosis and the first diagnosis. This card is also used in case of bites , scratch, licking by domestic or wild animals, followed by examine as it is suspicious for having rabies.